
Sep 05, 2010

Hey there people, It has been awhile since I've posted any thing on here, but i had to share, what seemed to me a funny moment.

A lil bit of a back ground..... I have to deal with a few snarky ladies almost on a daily basis with some of my sons activities. These two ladies have no life of there own to say the least and need to get off their imaginary high horses.
They have begin to notice my weight loss and began asking other people that are close to me why I was losing soo much weight and how was I doing it, I had told only those close to me that I had RNY and instructed those people to not tell anyone else, and they have respected my wishes.

Well these two ladies are running around asking EVERYONE, what is wrong with me, why am I losing SO much weight SO fast, they assume that I am sick and there is something majorly wrong with me, the thing is..........They had yet to come to me and ask me themselves, doing all this running around behind my back asking everyone and their mother, including my son what was going on with me.
So because they couldn't get any info out of anyone else, they start making assumptions again and start telling people that I am very sick and my life is going down the tubes that's why I have lost soo much weight. To me, that was the funniest thing, how they can make up a whole new life for me.

So finally I gave them the opportunity to ask me, I small talked them asked how they were doing and such..then it came........The question "How are you losing soo much weight", " You look soo good now"   I LOOK SO GOOD NOW?????? WOW!!! So I simply say " Ohh you know with my life in shambles,So I have been told..... I got hooked on Crack, but thanks for telling me I look soo good" and I walked away with the biggest grin on my face and the look on their faces OMG !!! Was soo good. It was one of those moments when you wished there was a camera around.
Yeah my approach to the situation may have been a lil inappropriate, maybe alot inappropriate, but I don't feel  the need to justify my self to a bunch of hens in the hen house.

One Hell of A Week

Aug 08, 2010

What A week, man ohh man.This past week has been the worst week since I started on this journey.It was my regret week, the what the hell did I do to myself week.
All week starting on Monday I couldn't get not one once of food down for nothing, I would gag get nauseous, then here comes the fits of dry heaving for at least 2-4 minutes. All I was able to ingest was water and jello, but by Thursday, I wasn't able to consume nothing at all. I felt horrible. At first I thought it was due to a lil dumping I thought I had with the Activia yogurt I had, but 3 days??? I finally called my Dr on Thursday, explained my symptoms and he requested I go in the same day to see him, but his office being 1 and 1/2 hours away, I couldn't get anybody to take me at the last minute, and I sure wasn't going to chance driving myself. So I went in Friday, he took me back right away, I told him all my symptoms and he tells me that I may have scar tissue at the stitch line from my small intestine and my pouch and he would have to perform an endoscopy. If there was then a balloon would be sent down and inflated to stretch the area, that's what may be causing the nausea and dry heaving, the opening is too small for anything to pass, even water, he noticed that I was dehydrated. So we set that up for early Saturday morning.
Got to the hospital at 7:30, got admitted, started me on I.V fluids, and  did blood work. Blood work shows my potassium levels are way low, so after the procedure, that would have to start me on I.V. potassium.
I undergo the procedure and when I come to, the Dr. tells me that I had not  blockage, but a developing Ulcer!!! I have never had an ulcer in my life, so I didn't know that what I was felling was an ulcer. I get started on Nexium and Metoprosol,I think that's what its called, not sure of the spelling and I quickly start to feel soo much better, my husband says I am starting to get the look of death off me, Well after a week of not eating, that will do it to ya. I got discharged Saturday evening, what took so long was, my blood pressure was staying real low like in the 80's, it slowly creeped back up to the 90's and they said I can go home, Oh and that dang potassium I.V was horrible, it hurt soo bad, constant burning sensation up my whole arm.
Today is even better then yesterday thank goodness, I am still nervous that it will flare up again before it gets better, but when I do start getting that feeling, I take a bite of something, a cracker, some peanut butter and it calms down.
Moral of the story, Keep Hydrated, I don't think being dehydrated really made a difference on rather or not I was going to get the ulcer, but it sure didn't help the way I was feeling.

5 Days

Jul 11, 2010

Soo I am Five days post op and I am feeling really good, soreness is less and less every day. I haven't had to use any meds at all since yesterday morning. I went to the mall today since it was too hot today to walk out side and did a few laps around there, felt really good. I looked like hell, but it's ok because in no time I will be strolling that mall looking and feeling as good as I look LOL.
I am getting a lil tired of the liquids though, which worries me cause I still have two whole weeks before I can move on to a thicker consistancy of foods.
I was telling my husband that there are things that I crave that I haven't even had in soo long its crazy to even want them, but good thing its not lose control cravings.

I'm Home !!

Jul 09, 2010

I'm finally home, it seemed like I was gone forever. I went into surgery Tuesday July 6Th at 3 pm came out I don't know when cause I was so out of it, but all went well, the first night after surgery I slept alot I got up about 3 in the morning and took my first walk, it really does feel better when you walk around. I had a bad bout of nausea for the second day which made me gag alot and made my pain worse. Finally on Thursday they took me off the pain meds thinking that maybe it was the morphine that was making me nauseous, it help and I haven't gaged but I still feel a bit of nauseous, but in stead of gagging I am hiccuping alot. Not as painful as gagging. I'm gonna try to get comfortable now that I am home and will update a little later.

The Count Down Is On

Jul 05, 2010

Tomorrow is the day, I'm gonna start a new, I will be going in to surgery at 2 in the afternoon. I haven't started feeling nervous just yet, I am guessing cause of all the things that have to get done before I leave tomorrow, get my kids ready, make sure everyone has enough clean clothes for when I am gone, arranging who is gonna take me to the hospital since my husband couldn't get the whole day off, it has been an exhausting couple of days> I thought I was gonna have a hard time with the liquid diet I had to start today, but I honestly haven't had the time to think about eating, But I do have to say, it crossed my mind about all the things I haven't had in along that normal before having weight loss surgery???  Well people I have a heavy day ahead tomorrow and I have to still pack my bag. Take care all and I will update as soon as I can


Its been awhile

Jun 25, 2010

Soo, it's been awhile since my last update and this last stretch has been the most frustrating one, I have been approved fully by my insurance, but the hold up now is getting a date set in stone> I had an original date of June 30Th, but that got pushed back cause they needed to schedule at least another person for the same date, soo now I am looking at July 6Th, but even that is still dependent on if they can get another person scheduled for that same day, the waiting game....... I hate it, but I have to take into consideration that there are some people out there that have been waiting a whole lot longer then I have and have had to jump through alot more hoops.



Apr 29, 2010

Got a call from Dr. Nazaerian's office today and I have the go ahead to start with all my pre op testing and what not. I have to be at Temple Community Hospital on Wednesday at 6:30 in the morning and they will do all the pre op in that one day, it will make for a very long day. When my husband went for his pre op we got there at the same time and didn't leave till 4 in the afternoon. I won't be having my surgery there at Temple but Dr Nazareian will still be  performing my surgery . Then they will compile all that and send to the insurance for a date........I am still really nervous about that 



Apr 26, 2010

I am staring to make a comparison with weight loss and the process of weight loss surgery, it's a one step forward two to three steps back process.. got a call from the lady who sends for the approvals for Dr. Nazarian and seems that I can't move forward like we had thought with anything till after May 9Th due to a preexisting restriction we have on our plan. We hadn't had any insurance for more then six months prior to us getting our insurance that we have now, so they put a waiting period that we have to meet before they Will cover anything, which will lift on May 9Th, that isn't too far off, but still sets me back those weeks. Kinda bummed, but i just have to take it as it comes and hope for the best.

Dr. Confirmed

Apr 23, 2010

Went to see Dr. Nazaerian today for my consultation and he confirmed that I am a candidate for RNY Gastric Bypass. I guess I was still in a lil bit of denial about my weight cause I was still telling my self I was 222 lbs, but I weighed in at 225 on my 5'2 frame. I am still a little worried about the insurance process, I don't want to get my hopes up high then an insurance glitch bring me crashing down. They are going to send necessary request in to the insurance on Monday, and  schedule me for all my pre op test in two weeks. I am keeping my fingers crossed till I know for sure and have a definite surgery date. Ohhh and, thank goodness Dr. Nazareian will still be doing my surgery even if Insurance doesn't approve Temple Community Hospital, I am so relived!!!!


First Road Block

Apr 20, 2010

Well I ran into my first road block today, didn't think it would happen this soon, but it did. Seems that we have a preexisting conditions restrciton on our Insurance plan cause we haven't had inusrance in so long, the lady I spoke with at Live lite said it is supposed to be lifted in on May 9th, but I  can still go ahead with all the consult and pre op stuff, oh and Dr. Nazariean isn't considered an Center Of Exellnce with Blue Cross , but that he would be able to refer me to a surgon that is. Sucks cause my husband and my aunt had a great experiance with him and I really had my heart set on him doing my surgery. I guess I can look on the bright side of this one and at least I can still start, not everything is on hold till after May. They did mention Dr. Joseph Naim. I am gonna start doing my research on him, if anyone who happens across this blog in the southern Cal area knows of him feel free to give me your thoughts>

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About Me
Victorville, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2010
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