Day 1 - Opti-fast 900

Jan 01, 2014

Goal:  consume 4 packs of Opti-fast per day

Well, I made it thru Day 1 of 21 on the Opti-fast, I started out great, with a chocolate shake, drank it quickly....hmmmm, tasted like choc milk...

thought ok, this will not be too bad after all...

Seeing as it was January 1st, 2014...I slept in, and my day began a bit later than usual.

Around 4:00 pm, decided to try the vanilla shake, yuck.....!!?*#!!?

I forced myself to finish it, problem was the taste stuck with me the rest of the day and night...I had 2 large cups of decaf tea, 2 bottles of water and could not rid of that flavour.

Went to bed.

Summary:  2 packs of shake eaten, 2 packs of shake left over


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Jan 01, 2014
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