I have struggled most of my life with my weight.  I was always the fat kid in school who got picked on.  By the summer before my freshman year of highschool, I ended up battling Anorexia, Bulimea and Over-Compulsive Exercising.  This made me lose alot of weight, but I got really sick in the end.  I ended up getting help and fortunately got healthy again, but only to gain all my weight back plus more.  I tried many diets throughout the years, they worked for losing 10 pounds or so, but as soon as stopped I gained it back, plus more again!  When I was 14, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which makes it even harder for me to lose weight.   My doctor and I thought that with me having PCOS, my chances of having a child on my own was slim to none.. But after a couple years of trying, my husband and I gave up.  But SURPRISE! We ended up getting pregnant, what a miracle!  I did not have a easy pregnancy though.  I gained too much weight, ended up getting highblood pressure and was having issues with all the weight I was carrying, it was causing my ribs to pop out.  I ended up in the ER numerous times with problems, because baby was pressing against my organs.. Not fun!  Once I had my daughter, I realized losing weight was even harder after having kids!  My daughter also was born with severe bilateral club feet, so I focused all on her and not on myself.  Now that her feet are great and she is learning how to walk, its time to focus on me a little bit!

I am only 5' 2" and am 230 pounds!  I am so ready to be healthy!  I want to be able to run with my daughter and live my life to the fullest! I am sick of being unhealthy and feeing awful about myself!!  I have severe anxiety in public places now, which was never the case before!  I used to be so outgoing and fun!  I have lost myself under the layers of fat.  I can barely do basic daily activities.  It is hard to wipe myself after using the restroom, or to have intercourse, or even carry my baby girl.  I am done being the fat! My journey for WLS begins now..


About Me
Jul 05, 2008
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 8
Mixed Feelings
Scared.. Part Two
Getting Easier...
Fatty Liver - D*mn you McDonalds!
Dietician-Done.. Mental Eval-Done.. 6 Month Diet-Uh Oh!
My first steps towards WLS
