November 6, 2006

Nov 05, 2006

As I have mentioned before I am very lax (I mean I'm a low down dirty non profile updater!) about updating this profile/ blog.  Today Sunday Nov. 5, 2006 I spent a large part of my afternoon converting my "old school" OH profile into the new "blog" format.
My dear OH CA. Message Board  sister Lynn suggested I update my profile so here goes.

I had my first year surgery anniversary on Wednesday Nov. 1.  Boy oh boy time really does fly!  I had my one year follow up with my surgeon Dr. Ali last Friday 11/3.  My family Dr. had done my labs and everything looked good.  The Dr. said I'm doing well.  I was down 125 pounds.  It's kind of mind blowing to look at that number and try to mentally digest that I have lost a whole lot of weight.  The weird and kinda greedy me, wishes it was even more!  It's that comparison thing, you know, the thing your not supposed to do?  LOL  I asked my surgeon how much more weight could I realistically expect to lose.  He said I might get down to 180-190 pounds.  Of course I told him I was hoping for a weight of 165-175 (or less, but I'm trying to be realistic here).  But what I really wanted was to be a size 12 or 14.  He said he thought that was realistic.  Currently the size 18's are too big and I'm downsizing to 16's.  Over the weekend I went into Steinmart.  I tried on a pair of DKNY stretch denim jeans in a SIZE 14!!!  I couldn't believe it.  That they would go on, up over my hips, fit my thighs AND button and zip with ease!  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!  My pre-surgery britches were 28's (getting snug with an all elastic waist) and the last pair of pants I bought as a pre-op were elastic waist on the sides with a zipper and button front in get this, a SIZE 30.
I truly do feel grateful to have gotten a second chance to live life without all that extra weight.
I have a turkey waddle of a neck now (ala Ronald Reagan) and my arms, boobs, tummy and thighs aren't so pretty, but I can deal with those things. 
The surgeons assistant took my picture to compare with the pre-op one they had taken and I can honestly say I didn't see my self that big then.  Dr. said he would almost not have recgnized me from the before pic.  Talk about your body dysmorphia.  I know I had it then, and think I still do to some degree.  It takes a while for the head to catch up with the changes.  It's like I know I'm smaller, but I almost can't believe it's me.
Eating is still challenging/a learning experience/different for me.
I get hungy, but I'm never starving.  Nothing ever sounds REALLY good.  Or if it does, it sounds better in my mind than it would be actually eating it.
I think I still may eat too fast.  Sheesh, I really have tried to slow down (I swear I NEVER ate like a Tazmanian Devil before), but if I don't go snales pace slow, I don't feel good.
I still try and get one 20g protein drink (usually Unjury, my favorite mixed with my coffee) everyday and I try and keep mindful of all my vitamins.  This is challenging at times.

July 17, 2006

Jul 16, 2006

I am currently - 110 pounds now! Yeah for me!!!
I made "The Century Club" (-100 lbs.) shortly after The Obesityhelp CA. Message Boards "Craig Park Annual Picnic" in May!!!!!

OMGoodness! Worlds worst profile updater signing in. I'm just NOT an enthusiastic profile writer. I have enjoyed reading others profiles, but if they are too wordy I lose interest.
I tend to look for the 'meat' of the profile. Such as, weight at beginning of journey, weight loss, complications if any, diet, exercise, personal accomplishments/milestones and things learned/experienced along the way. So if and when I do update this profile page, I'll 'try' to stay brief and concise.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am to God, my surgeon (Dr. Mir Ali), the insurance co.  my dear sister Sheli (and the many people here on OH )who went before me with this surgery and by example, showed me this surgical tool could work for me too! I love her dearly! Thank you my sweet sister and friend!  Thank you dear OH brothers and sisters!

March 5, 2006

Mar 04, 2006

I am now just a little over 4 months post op and have currently lost 75 pounds (Thank God for that!!!)

Since my last update I had felt a slight nausea (not horrible, but kind of an always there sick feeling) at almost all times and for approximately 6 weeks - two months I threw up probably 3 times each week. I was beginning to be concerned. I had mentioned this to my surgeron at my 3 month post op visit and I had called in about it and discussed it with one of the P.A.'s. On the third call to the surgeon's office with the same complaint, I was instructed by one of my surgeons partners to see the gastroenterologist. I had an endoscopy (EGD) on Friday February 17, 2006. The gastroenterologist said he dialated the opening and connection in the pouch a "couple of notches". The procedure itself was really a piece of cake, the only thing that hurt was when the nurse missed and "blew the vein", putting my IV in.
It has been just over two weeks since the scope and I think I am now starting to finally feel a bit better. Food was just not sounding good, I was never very hungry and I know my caloric consumption was very low. I just cannot force myself to eat. Just over this weekend, I enjoyed my meals a bit better. I have only vomited once since the scope and that was 3 days after the procedure when I had a couple bites of steak. Yuk, that didn't sit well at all. The nagging slightly nauseated feeling has been gone since after the scope thank God!

February 8, 2006

Feb 07, 2006

The major profile procrastinator has an update and so soon! What's up with that?
Sheesh, I got so sick last night. I had a week of no barfies, then I was in barf hell all eve. last night....YUK! I had my two protein drinks yesterday and 3/4 of a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and a splash of 1% milk. Things were going swimmingly in the digestion department and I was sipping my water throughout the day.
I guess I let myself become too hungry again and that is a Danger Zone for me. I went to a little fast food Chinese place that a fellow OH CA. message board friend Leann turned me on to. I ordered the Won Ton soup. It's broth is tasty and clear and it has veggies, Pork, chicken and shrimp plus the won tons. Jeesh, I must have eaten it too fast without even realizing it. I had some tender pieces of chicken and a little pork and then probably too much clear broth.
Lord have mercy!!! The ralphing started about 40 minutes later and lasted off and on for 5 hours through the evening. After so many times ralphing, all that was left was a burning liguid. YUK!
At this point, eating is just not easy every time. And as I've said before, one meal (identical) will go down just fine, and on another occassion "forget about it". BLECH! I'm dealing though and much better this morning. I'll just take it easy on the "coin purse" today and hope for the best.

February 5, 2006

Feb 04, 2006

Ok, so someone told me my profile was old and there wasn't much information. So here goes, Feb. 1st. I was 3 months post op. All in all, I think I'm doing pretty darn good. I am learning by trial and error what my pouch or "coin purse" as I prefer to call it, will accept and what it will not. The weird thing about this new teeny tiny tummy is that sometimes it will accept a certain food and the digestive process goes swell and other times it's a no go and I get sick and barf. Week before last my "purse" was either extremely finacky or I had picked up a stomach bug. I vomited more than usual and also had some lower intestine troubles. I went back to soft foods and soups.
The main thing I REALLY have to concentrate on is chewing my food REALLY well and eating at a snails pace. I have also noticed that if I try to carry on a conversation while eating the pouch seems to fill with air and it becomes very uncomfortable. I do not drink with my meals (or tidbits is more like it at this point), I wait the 30 minutes afterward.
So far I have not taken my measurements. MY surgeons office took them when I was pre-op. I know I should, but I also know the inches are coming off, I can feel it, even if I can't really see it yet.
Here are my weight losses at the various post-op visits so far.

2 week post op visit -20 pounds
6 week " " " -14 lbs.
3 month visit - 21 lbs

I am down 55 pounds since the day of surgery and feeling better every day! I think I am just now starting to come out of my tired/no energy spell. I am focusing on getting most of my protein through supplements at this point because I just cannot eat 40-50 grams a day yet. I make sure I drink alot of water and I'm pretty good at taking my vitamins. It is a challenge to learn how to eat slowly, wait to drink, make sure you have taken all your supplements and take in enough protein, but it CAN be done.
I know before too long I must jump on the dreaded E word train. Yep, exercise..... I know it has to be done, but that doesn't mean I like it or want to. LOL! I'll just have to deal.
I am so grateful to God and Cal-Optima for allowing me to have this surgery and a chance to not have to live the rest of my life as a super morbidly obese person.

December 30, 2005

Dec 29, 2005

Ok in this part of my profile is where I will share my hospital exerience and try and bring you, the reader up to date on my progress so far.

Going back to Halloween Oct. 31, 2005
This was the day before my surgery and I was on clear liquids all day. Black coffee, Hot Tea, Jello, Broth. 
I was feeling very peaceful at this point and this was an answer to prayer, as I had mentioned before I had already been through the "what ifs" re: things going wrong with surgery or complications.
Got my 7 year old daughter ready to trick or treat and headed over to my non WLS sisters house. My BIL's and adult niece took the kiddos out to trick or treat while I relaxed with my mom and sister.

November 1, 2005 ~~~ Day of Surgery
Up at 3:30 a.m. Had to be at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center for check in at 5:15 a.m. with a scheduled surgery time of 9:45 a.m.
My dear WLS sister Sheli was here a 0:00 dark thirty to pick me up and take me to the hospital as the DH works nights and was not off work yet. He would meet us at the hospital later.
So we get down to the hospital, go right down to the surgical floor, since most of the paperwork had been done by pre-admission.
And I get into a comfy supersized bariatric gown sans my panties (TMI) and wait.
I feel blessed that I was in really good spitits and ready to move on with my new life.
Finally around 8:30 ish give or take, they wheeled me down to the pre-op area. My sister Sheli went with me. Still no sign of the DH.
We waited awhile in the pre-op area and a nice nursing veteran (her name escapes me) started my IV.
A very large (MO) anesthesiologist started a conversaton with my sister and I. He was young, in his 30's and a handsome fellow. I really felt for him. I noticed his girth, his swollen ankles and the fact he was perspiring. I must admit I thought to myself I wonder why he doesn't have WLS? He must be in on oodles of WLS cases every week. I wonder if he is just not ready to make that kind of decision about his weight and life, or if he has some kind of health issue that would prohibit it? I don't know what his personal story was, but I found it ironic that here I was all gowned and I.V.'d in the pre-op area of the hospital and there was this really big anesthesiologist there talking, laughing and making jokes with my siter and I.
I guess I was struck because you just don't see many SMO physcians. Alot of big nurses , but not many Dr.'s for some reason.
Anyway, a very nice East Indian Dr. comes and introduces himself as my anesthesiologist. My DH has just made it in the nick of time to spend maybe 15 minutes with me prior to surgery.
The time comes and this nice Dr. and O.R. nurse wheel me out of the pre-op holding area into the hall, kisses are exchanged between my DH and my sister and I. They say they will be praying for me.
That anesthesiologist and an operating room nurse wheel me down to the operating room suite and I slide over onto the table. They have some rock and roll on the stereo. So far I like it. I am still suprisingly relaxed, but the nerves start a little. I start to pray and ask the Lord to keep me. Dr. Feel Good say's he'll take good care of me and he has a good sense of humor! I like him. His warmth and sense of humor are reassuring to me. A young cute OR nurse is asking me to put my arms out to my sides. I tell her I know this is weird, but I feel like Jesus (on the cross). She say's alot of people say that, so I'm not that weird....LOL I had seen two people through the window scrubing up, preparing to come into the OR. I didn't recognize him if it was Dr. Ali, I know the other person was female. They later told me that Dr.'s P.A. "Grace" had assisted. So it was probably them I saw. We were all wearing our stylish paper caps, so I guess that threw me...LOL
Next thing I know, I ask Dr.Feel Good if he is messing with my I.V., as I KNOW I'm starting to feel DIFFERENT! He say's "well what do you think I'm doing back here" and laughs! Cute nurse places mask over my face and that's all she wrote folks.
Now, the next thing I know I'm already back in my room on the surgical floor. My sister is still with me, hubby had stayed to see me through surgery then headed home to sleep as he was working again that night.
Since I was so well medicated and out of it, I sent Sheli home for some needed rest.
I must have slept through the entire day, because my next memory is not untill that night. I got up and walked and I was really impressed how straight and tall I could stand after just having had a MAJOR abdominal surgery that morning. The difference between lap and open are day and night folks. Wow, I was/am impressed!
My hospital stay at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center was so-so. Not too bad, but not great either. As with most hospitals now a day's there are never enough nurses or aides to go around.
I didn't have the luxery of having a family member with me for most of the stay due to their work schedules. My one piece of advice for anyone going to the hospital these days for anything is to have somebody with you most of the time if you possibly can.
In retrospect I was a bit upset that none of my nurses seemed to notice that I was WAY over medicated. My girlfriend, my sister and husband caught on to that fact really fast and reported it to my nurse. I was so out of it and drugged, I felt I could not communicate my needs to the nurses effectively. I also felt that after the first night post op, the nurses didn't encourage walking as much as they should have or even using the incentive spirometer. About the second night my IV infiltrated (slipped out of the vein) and my hand swelled up really large. That night there was a nurse, not even assigned to me that did more to care for me than most of my other nurses put together. She just had alot of common sense, knew how to give excellant patient care and provide good old fashioned comfort measures. She discontinued my IV (it was time for pain meds by mouth anyway), wrapped my hand in warm towels, straightened my bed, gave me extra pillows to elevate my swollen hand on, gave me an ice pack, (because I was having hellish drug induced hot flashes), made sure my call bell, phone and things were within reach. I mean simple good BASIC nursing care. I felt she took care of me the best!
I forgot to mention late the night of surgery I had not been able to potty, so in with a foley cathater they came. I was so drugged, I didn't give a darn. So I think (remember the morphine was kicking my a$$ here) they left it in for about 24*, then removed it. The only thing bad about it was it was one more tube coming out of me or off me, so it was annoying. I mean urinary cathater, IV in hand, oxygen in nose and compression booties on feet. I was hooked up and not in a good way LOL!
While in the hospital the Dr.'s Physician's Assistant Richard came to check on me. He was good.
I will say that it was soooooo very good to finally get a drink on the 3rd post op day. I followed the protocol and sipped one ounce every 15 minutes. The next day it was increased. I was doing better except for some REALLY uncomfortable back pain. My surgical sites never really bothered me at all. Thank God! I was discharged on the 4th post op day and glad to be going home to my own bed!

December 26, 2005

Dec 25, 2005

Well folks if you bother to read my profile you know by now that I suck at updating. I am a terrible procrastinator with this page. I will back up now and try to bring you the reader up to date. I cannot remember the exact dates but approximately 2 weeks after getting the approval from Cal-Optima I was scheduled for surgery at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center.

My surgery date would be Tuesday November 1, 2005 with Dr. Mir Ali at 9:00 a.m. I had the required blood work, and EKG at my primary Dr's group. On Oct. 12th I attended the nutrition class. Thank God I had been exposed to this site long enough and knew what to expect in the basic gastric bypass post op diet department, because the Registerd Dietician they had do the little talk had a bit of a problem with english. Some things end up not translated well, no big deal though ( I don't think I learned much from that session). She did emphasize nothing by mouth after surgery for 48 hours, then one ounce every 15 minutes the third day. And one ounce every 5 minutes the next day and from then on out.

On October 13th I attended the "Dr. talk" that was given by Dr. Phillip Chin. Again, after being exposed to this site for so long I was informed and familiar with the subject matter.

My family Dr. hadn't ordered all the needed lab work for some reason and I ended up at the Fountain Valley Hospital pre-surgical out patient facility for more labs, they gave me my incentive spirometer there also and made sure I understood how to use it properly. It's the little device you inhale on to make sure your lungs are expanding enough after surgery to prevent pneumonia.

I went to Fountain Valley hospital for my blood gass testing. Fountain Valley out patient radiology
for the Upper GI and the Gallbladder Ultrasound. The gallbladder ultrasound revealed I had some stones, so my gall bladder was to be removed during the gastric bypass surgery. Thank God I never had any symptoms before they took that puppy out, because I understand that can make you pretty sick and miserable.

One week prior to surgery October 25, I had my one on one talk with Dr. Ali. I left that appointment with the confidence and satisfaction that this was really the right decision for me. The fear and the "what if's" had now left me and I was just ready to forge ahead and get this thing done to begin my new lifestyle.

I need to back up a bit at this point and say that I was a bit of a wreck after my surgery was finally approved. I was not jumping for joy or crying with joy etc.... Having a nursing background I think I had imagined almost every worse case scenario as far as the surgery going wrong or having major complications. Everything from possible problems with the anesthesia to blood clots, infection and a myriad of other complications. My biggest fear is that something would go wrong and I would be maimed and come out in worse shape than I had been as a Pre-op. It's not that I'm normally on such a downer or such a pessimistic person, but the reality of the seriousness of this anatomy altering surgery had me really uptight. And that saying "A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" was holding true in my case.

My turning point in my attitude came October 20, 2005 the night that my angel Sheryl hosted my surgery support dinner. It was held at the California Pizza Kitchen in Santa Ana at Main Place mall. Wow, never sell short the power of support! My dinner was attended
by lot's of folk's from the California Message Board. It was overwhelming
to me to see that Sheryl had requested the attendees bring me something to use in my post op period (foods, vitamins and supplements). Oh my goodness, the loot I came home with filled a whole cupboard shelf!!!
I received 1/2 cup size bowls, cream soups, protein drinks, multi vitamins, B12, iron, calcium citrate, tons of Crystal Light, SF jello and pudding mix. Soy chips and nuts, Power Crunch bars. Cinnamon, instant potatos and a ton of other stuff to use in the post op period. I didn't need to buy anthing literally, my OH brothers and sisters provided me with EVERYTHING! It was a true blessing to be honored this way,
to be loved and supported by many others who had walked the WLS road before me. People who would spend their time and resources to come out and give me a really wonderful pre-surgery send off. How can you thank someone for that kind of support? Well I'll try.....Sheryl, you overwhelmed me with a wonderful night, treated me and my family to a wonderful dinner and organized such a good send off.
To EVERYONE who came out for me, I LOVE and APPRECIATE you more than you know! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Also,
some gave me personal gifts that I cherrish too!
I want to thank those of you who couldn't be there with us physically but who I know were supporting me in spirit. The strength I gained fro this occasion was really the turning point for me emotionally. The fear diminished and I had peace about my decision! That is priceless my friends!

October 15, 2005

Oct 14, 2005

Hi there, I know I'm not a good profile updater. I will attempt to flashback and bring the reader up to date on my journey.
The end of last year we lost our PPO coverage, due to my husbands job loss. I was really getting no where fast with them anyway (see above for details). In June I applied for Medi-cal and was approved for coverage due to our families low income. On August Friday August 12 I attended the Patient Education Class at Smart/Lite Dimensions Dr.Peter LePort's surgical group. The next Wed. they submitted the request to the insurance co. and by the following Sat. I had a denial letter in the mail. On the 29th of August I filed an online appeal. I know I made several calls to the Cal optima care coordination department to find out the status of my appeal. Every single nurse in that department seemed to go out of her way to help me. I really felt they were on my side and pulling for me. On about the 26th of September I found out that I had been approved for the surgery. I was very happy and kind of numb, with a lot of mixed emotions. It had taken so long to get to this point (having started pursuing this in March of 2004).

January 12, 2005

Jan 11, 2005

Hi and Happy New Year to those reading this. I am not the greatest at the profile updates. But here goes, there has been yet another obstacle thrown in my way for obtaining WLS. At this point, I do not feel devastated over this news, thank God, as I really don't want to experience depression as I have in the past. My husband is our sole insurance provider at this time and is changing jobs, so we will be without insurance for a period of time. That's a real bummer, and I pray nothing catastrophic happens within our family. So for WLS, I will have to begin again depending on what insurance carrier we end up with. I had been seeing my family physician monthly for the last 9 months as required by my now former insurance co. "The 12 months DR. supervised diet and nutritional counseling thing" At my last appointment in December I had gained a whopping 10 more pounds from Oct. - Dec. I had really not been "dieting" or watching my intake of food, since I started seeing the Dr. monthly. I am bummed about the 10 new pounds. Soooooooo, I have been reacessing my situation and options here. And for the time being, this is what I have come up with. I have some control and choices to make in my situation. I can choose to wallow and feel bad about the insurance situation, eat, and not move (get active) or I can try to watch my eating habits much better and try to start moving. I do hate exercise, but I know I have to get up and walk at least. For now, I am going to be following Weight Watchers to the best of my ability and to see if I can get of that first 10%. I think that's doable, and if I can lose more....well, you won't here me complaining. I just do not want to get any larger one way or the other if I can help it at all. I have made some really good friends and acquaintances along the journey through the OH CA. Message board and hope to stay in touch and ask for their support during this time in my journey to a healthier me. Thank you all! Love, ~TamiB~

October 3, 2004

Oct 02, 2004

My dear mom's birthday. Hey I got my profile all gussied up by Obesityhelp volunteer Kari A. I love it Kari thanks again.
Today I was out shopping with my little daughter, I got a glance of myself in a mirror. Yikes, I am one big mama. I hate how I perspire just walking around shopping. I am praying my insurance co. will approve my surgery after I have completed their requirements. I always was under the impression it was better to have a PPO plan rather than an HMO. I still believe it is for most things. But it seems like alot of people I have met or read there profile have been approved easier by their HMO. My husbands co. does not offer an HMO plan. Untill next time.....

About Me
North Orange Co., CA
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2003
Member Since

Friends 71

Latest Blog 15
November 6, 2006
July 17, 2006
March 5, 2006
February 8, 2006
February 5, 2006
December 30, 2005
December 26, 2005
October 15, 2005
January 12, 2005
October 3, 2004
