Wow some people are assholes

Jan 09, 2013

I don't understand why, just because a forum is in text format that people think its OK to say shit they would never, ever, ever say in person.

Anyhow this rude ass comment did make me reevaluate the way I have been spending my days. First thing is I weigh myself, and if I have lost weight I happily run downstairs to log it on MFP.. then I run over to the OH board to look for support and be supportive of others.

Today, while trying to be supportive of another member, I made a comment on her post. Which earned me a reply from another person (not OP) that I was neglecting my son. Wow thats a fucking assumptive statement being that this person doesn't know me in person and has no idea how I spend my days or what my son does through out the day.

I dont see how an innocent comment made on someone elses post, offering genuine advice would earn me an accusation of child neglect... to which I replied. And the asshole who accused me of that didnt even have the common courtesy to look at my fucking reply and apologize. Seriously! Accusing someone of neglecting their child isnt something you do in passing and then not think of it ever again. That is a serious accusation. One that I am deeply offended by. 


Anyway, that got me to thinking that maybe I shouldn't try to be so supportive. I want to help with the OP but, when someone who isnt even the OP comes and puts an asshole comment like that, doesn't make me want to participate in the forum anymore. Which sucks because I know it was helping me out, and maybe I was helping some others out too.

I know I am young and havent lived all the challenges that life has to offer. But I am very, very smart. And when I have problems I find a solution. The problem I was having and the OP was having is that we were not feeling connected to our husbands. I stated what I did to feel more connected (started doing something he enjoys which is pc gaming) which has fixed our relationship so much. 

But because I now pc game with my husband, that makes me 'neglectful'

Even though I spend all day with my son and don't start playing until after he goes to bed. I am 'neglectful'

People are rude and need to watch what they say. What is the matter with people?


OK OK rant and bitch session over. 

Anyway this post actually started out as something different and evolved into this bitch session.


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