September 29, 2004

Sep 28, 2004

Well, I am not very good at updating. The reason being I'm afraid, is that I am still in the hurry up and wait phase. And any time I get a negative letter or phone call from the insurance co.(3 letters 1 phone call) I tend to have to be bummed about it for a time. Then I have to pull myself up by my bra straps LOL and trudge on towards the goal. I might as well kick back and relax cause it don't look like I will be having my surgery in the immediate future. After my first batch of records were submitted, I received a letter from the insurance co. (total form letter) stating they could not approve me because I needed 12 months of M.D. notes to reflect a supervised diet. The 12 months need to be in the last 24 months. Presently I have nine M.D. visits dating back to the end of 2002 that document my morbid obesity, the need to lose weight, co-morbidities, caloric intake, yada yada. But evidently my insurance co. wants a monthly blow by blow, so by geepers that's what they are gonna get!! My family physician is a wonderful woman who supports my decision to have WLS and does everything to help me meet my insurance co.'s requirements. I really hope that at this point it's only another 6 months. And by gosh ....that feels like a real long tme. I know others have waited just as long as I have and alot longer. I have not been totally denied the surgery, they are probably just stalling and making my Dr. visit notes a technicality to hold off paying out for as long as they possibly can. I am going to be having a Hemoglobin A1C blood test to make sure I'm not diabetic. (Lord I sincerely hope I'm not) And also, some time in the future I will be having a sleep study. Because I do snore like a Burlington-Northern AND a Santa Fe. I sometimes wake up with a light head ache. So these symptoms could be indicative of sleep apnea. And the tests will provide more documentation for my insurance paperwork arsenol

August 7, 2004

Aug 06, 2004

My sister Sheli and I attended Rachel Q.'s, Help me Ronda's and Karaoke Nadine's karaoke party at Rachel's home. Again met more people from the CA.Message Board. Had some tropical cocktails, jello shooters and sang karaoke. Yee Haw.

August 1, 2004

Jul 31, 2004

I attended the CA. Message board Craig Park Picnic. I took my 5 year old daughter. She had a blast with the other kids.
I got to meet alot of people from the boards I had not previously met.

June 29, 2004

Jun 28, 2004

I FLASHBACK to April 2004..... I was able to attend the Anaheim Event put on by at the Paradise Pier Hotel on April 25, 2004. Can you say "What A Blast"? I had such a great time and met so many of the people I had been responding to and meeting on the CA. Message Board. I felt like it was a real sister/brotherhood of people. I attended with my sister Sheli. Didn't get to meet everyone that that was there, but hope to at the next event planned for October 2004 in Los Angeles.

Oh my gosh it's me again! Where have I been you might ask? Well truthfully, I've been schmoozing and meeting lots of wonderful people from, "The California Message Board" to be specific. I just couldn't bring myself back here and write a diary of mundane things leading up to my surgery. When I had places to go and OH people to meet!LOL! As I am nearly certain I have no literary fans out there hanging on every letter I input, I want to spare you (the reader) most of the yada yada of Dr. visits etc. Let's just suffice it to say I have had my initial consult with the surgeons office where I met his new partner John Coon, M.D. instead of who I specifically asked to see Terry Sanderfer,M.D. (he performed my sisters sugery in November 2003) I also attended a seminar put on by Coastal Center for Obesity at Chapman Hospital in Orange 2 weeks prior. That was back in March. 

OK, my psychological evaluation is done. I had my eval. with Dr. Scott Boliver earlier this month. He is a wonderful person, very professional and I consider him my friend. He and Dolly are two of the wonderful people I had met on the CA. Message Board and I met them in Anaheim at the event. Thank you Scott! I now have medical records with M.D. notes that reflect a year of supervised diet with nutrional counseling. I will submit all this to the surgeons office this week. They will submit to my insurance co. and then we'll see what they say. So I am in the "hurry up and wait phase of this thing". Oh well such is life and a yada dada do.

Tami Tells A Weight Loss Surgery Tale

Mar 16, 2004

March 17,2004 

St.Patricks Day ~~  Hi, and thanks for stopping by!  
I am a wife, mother, daughter, grandaughter and sister. I turned 45 in February and while I'm not really hung up about my age I realize I'm getting older.  I like to read, see movies, visit my family and friends.  I am a people person.

Now about my weight, I've been overweight now for at least 23 years.  I've always had a tendency to gain weight. With every decade since my 20's, I've packed it on. I never gained those whopping numbers some do during pregnancy, in fact I would weigh less after the pregnancy, then start packing on the pounds.  I'm a real couch or bed potato and I know this has affected my health in a negative way.  I have had depression before and it was just a vicious cycle.  You are told to get out and walk, but when you are in the middle of a depression, walking is about the last thing on the list, when it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. It was much easier to carry extra weight in my 20's and 30's than it is now in my 40's.  In fact it's awfully hard to carry it around and I am also "SICK AND TIRED OF FEELING SICK AND TIRED"

I never thought I would go to the extreme of even considering weight loss surgery.  I was under the impression that the surgery had to be unhealthy and was kind of a "freakish mutilation" My views came from things I had read, things I had heard.  I had not done any research on the subject myself. 


My sister announced she was going to have a gastric bypass, somtime long about Spring/Summer 2003.

At first I thought my sister was "jumping the gun" a little. After all, I was the larger of the two of us and I didn't think this was for me, so why did she need to do somthing so "drastic"? I had not done any research on the subject at that time.  My sister decided she'd had enough ill health, aches and pains and general feeling of poor health.  She said for her, she felt her body was maxed out at her weight.

In retrospect, I'm glad my sister was "the trailblazer" of the family, leading the way for me to see that weight loss surgery might be a viable option for me too.  Thank you Sheli for being brave and showing me I have another option.

My sister had an uneventfull Open Roux En Y procedure on November 10, 2003 and has done great so far.  See her profile under Michele Baker, Anaheim CA.  I love you Sheli!

About Me
North Orange Co., CA
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2003
Member Since

Friends 71

Latest Blog 15
November 6, 2006
July 17, 2006
March 5, 2006
February 8, 2006
February 5, 2006
December 30, 2005
December 26, 2005
October 15, 2005
January 12, 2005
October 3, 2004
