Thanks for coming!

Jan 28, 2007

I want to thank everyone who showed up at my pity party and shared all their wonderful thoughts! You were all great in helping me to regain some perspective and get over myself! My son is a sweetie and I know he only wants the best for me, but he's also 26 and at that age you tend to have a complete understanding of the universe and the way things should be! Ah well.... I visited my friend Karen's and that helped as well. She is also pursuing the WLS course and will probably have it harder than I do because she has a lot more weight to lose, will be a self pay and her husband just tells her she's crazy to do this! So, she's a real trooper. I support her, she supports me and you guys are a huge support! Thanks so much!


Brief, but intense pity party...

Jan 26, 2007

January 27, 2007 I've been having dreams about not being pretty or sexy and my husband's desire for me fading and our marriage going down the tubes, all because I'm fat and not what he married! Horrible! I know I don't feel sexy right now, but part of it is that yesterday my son, who is back from Korea for a month wanted to talk to me. An intersession, so to speak. He'd heard from Jerry that I wanted to get WLS and he thought I was taking 'the easy way out.' He felt I'd really gained a lot of weight and was lying to myself about my weight problems and how much I ate and that if I would just exercise more and watch my diet, I wouldn't have this problem. I told him I agreed to some extent, but that I'd done that my whole adult life and as I got older it wasn't working too well. He offered to go with me to the gym and get me back on track. He meant well, but it was a bit of a downer. I agreed that exercise was a must and that I'd been slack on that score. I've been very tired and am getting tested for sleep apnea, as well as having my thyroid medicine increased, but young, athletic kids don't want to hear excuses! So I agreed to go with him because getting back into daily exercise is on my list of must-do's. I did not agree that WLS is a bad idea and commented that I'd done a lot of research on it... and he hadn't (he thought I was going to get my stomach stapled). Then... the dreams this morning which woke me up... I tell myself that if my husband can't wait nine months for me to transform myself then we have bigger problems than my weight. I know he loves me and he's a supportive sweetie... but it was depressing! I wish I could get the damn operation this week and get started. But the insurance game must be played. So I'm doing my 'six month supervised diet' and that should be done by the end of March. I can't fall below 225 lbs and still qualify for the surgery so it's like walking a tight rope to play the insurance game. I know there are folks out on this forum battling much bigger foes, so okay, my pity party is over! Just wanted to vent to folks that probably have been there, done that!

Post Holidays!

Jan 07, 2007

I have been busy as a one legged butt kicker (as Dolly Parton would say). My two boys came home (one from Korea and one from the Navy stationed in Virginia Beach), we redid the upstairs bedroom and then my whole family came back from California. We had Christmas on New Year's Eve and moved immediately into a 24 hour New Year's Eve party. Fun and exhausting!!

Go look at my profile. I managed after trial and error to upload a couple of pictures. I've got a couple of our kids and Jerry and me. You can also see my honey Jerry's Christmas present to me. He said he wanted me to go find Buddy, a buddy! I poured over my dog research and the websites and found a Schnoodle of all things! At least that's what we think she is.  I located her with Robin’s Nest, a family that does rescue work in Canton Ohio. Jerry and I drove up yesterday and visited. There were almost 100 applications for her already, but Robin’s daughter pulled our application out of the pile, wrote awesome on it and said she thought she’d found the perfect home!  After talking with our vet about us, Robin called and history was made.


She is about 9 months old, pretty full grown at 15 lbs., very adaptable to anything you throw at her, sweet, enjoys running around like mad with Buddy, housebroken, rides in a car and walks on a leash just fine and seems to be a funny dog that’s friendly with everyone. We debated all sorts of names like Monica, Scamp etc., but when Jerry said we could name her after his little sister (she died at the age of three), that seem appropriate since she’s such a sweet, cute snot of a dog. She needs to go to the vet to make sure she’s healthy, perhaps pay a visit to a groomer, and get spayed and the rest of her shots. 

She was found and ended up at the Stark county dog pound, before being rescued by Robin
who adopts dogs from there. They don't have the resources to keep many around. She had obviously had a home and aside from being filthy, was in good shape. She is either a Scnoodle (Poodle/ Schnauzer mix) or possibly has some terrier but she has yet to bark, thank heaven! I think she will be a great buddy for The Buddy. 

I already mentioned it, but I went up to the surgeon's place for my consult. They have a good program and it is actually the hospital where Hess originated the DS operation. Brian Lane now operates there and does all four operations laproscopically (spelling sucks!). I ended up getting most of my testing done. They knew I'd traveled two hours to get there and force fed me through the process. One more step... I'm in my fourth month of the six month doctor supervised diet and will be tested for sleep apnea in the coming weeks. It looks like I might have it and that is kind of a slam dunk for getting insurance to approve. So weird to think that the fatter and sicker you are, the more likely you are to save around $17 grand!!!

The Consult!

Dec 13, 2006

December 13, 2006

I took another step on the path toward a big lifestyle change today. I drove 2 hours to Bowling Green for my first consult with the surgical team. Met the dietatician and surgical assistant. I knew I wouldn't meet the surgeon that day because he was busy in surgery then doing rounds, but I still wanted to get the appointment under my belt.

They feel I'm a good candidate for the VSG and they do all four of the operations. They also feel they can get me approved through my insurance. That was a good thing to hear!

I was there almost all day because I ended up getting almost all of the tests done, sans the psyco test and sleep apnea. I just got lucky that the EKG and pulmonary areas had a couple of cancelations! Woo hoo. I have no idea what that will cost after my insurance covers what it will cover, but screw it, this is what I'm determined to do!

About Me
Oct 18, 2006
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Thanks for coming!
Brief, but intense pity party...
Post Holidays!
The Consult!
