125 & Holding...

Jan 29, 2007

Wow -- first of all, I LOVE my new profile!  Thanks to my wonderful July board friend for fixing it up for me!  YOU my dear, are THE BEST!!

I can't believe it's been such a long time since I updated this thing.  I am currently about 18 months out and below goal.  WOW  This journey has been an incredible one.  I feel like a million bucks!  When people hear my story, the first thing they ask is "Would you do it all again?".  My answer is ALWAYS a resounding YES!!!  I LOVE my life now.  Just the other day I was looking at old pictures and just can't believe how I have changed.  But the best part is not only the physical, but the mental.  I feel like I can do anything.  I face each day with my head held high, looking straight at life and whatever it throws at me.  (which has been a lot lately LOL)   I have made some incredible friends along my journey and I thank God for them daily.  WLS is definately not the easy way out.  I still deal with head hunger issues every single day.  I have cravings lately that sometimes I lose the battle with.  But I just make a vow to start over again.  In perspective though, these same cravings 2 years ago would have ended with an empty package of whatever it was I wanted.  Now, I just have a cookie or two every now and then.  No big deal.  This is what "normal" people do.  Interesting though that I never ever feel hungry.  I hope that feeling never comes back.  Sometimes, on a busy day, I have to remind myself that it's time to eat, and still, a few bites and I'm full.  I have found myself eating past my limit lately.  :-(  Old habits tend to try to creep back in, but I am fighting them!  I have a new pic to post, and as soon as I learn how, I will.  LOL


Apr 12, 2006

Almost 9 months! WOW!! UNREAL!! I can't believe time has gone by so quickly! I'm having some issues now with eating. I can suddenly eat significantly more than I could last month. Seems like it happened overnight. I also feel like food isn't staying with me as long as it used to. I'm trying to find ways around this. I'm logging daily intake fairly regularly into FITDAY.COM. I love that site. It really helps me see where my weaknesses are.

Anyway, I weigh 127 pounds right now. I'm wearing size 4's and 6's comfortably. 8's are getting loose! My Easter Dress is a size 2P!!!!!! UNREAL!!! My shirts are generally x-small. It's getting hard to find clothes this size. Hmmm I'm NOT complaining! LOL!!!

I was worried about being able to maintain but it's been easy. Especially now that I can suddenly eat again! LOL I wouldn't mind losing a few more pounds. Not that I need to, but just that I would like the "play" room. KWIM???

I'm SO glad I had this surgery! ;-)

I've been so busy getting on with my life. I'm sewing, and cleaning, and maybe even starting a professional organizing service with my friend. I have an ebay store and a few friends wanted to see my handiwork... so I'm putting it on here since I am not quite ready to get them into the store just yet. But first I'll post my pictures at 9 months. Please excuse the "Butt shots"!! It's for my buddies on the July board. THEY ARE NUTS!!! These were taken today, Thursday the 13th of April, 2006.
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Here are some of my "Divine Redesign" items!
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Jan 28, 2006

So sorry I haven't updated this thing lately! It's been a wild and crazy 6 months! I've had SO much fun getting out and living life. I love the fact that I had this surgery. It has changed me in so many positive ways. The energy level is AMAZING! I feel empowered and reborn! I am 6 months out and have lost over 90 pounds! I wanted to lose 100 pounds total, so I am VERY close to goal. Here are my stats...

Day of surgery July 18, 2005 - 235 pounds
Today, January 29, 2006 - 141.5 pounds
My personal goal is 135 pounds. ;-)

Here's the latest pics...1/29/06
I am posting this bathing suit picture - something I NEVER EVER would have done before, but I feel it is a very good comparison! This picture was taken 1 month before surgery.
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The next pics are my current ones...141 pounds! 1/29/06
Down from a size 22 pant and 3x shirt to a size 10 pant and Small shirt!
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Sep 16, 2005

Ok, I've been told I'm scale obsessed, and I must admit that YES! I am! LOL I'm trying to get over that addiction as well. Seems I've just replaced one addiction with the other huh? *haha*

Anyway, as I weighed in today at 186, I wondered what my next mini-goal would be. I decided to use the BMI indexes and make those numbers my goals. So here it is.....

Today: 186 - Just plain OBESE :-)
Next goal: 174 - OVERWEIGHT!!!!
Next goal: 165 - half way to NORMAL!!
Next goal: 145 - NORMAL!!!
Personal goal: 135 :-)

I'll let you know how I do! :-)


Sep 14, 2005

Well, I made it! I had my surgery on July 18th. I came home from vacation Saturday morning, and went in for surgery on Monday. I had a few complications towards the end of my surgery and ended up having to have an open incision. They had to remove my spleen and also took the gal bladder for good measure. I returned home on Saturday, sent the kids to TN, and settled in for my recovery. One week later I was re-hospitalized for pneumonia and plurasy (sp?). That was NOT fun. They had to drain the fluid from my chest cavity. YUK! OUCH! TRIPLE OUCH! But, after 10 days I was sent back home. It took a few more weeks to feel back to my normal self, but I'm finally there. I am eating whatever I can tolerate and have finally quit throwing everything up! Zofran and Lortab became my best friends during my recovery. LOL It has now been 8 1/2 weeks and I've lost 47 pounds. WOOHOO!!!

Anyway, that's all for now....

Till Then


Jun 14, 2005

Yesterday I had an outpatient procedure done. (an Ablation) I must say that I am now a little relieved about being put to sleep. I know I'll wake up! LOL I'm here today as proof. So just wanted to pop in and say that my nerves - although scattered - are getting a bit better.


Jun 04, 2005

I forgot to come on here and post my surgery date! It's July 18th! I'm really looking forward to getting it done and over with! I'm so ready to become a loser! :-)


May 24, 2005

Well, today has dragged on and on and on! Tomorrow I go for my pre-op stuff and get my surgery date. I can't believe it's here! I got a call from the clinic today, and when I saw the caller ID my heart sunk! I just KNEW they were calling to have to reschedule. I've seen it happen to too many people. Not necessarily from my clinic, just in general. I was so relieved to hear her say - "I'm just reminding you of your appointment tomorrow." I just laughed, and she said, "Yeah, I know, I didn't have to did I?" LOL I told her I'd be there - no worries! :-) I'll post an update tomorrow afternoon as soon as I get home!

Until tomorrow!


May 17, 2005

WOW!!! Jeanie called me from Dr. Cleveland's office and said to be there next Thursday, the 26th for my pre-op stuff. I'll get my surgery date then! I'm SO excited I just can't stand it! This is SO happening! :-) Since my last update I've had my pulminology appointment and my sleep study. I was lucky enough that someone cancelled that night, so I did it all in one day! WOOHOO!!! Things just keep working out for me. Now I have to start cleaning my house -- yes it's that bad! LOL Not really, but my Mom would think so! LOL So I'll take this opportunity to clean out/gut a room a day. That way there will be no clutter. She'll get here and work herself to death cleaning if I didn't do it. Heck, who am I kidding, she's gonna do it anyway, but at least I can say I tried. Adam told me that surgery dates were approximately 2 weeks out from the pre-op date. I expect a fluctuation in that number, but hopefully not TOO much. I'll post again on the 26th! :-)

Until then!


May 05, 2005

Well, that's it! I'm approved! I'm so excited I just can't stand it! This may happen in my time frame after all. I just don't want to have to wait until Fall to do this, but with my heavy summer load of activities I'm afraid I will have to wait. We'll see! The pulminologist postponed my appointment to this coming Monday the 9th, so I'll take care of that and try my hardest to express to them the "need for speed"! LOL Anyway, we'll see what happens.

Until next time!

About Me
Madison, MS
Jan 11, 2005
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125 & Holding...
