Mind is in Control

Nov 06, 2012

I was really struggling with some of my food choices and so I cleaned up my choices. Even with that effort I was still pretty high in calories and hungry! Another OH member (Melissa) suggested a carb detox and she inspired me to change my meal plan choices even more and Im so grateful. She inspired me to look at my food choices a bit more suggesting other options. This has made such a difference :) At first my body was fighting it and telling my head this is crazy you are hungrgy-more food!!!I was getting really discouraged and posted on the VSG forum which I had avoided bcuz I got judgy comments before. But I put myself out there and received some great support and advice. I was so touched that others on this website cared enough to respond and helped me with my gloomy feeling.

Something just clicked and all of a sudden my mind start getting control over my body cravings. It was tough but for the last couple of days it has worked. I went from 1200+ calories to at about 850 calories per day. I really appreciate my mind getting it together and helping out my body with all these cravings I was having. I dont know how I will deal with ref. carbs during maintenance but for now Im ok with keeping them at bay. I now believe I can do this!!!!! :)



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May 04, 2012
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