7 months

Mar 03, 2008

I have been in the worst stall.  I discovered that in 2.5 months I've only lost 4 lbs.  However, my body seems to be changing cuz people always tell me I've lost more weight but the scale hasn't moved.  Also I'm still in the same clothes.  I did join a gym over a month ago and have been faithfully going everyday that I'm off work.  Today I actually RAN for the first time in over 20 years!!  They have an inside walking track and today I ran around the corners and walked in between.  It wasn't fast and it wasn't much as far as distance goes but it was probably 1/5th of the total distance.  Within 2 hours I was already sore.  Since I have no cartilage in one knee and degenerative hip disease in the opposite hip, I'm not even supposed to run.  Oh well, I tried it and it worked.  

It has become quite a stuggle dealing with the carb monster.  I found I was eating a lot of Hot Tamale candy, Tootsie rolls and Peppermint patties.  So 6 days ago I vowed to try to stick with solid protein and to track my food on Sparkpeople.  Since then I've lost 4 lbs ( I had gained 3).  So hopefully, I'm on the right track again.  I have decided it will always be a daily struggle but one fight that I have to continue to fight.  I NEVER want to go back where I started.  If I never lose another pound, I'll be happy being a size 14.  I'm at 174 today so I still can make the 160's by my birthday in 2.5 weeks if I put my mind to it.

The OFFICIAL 6 month post

Jan 30, 2008

Today is officially 6 months post-op for me.  I am happy to report that I am down 64.8 lbs and -55 inches.  I have gone from a size 22-24 to a 14.  I joined a gym today as I feel really tired and lazy most days.  I also upped my B-12 to help with my energy level.  My doc said all my 6 month labs looked great except for a slight decrease in the B-12.  I did 45 min on the treadmill, 10 min on the recumbant bike and all the weight machines for the upper body and abdomen.  I can't do lower body or the elliptical as I have no cartilage in one knee and degenerative hip disease in the opposite hip. 

You know what I realized today?  I now weigh 4 lbs MORE than when I gave birth to my daughter 21 years ago.  I was 171 lbs the day I went into labor.  With that being said...my next goal is to be in the mid 160's by my birthday in March.  That's 10 lbs in 6 weeks...wish me luck.


24 weeks~almost 6 months

Jan 14, 2008

It's been 24 weeks since I had surgery.  I'm down 60 lbs and actually dropped into another decade today:  179.6.  I've been in the 180's since early November.  I had a really hard time over the holidays and actually gained 3-4 lbs.  I re-dedicated myself on Jan 2nd and have lost 4.5 lbs.  My DH also started a low carb diet with me and has lost 9 lbs in 12 days.  It has been great with him doing it along side me.  I also re-measured and have lost a total of 52 inches.  (Which is down 8 inches from Novemer).  My sizes remain 14 jeans and large/medium tops and scrubs.  

I can eat absolutely anything and everything so I have to be very careful about keeping the carbs to a minimum.  If I eat solid protein, it takes a lot less to fill me up.


5 month check-up

Dec 18, 2007

Today was my 5 month check-up with Dr Barker.  I'm down 56 lbs and the weight loss is really slowing down.  In fact I gained 2 lbs this week.  The holidays are kicking my butt.  All I want is candy.  I eat way too many "hot tamales" and tootsie rolls.  I told Dr B about how I never take small bites, never dump and can eat anything I want in pretty normal quantities so he sent me for an UGI.  It showed the esophagus was normal size and everything looked OK.  He wants to wait until I'm one year out to see how much weight I've lost.  He said he could go in and resect my remnant stomach to help with the hunger if necessary.  He encouraged me to drink 3 protein drinks a day and eat 3 meals a day.  I know if I stick with the "protein only" diet I will lose weight.  Unfortunately, this is really feeling like a diet and each day is a struggle.  I am now wearing size 14 jeans and mediums scrubs so I'm still getting smaller.  I also stopped exercising.  I can't wait for the weather to get warmer again so I can resume walking.  Enough whining, I'm even depressing myself tonight.


4 months

Nov 19, 2007

What a wild ride the past 4 months have been.  As of today I'm down 54 lbs and 44 inches (and I only measure my right arm and leg so I guess it's really more).  My sizes have changed from a 22/24 to a 14/16.  I actually wore a pair of size 14 DKNY jeans to my friends house yesterday...AMAZING.  I can't remember the last time I was in that size...I guess it was when I got married 24 years ago.  Everyone is really noticing and I'm called "Skinny" a lot.   Now I'm far from skinny but it sure feels good to hear people say it.

Oh, the report on the 5 day pouch retraining...it worked really well.  I actually only lost 2.2 lbs in 5 days but I'm definately eating much smaller amts than I was.  

The BAD news is that my hair is falling out like crazy.  You can look at my before and after pics and really see the difference.  I am hopeful that it will start growing back soon.  If not, I might need a wig by Christmas...I'm SERIOUS!!!!

My next goal is to be in the 170's by Christmas...will keep ya posted.


3 1/2 month update

Nov 05, 2007

Things have really slowed down in the weight loss dept.  I can eat so much more than most people at this stage that I am really worried.  I can actually eat 6-8 oz of meat, a salad and 1/2 cup veggies all in one setting.  I feel full but not stuffed afterward.  I try to stop myself from eating that much but if I stop when I'm supposed to, then 30 minutes later I'm starving and scrounging for snacks.  So today I took the bull by the horns and started to re-train my pouch.  I went to 5daypouchtest.com and started their plan.  It includes liquids only for 2 days, then soft foods for day 3 then solid protein only for days 4-5.  They say it will help to tighten up your pouch.  I hope so cuz losing 1 lb a weeks isn't cutting it.  I even did my measurements and they have dropped off too.  I have lost 48 lbs and 38 inches (I just measure the right limbs so I guess it should be more).  I also walked 2 1/2 miles today so hopefully that will help as well.  On the bright side, I am wearing medium scrub tops, large scrub pants and size 15 jeans.  I'll let you know how the pouch retaining thing went next week....til then...


Halfway to goal

Oct 23, 2007

I am now 3 months out and I am halfway to goal.  I am down 45 lbs total.  I really thought it would come off much faster.  I'm typically losing 2 lbs a week which seems slow compared to other people.  But I also eat a lot more than other people.  My calorie count is usually around 800-1000 calories a day where others only eat 600.  I also haven't exercised in the past week.  I've just been way to busy.  I have been sneeking in some BAD stuff lately too.  I've been eating little bites of candy when I know I shouldn't.  I haven't dumped on anything unfortunately, so I know I need to be really careful not to slip back into bad habits.


Oct 08, 2007

I did it...I finally hit onederland yesterday.  I was 199.8 but by golly the two's are gone forever!!  40 lbs down in 2.5 months.  Clothes are still 15/16 pants and large or XL tops.  I continue to be albe to eat anything I want.  I have discovered that I am not a "dumper".  I have eaten a cookie, some raisen bran cereal and a small box of Hot Tamale candy all with no ill effects.  I know I will have to be very careful not to slip into old habits.  The weight loss has slowed down again but I'm also not getting in all my protein and water everyday.  It's amazing to me that I can eat 600-800 calories a day and not lose anything for days at a time.  Oh, well, I just have to look at the big picture... and when I do, I like what I see.

2 months today

Sep 24, 2007

Today is my 2 month surgiversary and yesterday I took new pics and posted them on my profile.  It is amazing the difference 36 lbs makes!!!  I have gone from a size 22/24 to a size 16 in jeans.  My scrubs have gone from a 2X/3x to a large.  I actually bought and fit into a size 15 JUNIOR jeans...WOOHOO!!  I lost 5 lbs this week!!!  I've been walking 2.5 miles everyday that I'm not working and I know that's what did it.

I am finally getting my hunger under control.  It no longer seems like real hunger (unless I haven't eaten for 6+ hrs).  Most of the time when I feel hungry, I eat one or two bites of something and I'm fine  I really try to make good choices regarding protein before anything else.  I'm also only drinking water now and I really try to get at least 64 oz a day.

I am SO loving this journey...4 more pounds til One-derland!!!!


Week Seven

Sep 17, 2007

The scale has moved again this week, thank goodness.  It is so frustrating on the weeks it doesn't.  I dropped 4 lbs this week so I feel good again.  I am finally learning to listen to my body.  I can't wrap my brain around the fact that I can't eat very much so I still put too much food on my plate. What I have learned is that I don't feel "full" I just don't feel hungry anymore and that is my signal to stop.  I take 2-3 slices of lunch meat to work and after I eat one, I wait for about 20 minutes to see if I want another.  If I still feel hungry then I eat another one.  Also I've learned that 2-3 carrot sticks or radishes will often curb my hunger and fill me up between meals.  I think the hardest part is SMELLING and SEEING other people's food.  As a nurse, people bring us doughnuts and cookies all the time and I just have to move them out of site.  If I don't see it or smell it, then I'm fine.  Still haven't eaten anything I shouldn't.  I am trying real hard to make good choices and I now have lowered my calories to 600-800 per day.  I log everything on sparkpeople.com so I have a record.

10 lbs to go until One-derland!!!!


About Me
Rowlett, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2005
Member Since

Friends 99

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Tummy Tuck
2 weeks post plastics
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One Year Anniversary
Plastics Consult
9 months ago today
