I am a 33 year old mother of one wild 3 year old!! :)I started doing my research recently and have decided this is the right choice for me. I have all three of my appointments scheduled for August 6th! It can't come soon enough, although I must say after reading about the endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic I am a little nervous about that meeting.

I started doing my research recently and have decided this is the right choice for me. I have all three of my appointments scheduled for August 6th! It can't come soon enough, although I must say after reading about the endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic I am a little nervous about that meeting.

This website certainly has provided me with alot of information!
It's great, and I'm hoping to make some new friends!!

Went back to see the endo dr today for my bloodwork results. Everything is good to go. I was so happy to see him write in my chart "proceed with gastric bypass".!!!
Ive been calling my insurance company and still have no answers.
They said I should wait 15 business days to call. Well 9/3/01 will be 15 days and you can bet i'll be calling every day until I get that approval.

Well today was awful. I lost my job tonight. I hated it anyways, but it was great money and Gosh I am so worried about what will happen with my surgery. I am going to get COBRA of course. I am calling Human Resources tomorrow to be sure I have no lapse. I am praying that I wont have any problems since I have gone through so much already. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Well here it is almost wintertime and I finally got all of the Cobra stuff taken care of. I had to wait for their billing and paperwork, complete everything, send it back with 3 months worth of payments, which was NOT CHEAP! and wait for them to receive and process them. I called yesterday and they received everything so I called my insurance company and they said they had sent out a letter of approval already. SO I called my doctors and they didnt have it, so she called my insurance company and got the okay and 10 minutes late she called me back with the surgery date. I guess I should be happy I FINALLY have a date, and I am. But I am just bummed that it is SO FAR AWAY!!!

Wow I cant believe in just a little over a month i will have my surgery. Time is actually going faster than I thought it would. I have my pre testing stuff on 1/30/02, I'm kind of nervous about that.
I got word that my sister was approved yesterday! We had sent in an appeal letter after she was denied the first time. Thank You God. To read about my sisters journey check out : http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=C992562909&Z=311

Well I have been reading alot of questions on the Q&A board lately of people complaining they are only losing 10 lbs a month.
I don't want to be one of the people posting this question. I have these high expectations of losing 100lbs in six months, because I see that so many have done it. But I am writing this to remind myself after my surgery is done and over with that I cannot think like this. If I lose 10 lbs in a month, hey!~ Thats great! its better than gaining anything.. at least the scale is going in the right direction! I am making myself a promise today. I will not compare myself to others sucess. I am an individual, everyone is different, not everyone is going to lose that fast.
I promise myself : to weight only once a month. And I promise not to get depressed or think that I am not doing great when I only lose 10 lbs in one month! I am still succeeding because I have not gained! And I will not compare myself to anyone (as hard as this one will be, I promise)

Well!! Tomorrow will be exactly ONE MORE MONTH until my surgery!
WOW...this certainly seems to be going quickly. Gosh just seems like yesterday when I was saying, "oh my gosh I have to wait 2 & 1/2 months!" I am starting to get butterflies when I think of it.. I know I want to do this, I want nothing more, but I get so scared when I think that something Could happen to me. And I think sometimes I wonder if I am being selfish since I am taking the risk. I do not want to leave my 3 year old son without a mommy.. But I am going to put myself in Gods hands and know that he will take care of me.

Well I went to the grocery store yesterday. I seem to have bought way too much junk. I don't normally buy this much junk, but I think I just have that feeling that I might as well eat what I want since I only have a month before my surgery. I think its normal, according to posts that I have read..seems like alot of people do that.
And this past Sunday, we went out to dinner. Red Lobster. One of my favorite places!! Man am I going to miss the CRAB ALFREDO...ohhhh my absolute favorite. SO, that was probobly my last crab alfredo :( BUT, the good thing is, after the surgery, I can still have CRAB, just not the alfredo. haha. I can live with that. I'll miss it, but I can live with eating crab. I hear its good for you actually. SKIP the melted butter!
I am kind of annoyed right now as I do read the Q&A board every day and have never posted any questions.. Well today I did. And some person posted a reply anonymously and was quite rude. First time I post and I get some person telling me that I should know the answer to the question I am asking if I am having my surgery in less than a month. I am just so bothered by this. I mean, I have done my research, believe me. I sit on this computer all night and read and read and read, and I have been doing this since last July.. but I STILL dont know the answers to everything.. and well I guess I'm just a little taken back by this person telling me that. I won't post again. (yes I'm being stubborn)


Ok, well its officially the month of my surgery. Wow!
I went for my pre-surgery tests and visits on the 30th..
Everything went okay. I was surprised that I did not get to SEE Dr. Brody. They just basically went through and updated my information. And hey I lost 6#. I think that is mostly due to stress. My grandma passed away on the same day. 30th. She was the sweetest lady in this world! She had had a stroke and cerebral hemmorage last week and I have been in the hospital night and day by her side. This will be very rough for me for a long time :( She was the best grandma..but i have such wonderful memories in my heart.
I did meet Dr. Brody's new nurse. I guess Julie was overwhelmed. Dr. has been performing alot of GB surgeries!! The new GB nurse is Jane. She seemed very nice.
I did have to watch a video of what will happen the day of the surgery and what to bring etc.
I had more bloodwork done, another Electrocardiogram and ECHOcardiogram.


Well I can't believe I am down to just 13 days until my surgery.
I still havent gotton that Urine Collection thing done. I guess I should probobly get that done and into them.
My sisters date has been pushed back about another week. Shes bummed, but I think its for the best. Her Dr. would have been out of town when she was in the hospital.


Well nine more days. Now ive got this stupid cold.. I think its more like a sinus infection. I am going to take some antibiodics and hopefully it will be gone before the 21st. I left a message with the nurse to be sure its not a problem taking the antiobiodics, ya never know and I want to be sure because I dont want this date delayed!


Okay, three more days! Wow! I cant even believe it. I am excited and yet have those butterflies in my stomach. If it werent for my three year old son, I wouldnt have any worries. I just don't want to leave him without a mommy. I know these are things we all think about. I'll be just fine. Yep, I will.
Well yesterday my fiance took me and my Mom and my son, and my cousin and her husband out to dinner. My "last supper". We went to Outback steakhouse. Oh was it awesome. I didnt skip a thing.
I had a bowl of French onion soup and the salad and a steak and baked potato and a Yummy Pina Colada!! It was quite delicious!!!
Okay, i'm adding on to today. Can you believe I got taken out for lunch to "Red Lobster". Man, two great restaurants the last two days. Had my favorite of course.
Also stopped and got a tape measure so that I can get my measurments down before my surgery. Gotta get that done.
I have two job interviews tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes..would be nice to start a new job after my surgery. New beginnings all around.


Oh my gosh! tomorrow is the day! I just found out my surgery time. I have to be at the hospital at 6am. Its now about that lovely time to do my bowel prep. OH JOY! Cant wait to drink that down. ick!
My hands are actually shaking as I am typing. Ever since I found out my surgery time I have gotton so totally nervous and I keep getting goosebumps and a chill!
Well I'll post again soon. Thank you all for your many prayers!


Well one week ago today I was still in surgery. Wow. Time flies, certainly not when you are having fun, in this case anyways.
This has been a rough week. I got out of the hospital on Sunday.
My surgery lasted 5 & 1/2 hours last Thursday. I was so glad to hear them call my name in Recovery, just to know that I was alive. Thank you God. But I was in lots of pain. I dozed in and out of sleep for the most part and did not see my family until they moved me to my room which was 9 & 1/2 hours from the start of surgery. Thursday night I was very sick. Had dry heaves which was soooo painful, my stomach hurt so so bad. I then starting throwing up blood. Three times. I was never so scared. I thought I was going to die. My fiance was by my side the entire time. He stayed with me until 12:30 that morning until the naseau medicine kicked in and I fell asleep. Friday morning they took me down to do the leak test. That was awful. Plain and simple.
First of all I could barely keep my eyes open, I was literally falling asleep standing up. They had to keep yelling at me to keep my eyes open. That stuff they make you drink is discusting.
But all was fine, no leaks! yeay!
The morphine did not help me and I think thats what was making me extra sick. They gave me this shot in my iv of something that did help , it was great, I dont remember the name, but i felt wonderful, but when i asked for it again, they said it was a one time thing as apparently it is bad for your kidneys and liver or something, i dont know.. So they took the morphine pump out Friday night i think it was.. They gave me my pain drug by mouth.
They gave me eveything else through my iv's. One thing they gave through my iv was potassium. Let me tell you I CRIED when this went in my IV..it was like FIRE WATER going through my veins. It was horrid! I asked three times for the nurse to do something before she finally reduced it and it felt somewhat ok.
The doctors that came in and out all were very nice, but there were only a couple nurses that I can say were actually nice.
At 1:30 am I remember this one nurse came in, turned on my light to take my vitals and she said, "oh my gosh, you are so small".
I said "What?" She said that a couple of the other nurses had told her that I was not large enough to have this surgery..which i guess explains the way i was treated, i dont know..
I told her how much I weighed and that I wouldnt be having the surgery if the doctors didnt feel I should. Maybe they are just used to having 4-500 lb patients, I dont know, but I thought that was just wrong.
I did have a couple sweet nurses, but the rest, for the most part, left alot to be desired. There were several times I would call the nurse and it would be 15-20 minutes before they would even get in there. One time I called and it was an HOUR !! before someone came in. Obviously I was forgotton about.
Anyways, now that I am home, my mom is staying with me from Florida helping me out for a few weeks until she goes home to help my sister with her surgery aftercare. She has been a great help.
Im finding it hard to get water and everythign else in! I feel dizzy and light headed, maybe i'm not getting enough calories in, I dont know. I see Dr. Brody AND the nutrionalist on Monday so hopefully I can get some help then. I'm also anxious to get this drain tube out! uggh.
Sleeping is hard, i'm used to sleeping on my side and I cant do that now. I'm going to try tonight propping pillows close to my belly and see if that works.


Well today was my first post-op visit. I got my drain tube out!!
Horray! It felt really wierd,and i was surprised at how long that tube was! But...now for the exciting part.. 11 days post op and I am down 22 lbs!! Omg! That is amazing to me. I would have never imagined that much gone. I'm very happy.
I am feeling better every day and even more so with that drain gone!
My sisters surgery is next Tuesday.. I want to drive down to be by her, but I really need to get back to work. :(

Okay, well today is Thursday. Two weeks ago was my surgery. Wild how time flies. Seems longer now actually. I am now down 29lbs.
I lost 7 pounds in two days. That seems wierd to me, but Its happened so I'm happy. I wont weigh myself again until next Monday. I figured Every Monday I will weigh myself.
I had to take my mom to the airport today, she went back home.
My sisters surgery is fast approaching. I really wanted to be there with her, I'm bummed that I can't be, but it is just not possible now.
I am doing better with my water. I am drinking two LITERS a day.
Actually a little more its like 65 oz a day.. So i'm glad about that. I did go for a walk yesterday. I really need to start walking. I think that regardless of the weather, when my fiance gets home from work, i'm going to go walking. I cant get a treadmill yet, and I need to get some excersise in somehow!


Well here I am checking in. I'm a bit depressed today. I started a habit that I said I wasnt going to do. Watching the scale almost daily!! I was so excited to see that I had lost 29lbs that I think i'm going to loose weight every day. This is rediculous. The last couple of days that I get on the scale it hasnt budged. I know I cant possibly have a plateau already! I'm not even three weeks post op. What the heck? I have got to stop!
I'm going to try my hardest to just weigh in every Monday.
But I did sign up for fitday. Maybe i'm not eating the right things, or something. I'll see what this says about how I eat. The only thing I dont care for is that they dont have a place for sugars. So i'm using the alchohal space for my sugars. Hope thats okay...
On another bummer note, my sisters surgery was to be this morning, and when they got her in the OR they found that her gall bladder was inflamed and infected. They removed it, but could not perform the GBS as it would have risked spreading the infection. She doesnt know yet, and I'm so bummed for her. I know how upset she will be. I am greatful this was caught and it is for the best that it worked out this way, and I know it wont be long and she'll be counting the days again to her surgery date, but I just feel so bad :(


Okay its been 6 days since I have been on the scale. Tomorrow I am getting on the scale! I'm nervous. I am making myself crazy thinking that it isnt going to have moved. I Pray I'm wrong.
Other than the scale issue, things are going pretty well. I can tolerate most everything. I did throw up the other night when I ate spagetti. This is gross but it came up in a ball... I guess I must not have chewed it well enough and it didnt get through the opening to my pouch..
Also I had some sugar free cookies and they made me really sick. I threw up from them also. But other than that..thats it.
I tried some Wendy's chili today and it was really yummy. I put a little mozzerrella on top and it was just awesome :)
I will be one month post op this coming thursday and I'm going to try to take my measurments then. Since I took them the night before the surgery, I'm kind of anxious to see what ive lost as far as inches.
I have been doing pretty good as far as water.. but protein is another thing. I still havent gotton a protein supplement. I need to do that.
Also, i'm going on Monday to Fitworks. A local gym. They have a free 30 day trial membership so I'm going to check it out. I know if I get some exercise in that will most definately speed up the process.


Well here it is Monday. I just weighed myself and to my dissapointment i have lost 1 lb only. Is this even possible? I am so bummed out. And its first thing this morning so you know you always weigh lighter in the morning. Well I am going back to writing every little thing down and I have got to start walking consistantly. I do go try that gym out tonight but if i dont make it there every day I AM WALKING! I dont care how cold it is.
Gosh I cant believe how bummed out I am :(


Well I weighed myself this morning and i am down two more pounds.. so i'm now at 239 from 273. Seems like alot, i just wish i could see it in myself more.
I did like the gym Monday night. The guy showed me everything. I started with only 10 mins on the treadmill to get my heart rate going and then did some ciruit training and then to the stationary bikes...did 15 minutes of that. I felt so great when I left there. Just felt a little uncomfortable with all the skinny people around me. Thats the only thing I hate about going.
I'm suppose to go tonight too... Maybe if i had someone to go with me it wouldnt be so bad.
Ok, well i'm done weighing in for the week. Next Monday hopefully I can say I lost another two pounds.


Well i went to see Dr. Brody yesterday. Everything is going great. I have lost a total of 37 pounds now. He told me I looked good and to keep up the good work. Told me to come back in about 3 months and to make an appt with endocrinology so they can check my blood etc.


Well I was suppose to weigh on 4/7. But I just couldnt wait. I'm so bad. But to my delight I am lighter! 5 lbs lighter. So that makes a total of -42lbs to date that i've lost forever.


I started a new job this week. I am so tired. This getting up at 6:45 is for the birds. Will be something I'll have to adjust to, but at least I do like the job so that makes it easier.
I got on the scale this morning and i'm down another 3lbs. So thats 45 pounds lost to date and I am 7 weeks post op. I wonder if i'm considered a slow loser. I thought I was doing good until I realized its been 7 weeks already. I know if I picked up my exercise that I would probobly lose faster, plus the protein, havent been able to take a supplement.
I really want to get to the store today and buy a measuring tape so I can get my measurments, I'm anxious to know that since I took them the night before my surgery. I'll put them in here when I know them.


Today is my two month post op anniversary! wow!! What a difference 60 days makes! I feel much better about myself, I can only imagine once another 6 months goes by.. I do have one complaint. I'm tired! Always tired. I dont feel like I have very much energy. My exercise is sure not what I would like it to be.. but, i'm not perfect. I am still drinking my water. I dont really have a problem with that. I took my measurments for the second time. I took them a week ago and then again today. I've lost a total of 32 & 1/2 inches. Woooohoo!!!!
Well two more days and its my sisters surgery date. I'm so anxious and nervous for her. I know exactly how shes feeling.. I can't wait until its done and over and I get that call that shes doing wonderfully!


My sister did wonderfully. Shes officially one week post op today. She has had a wonderful recovery so far. No problems at all. I'm so proud of her.
My new job is going really well. I really like it alot.
I tried a new protein drink today my fiance brought home to me. Twinn Labs i think it is, loaded with 31 carbs for 8oz.. But I think it made me dump. I drank 1/2 the glass and started feeling funny..still dont feel good. Its wierd. no sugars and 1 fat gram. I dont know why it would make me dump, but uggh just dont feel right. Maybe i'll send it to my sister to see how she does with it.
By the way i'm down two more pounds to 220. Gosh 20 pounds until i get to my first goal of being under 200 pounds! Then just 70 pounds to go from there!!! yay!!!!


Well I must be on another stinking plateau. Ive only lost 2 lbs in 9 days. My hair is really starting to come out alot more now too. Geeze, this is not what i need. I cant tolerate any protein supplement. I guess I need to concentrate more on meat first and then everything else.
I have to say though that i'm feeling wonderful. My parents were just here for a visit and we had a great time. I was sad to see them go.

Okay i'm weighing in weekly now, i have finally pushed the scales away and take them out only once a week. Someone on the site was nice enough to let me use this tracking program she made on excel, it is really neat. So thats what has forced me to just weigh once a week.
Ive been trying to walk more this week. If this weather would ever start feeling like summer it'd sure help. here it is almost june and the temps are still in the 40's and 50's! Rediculous.

For my weekly weigh in this week i have lost but 2 lbs. Bummer. But hey, its still good. Its all good. I'm not going to complain.
its also pms week so i might be retaining some water..i dont know, but I'm still thankful for 2 more pounds gone :)


Weigh in day today at 205. I'm feeling good. Only a few pounds to go until i reach my first mini goal.

**06/13/02** Weigh in 202

Well I finally reached my first mini goal! I am UNDER 200#!!!! 198 to be exact. Wow it feels so good! 58 pounds to goal! My goal is 140, but i'd love to be 130. But I dont want to be unrealistic, although actually i'm probobly not being. Oh yeah, and today is my FOUR month anniversary.

**06/27/02** Wow only a couple pound loss. What a bummer.
Saw Dr. Brody yesterday. He said everything is going good. I tried to explain the pain i have been having on my left thigh. At night when i sleep i get these what feels like needles in my leg. outter left thigh. I have to turn and put all my weight on my left side to get this to go away. its getting very frustrating and it hurts! He didnt seem to know what this was. He did tell me he could refer me to a neurologist. I dont know what to do, i hate to go to the drs again, but if i want to get this figured out i guess i should.

**07/04/02** Well we got a swimming pool. I hope this helps to tone some. Ive been bad about exercise. I do walk once in awhile.. but now that you can see a difference I need to get some toning going on. I think the pool will be good for it.
Weighing in today at 191. Happy Fourth!!!

**07/11/02** Weigh day. 188. only a few pounds this week..but its that time and i'm used to only a few pounds when it rolls around each month. hey a few is better than none!
I'm fitting in size 14's perfectly. Just bought a few new clothes. I'm trying to exercise in the pool. Doesnt it figure the weather has cooled off now. A little chilly for swimming :(

**07/18/02** Well what a sucky day. I got on the scale and not to my delight i have put on two pounds! What is up with that? I guess ive been pretty lucky with really not plateauing and i'm almost five months out. Why does your mind have to mess with ya? I hate it, i'm here thinking this is it, i'm done losing and my Gosh i'm almost 50 lbs away from goal! I cant stop at only 5 months out can i? Ok i'll shut up. I know its stupid. This is just a bad week i guess. We went up to Casino Windsor and i drank more alchohal than normal, maybe that had alot to do with it? I dont know, but I can't wait to see these 2 lbs back off, plus! :(

**07/26/02** Well its been a few weeks and FINALLY those 2lbs came off plus 1.5 more. I hope this means my plateau is broken! I have been so bummed out about this. I increased my water, I dont know if thats what helped, but if it is, that was so easy, wish i would have done that before!

**08/01/02** Weigh day 183.

**08/11/02** I am leaving for Florida for a mini 4 day vacation. i'm weighing in today at 178.

**08/15/02** Well this is truely depressing. This last month and 1/2 has been very slow for me. Gain Lose Gain Lose. What in the world is going on! i'm not even six months post op yet! I weighed this morning at 180. thats 2 lbs gained. And honestly when i got back from Florida i had gained 5 lbs but this morning i had lost 3 of those. I dont know whats going on. My mind is thinking okay this is it. I'm done. Geez i hope not.
I will be six months post op on 8/21/02 i was hoping to be at the century mark by then. but if i want to do that i have to lose 7 pounds in 6 days. Oh well its not that important.
On a lighter note, my vacation was very enjoyable. Spending time with my family was great. My sister looks fabulous! Shes lost like 53 lbs already!

**08/22/02** Yesterday was my six month post op date! Wow has that time just flown by! I was really hoping to be at the century mark by my six month anniversary but, hey, i'm close. I weighed this morning at 176. So -96 pounds in six months. Still not bad, I'm definately not complaining.
It seems I can eat more now. I ate a whole peanut butter & jelly sandwhich earlier this week and it freaked me out! Well usually i normally only make 1/2 one. One slice of bread folded. But, i noticed i was still hungry. So i tried two slices. I was definately FULL. I need to stay away from bread, but boy did that pbj taste awesome. I had tuna sandwhich today for lunch on a bagel and i scouped some of the tuna off and just put it on one 1/2 of the bagel instead of eating it as a whole. I am really full! I think i've been doing pretty bad with water lately. Gosh I used to be so good. As i look forward to the next six months, I am going to focus on drinking more water! Also, i pray to GOD that my hair stops falling out. It is soooo bad :(
I used to have pretty decent hair and now its just so thin and straggly. Ive thought about getting it cut but i just hate to do that. They do say around 7mos or so it should stop. I hope so, but then I have to wait for the regrowth.

**08/29/02** Well I did it! Finally. 7 days after my six month anniversary I am at the century mark! -100 lbs. Mannnnnnn!
I'm pretty excited. But now my focus is truely on getting to goal. I first wanted to get under 200...did that, then I wanted to get to the century mark, just did that...now theres no stopping me. 140 here i come! 32 pounds to goal.

**09/24/02** Weighing in at 166 today.

**10/17/02** Ok I was on a bit of a plateau. But its finally broken!

**10/24/02** I havent really written in here for awhile. Things are going really well. I am not having any problems. Occasionally I will eat something I really shouldnt and I pay for it. I'm still losing although it has slowed down. But i'm still thankful it is still coming off. I go to the doctors tonight for a physical and bloodwork. I went a couple weeks ago and something happened with the courier service and my blood went bad so i have to go through that again. I got to spend some time with my sister the end of September and she is looking fabulous! I'm so happy that I have someone I am so close to,to go through this with. OH yeah, and I am 8 months post op now. I cant believe that!

I went to the doctor last night for the results of my bloodwork and everything came back wonderful. The only thing low is my iron..so i guess I need to start taking a supplement.
I am going to get in touch with my surgeon to see if he will recommend a good plastic surgeon. I want to start looking into my tummy tuck and breast lift.. I'm so scared about any more surgery, i really dont WANT to, but man i need it so bad.
I'm within 20 lbs of goal so i guess its ok to start looking.

Well here is some exciting news! I got married last Friday. Today is our one week anniversary ! haha. My husband and I have been together for six years and we have a beautiful 4 year old. We planned this last minute trip to Las Vegas and decided to get married while we were there. So in two days I arranged everything and am now a married woman! We were actually engaged for over two years and just never set a date.
Las Vegas was a great experience and I think i'm addicted. I can't wait to go back!!

**11/26/02** Weighing in at 154. Starting to slow down! :(

**12/07/02** Well I am going completely crazy with my hair! It looks SO bad. It is so thin and straggly. I seriously look awful. its so embarrasing. people keep asking me if ive gotton my hair cut or done something different. I have tried everything and nothing works. I even got it cut shorter and that helped for a little while but now its back to look horrible.
I looked into hair extensions and I guess it might come down to that. The cost is a bit much tho. It will cost $400 to have them put in. Then of course the maintenance which that will be every 10 weeks or so. its real hair of course so it looks totally natural and i'm excited about getting it done, but I have to wait until i can really afford it. Being so close to Christmas, I just cant see it now.
I weighed in this afternoon at 151#.

**12/24/02** Merry Christmas!! weighing 149.

**01/26/03** Well i got my hair extensions put in. After Christmas. It was a Christmas present from my husband. I'm sooo glad . I feel so much better. I was looking like a chiwawa (i know i spelled that wrong) Anyways, nothing else is really new aside from that. I havent really lost much lately. Seem to be stuck. I cant believe less than a month from now is my 1 year anniversary already! This past year as certainly flown by!

**02/02/03** I found out last night that I am pregnant.
I have alot of mixed emotions about this. It wasnt planned obviously. Funny thing is i just went to the doctor and he put me on the birth control patch which i was suppose to start after this period..well this period never came! I didnt really want to have any more children, and my son will be 5 when this baby is born. I'm scared. My biggest fear is that I will regain the weight. that must sound horrible..but I just lost 126 pounds and I dont ever want to look the way i did ever again.
I'm going to take this one day at a time.

**03/01/03** Well I cant believe it but my one year anniversary has come and gone! I just cant believe how FAST this year went!
I am now just over 2 months pregnant. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I have to say I am happy! I am not concerned about gaining weight. I dont think I can gain alot. I've been kind of nautiated alot lately, which is to be expected I guess. But its freaking me out that EVERYTHING i eat makes me nautious. And I seem to get full alot faster again. A couple bites and i'm full. Its wierd, almost seems like things are happening in reverse order. I was able to tolerate alot for a long time and now i cant. I'm hoping its just the pregnancy thing. I am taking prenatal vitamins, extra iron supplement and some Calcium. Just feeling really TIRED and weak all the time! I could lay around or sleep all day if i could! With my first son i was had morning sickness the first three months every day! So i'm hoping this is nothing more than that and that when i hit month three i'll be feeling great again!
Ok, so for the record I am now over one year post-op and have lost 129 lbs.

**04/01/03** Hello. Been a month since ive added anything to my profile. I'm doing pretty good. Just started my 4th month of pregnancy. I'm hoping its going to get better now that i'm in the second trimester. The biggest thing is just being so darn tired.
My doctor told me that if i didnt start to gain weight by my next visit that she was going to make me drink ensure 3 times a day. I'm sorry but i wont do that. So high in sugar.. i'll pass. I believe that as long as things are going well.. they dont see any problems with ultrasounds etc...that i'll be fine.
and as long as the baby is growing at the pace he/she should..
Hard to believe its been over a year now since surgery and even more hard to believe that i'm pregnant!
I get a little depressed when i see all the cute clothes that are coming out for spring/summer and knowing i'll be stuck in maternity clothes!! My first summer being able to wear smaller clothes and now i cant! I pray next summer i'll be able to!

**06/11/03** Well I thought i would check in. Its been awhile. I'm now 6 months pregnant and have gained 6 pounds. I have to admit it scares me to see the scale going up instead of down. Kind of got used to seeing it going the other way!
I went back to my surgeon today..well the surgeon who took my surgeons place.. i have been having some very bad stomach pain and into my back. Not just a dull stomach ache, but excruciating pain! A few weeks ago my OB ordered an ultrasound of my gall bladder and they said it looked a little sludgy but nothing bad and nothing that would cause me the pain i'm having..
He told me that they are limited as to what they can do while i'm pregnant. And my pain comes and goes. this last espisode i had it for a week solid. it was awful. then of course once i made the appt for my surgeon its gone.. He told me he'd like to do blood work but wants me to have the blood work done while i'm having the pain.. makes sense i think. He said it could be my pancreas? I dont know... i'd just like to get to the bottom of what it is and pray its nothing serious.

**08/07/03** Its been awhile I know. Pregnancy is going good, but i am anxious to have the baby so I can get back to eating normal. My appettite seems HUGE and out of control. I have gained a total of 14 lbs! Its driving me crazy. I'm down to about 8 or 9 weeks left. The dr says the weight gain is good but of course I'm having a hard time with it. If i still have this long left i'm afraid of how much more i'll gain!
I havent had any more problems with my stomach and that pain i was having.. so whatever that was, has past. Thankfully.
Sooo i'm just looking forward to the new baby and hopefully eating small portions again and getting this extra weight off!
I want to be 144# again LIKE NOW! :)

**10/21/03** Just checking in. I had a beautiful baby girl on 10/10/03 and I am in love all over again. She is such a doll, i couldnt be happier!!
I have lost all of my pregnancy weight already and then some which of course makes me extremely happy too!!
I'll check back when i have more time to write!! Baby Jenna calls!! :)

**03/16/04** Hi there. Its been awhile. I'm doing pretty good. My daughter, Jenna is now 5 months old.
My weight fluctuates by 4 pounds. I am between 127-131 all the time. I decided to give myself those four pounds. As long as i stay within that range I am okay, but if i ever go out of that range, I'll be concerned. My appettite seems so big lately..
it scares me that i can eat so much. And honestly I have to admit I dont always eat the most healthy. I worry about old eating patterns returning. I tend to snack alot instead of eating full meals. And i am very dissapointed in myself for starting to drink pop again. That is one thing I did NOT want to get back into. For the first year or so i drank nothing but water, then I eased into iced tea..and then i tried pop and realized i could handle it and well there ya have it. I know pop can add weight real fast, I wish i could give it up! I do try and sometimes I do good for a little while and then i get right back into the habit.
I went recently for a Tummy Tuck consult. I went to Dr. Vogt. They sent it in to my insurance, however, I just found out this past week that it was denied :(
I am pretty bummed about that. But the lady in his office did not think an appeal letter would work because I have no rashes, etc. and she said there are people much worse off than I being denied. Soooo, unless i pay for the $5000 surgery myeslf, I guess I wont be having it done.
I get very frustrated that I have lost so much weight, and come so far, but yet still have this HORRIBLE body image! I have to admit, that I have been pretty lucky as far as extra skin. I mean, its not the worst ive seen, but what i do have, i hate!!!
I almost feel sometimes more self concious now than I did when i was heavier.
I guess because people see me thin, they expect me to have a better body (or this is what i am thinking) and to see me naked or in a bathing suit makes me cringe!!
I hate the way i look (OUT OF CLOTHES!)
I recently had a physical done for some life insurance and found out that my glucose, calcium and iron are low. I'm anemic. So i started on some iron supplements. But i dont know what to do about the glucose. I guess i need a really good multi vitamin. yes ive been bad about taking vitamins.
I go to the drs on Friday so i guess i'll follow up with her to see what i should be doing about the low glucose. I really dont even know what that means.
I know having a new baby is exhausting, but being anemic i'm sure isnt helping either.
Oh yeah and my hair, well that finally started thickening up and being normal and now its starting to fall out again, GO FIGURE!
Well, anyways, my goals for this year are to stay withing my four pound range and give up pop once again. Go back to drinking water. Also to start taking vitamins on a regular basis and get my levels back to where they should be.

**07/27/04** Hi there. Well next Tuesday I am scheduled for my tummy tuck and breast lift, i'm excited but nervous at the same time. I dont know how prepared I am for pain! i guess really who ever is..but I am a wimp.
Nothing too new here aside from my upcoming surgery. Everything is going well.

**08/25/04** Well its been about a month. I had my breast lift and tummy tuck done on the 3rd so its been about 3 weeks and i feel pretty good. still some swelling and pain but not alot. The three drain tubes were the worst part and those were out after 10 days. Now i have a nice flat tummy and my boobs are finally where they belong!! yeay!!!
We are moving this weekend into our new house and then I start my new job next wednesday! All kinds of great things happening!

**2/21/02** Day of Surgery 273 Lbs.
**3/04/02** -22 lbs 251 lbs
**3/07/02** -07 lbs 244 lbs
**3/18/02** -03 lbs 241 lbs
**3/20/02** -02 lbs 239 lbs (34 Total Lost to date)
**3/28/02** -03 lbs 236 lbs
**4/05/02** -05 lbs 231 lbs (42 Total Lost to date)
**4/13/02** -03 lbs 228 lbs
**4/21/02** -06 lbs 222 lbs (51 Total Lost to date)
**4/30/02** -02 lbs 220 lbs (53 Total Lost to date)
**5/09/02** -02 lbs 218 lbs (55 Total Lost to date)
**5/16/02** -05 lbs 213 lbs (60 Total lost to date)
**5/23/02** -02 lbs 211 lbs (62 Total lost to date)
**6/06/02** -06 lbs 205 lbs (68 Total lost to date)
**6/13/02** -03 lbs 202 lbs (71 Total lost to date)
**6/21/02** -04 lbs 198 lbs (75 Total lost to date)
**6/27/02** -2.5 lbs 195.5 lbs (77.5 Total lost to date)
**7/04/02** -4.5 lbs 191 lbs (82 Total lost to date)
**7/11/02** -03 lbs 188 lbs (85 Total lost to date)
**7/26/02** -02 lb 186 lbs (87 Total lost to date)
**8/01/02** -04 lbs 182 lbs (91 Total lost to date)
**8/11/02** -05 lbs 177 lbs (95 Total lost to date)
**8/22/02** -02 lbs 175 lbs (96 Total lost to date)
**8/29/02** -04 lbs 171 lbs (-100 Total Lost to date)
**9/12/02** -01 lb 170 lbs
**9/19/02** -02 lbs 168 lbs
**9/24/02** -02 lbs 166 lbs (-107 Total lost to date)
**10/17/02** -08lbs 158 lbs (-115 Total lost to date)
**10/24/02** -01lb 157 lbs (-116 Total lost to date)
**11/26/02** -03lbs 154 lbs (-119 Total lost to date)
**12/07/02** -03 lbs 151 lbs (-122 Total lost to date)
**12/24/02** -02 lbs 149 lbs (-124 Total lost to date)
**1/6/03** -01 lb 148 lbs (-125 Total lost to date)
**2/2/03** -02 lbs 146 lbs (-127 Total lost to date)
**3/1/03** -02 lbs 144 lbs (-129 Total lost to date)
**6/11/03** +06 lbs 150 lbs DURING PREGNANCY
**10/21/03** 136 lbs (-137 Total Lost to date)
**11/01/03** -02 lbs 134 lbs
**12/28/03** 132 lbs
**01/15/04** -04lbs 128 lbs (-145 Total Lost)


January 2002

November 2002

Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: Fred Brody, M.D.
8/6/2001 Well I had my first appt with my surgeon this past week. I was so nervous. Everything went pretty well. Now I am just waiting for all of my bloodwork, etc to come back to make sure I'm good to go. Dr. Brody was nice. But got right to the point. No chit chat. He went over the risks of the surgery and made sure I understood them all. He was very professional and I have no concerns about him at all. Can't wait for that surgery date!!! 3/4/02 Surgery went well and I am well on my way to a great recovery. Dr. Brody has been wonderful. He remained very much the same throughout this entire journey. Very professional and to the point. Not one for small talk. But I am very happy Dr. Brody did my surgery. Him and his staff have been wonderful.
Insurer Info:
Cigna/Cobra, EPO
I can't really give a time frame as to how long it took since I lost my job and had to apply for Cobra benefits, I think it took longer than normal. But they did approve after the first letter. They said they sent the letter of approval out on 9/25/01 so it took approx 7 weeks or so.

About Me
Brunswick, OH
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
January 2002
November 2002

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