Feeling great!

Jan 12, 2010

I was commenting today on how great I am feeling. I have more energy, my stamina is out of this world and I feel almost NEW. I know I have a long way to go yet but I am so grateful that I went ahead with the surgery. Would I recommend it to others? HECK YEAH!

Especially if they are totally struggling and not able to lose on their own. I have dieted since I was a kid...yoyoing up and down forever. The first REAL diet was when I was 14 and was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Doc put me on pills for the blood pressure and I dropped 75#s in 3 months...of course, it found me once again plus more. I felt like Lil Bo Peep....losing my sheep and then when I found her she was pregnant! LOL

God has been so good to me over the past three months...after lots of doubt, frustration and sickness, He healed me to where I am today. I was so devastated when I was a month and a half out after getting the flu and then sinusitis...sick all the time for about three weeks...that I began to doubt my decision. I cried on Sunday morning to my hubby when I spent the morning throwing up due to phlegm that I had made a mistake, was it the right thing to do, will I ever be better, will I always be like this. Satan had grabbed a hold of me and was leading me straight into a DEEP depression. Hubby went to church and talked to the pastor. The next night the pastor and deacons got together and prayed over me, asking for healing, to slow down the 'too quick' weight loss, take away my doubts and fears. It felt as though a ton of bricks fell off my shoulders right there! The next morning the bad feeling was gone, my stomach felt better and I was able to take in some REAL food for the first time in about three weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

3-Month Surgiversary

Jan 07, 2010

Today is my 3-month "surgiversary". I decided to send you all an update on how I am doing.

I have lost 52 pounds as of this morning, 74 since my heaviest weight. When I went to FitZone last week and was measured I had lost 27# (5.5” from the bust, 6” from the waist, 4” from abdomen, 7” from the hips, 3” from the right thigh and 1.5” from the right upper arm-measured 5/28 and 12/28). I am down three pant sizes and two shirt sizes. My blood pressure has gone from 135/95 to 116/78. Totally awesome!

I really struggled these past few months with flu and sinusitis, which takes on a whole new meaning. I have to watch what meds I take and then I have to eat a little something with most of them so the pouch doesn't get irritated. I am finally feeling as though I own this new pouch. :) Granted, it will let ME know if I have done something I shouldn’t have!

Eating is something different! I can take in about 6-8 ounces (about 1 cup) when I eat. I eat about 5-6 times a day. My nutritionist wants me to be taking in about 1200 calories a day and I am between 1000-1200. Some days I just don't feel like eating and am below that. You can't drink anything 15 minutes before you eat, while you eat or 30 minutes after you eat so the food stays in the pouch as long as possible. However they still want you to drink a minimum of 64 ounces a day! That's hard when you are eating every 2-3 hours and with the liquid restrictions! I find that most days I am about 48-56 ounces. On the days I get close or over the 64 ounces I feel like I am going to float away.

The true measurement of how it is going are the small things. I moved the seat ahead in the truck. I can actually pull the seatbelt away from my body…a lot. I can do 16 minutes at 2.2 on the treadmill (before could do it about 1 ½ minutes or so). I could fit in the airplane seats and didn’t need seatbelt extensions. My knee doesn’t hurt as much as before (however, it does hurt since I twisted it in December). I look at myself in the mirror and say, “Who is that person? My, she is looking good!”

Interesting life changes....

Jan 03, 2010

    10-06-09                       12-07-09

I am now closing in on three months out.  Down 71 pounds from my heaviest and 47 since my surgery.  Gone from 26/28 & 30/32 pants to 22 (and one pair of 18/20) and from a 4X & 5X shirts to 3X.  Wonderful things are happening as I notice the changes in my body.  Lost a total of 27" on five measurement points (bust, waist, hips, thigh and arm).

~ I moved the seat up in the truck.
~ I can actually pull the seat belt out and there is LOTS of extra belt!
~ I didn't have trouble in any of the planes with the seat belt not fastening,
~ I noticed today that I can actually go into the little bathrrom stall at the church and NOT have to straddle the toliet to close the door.
~ I actually can go 2.2 on the treadmill for longer than 1 minute (actually did 13 minutes the first day back to the gym).
~ My knee pains are not as severe as before (until I stepped wrong and twisted it!).

I know there is so much more but those are the things to the forefront of my mind right now.  Amazing how, once the pain and learning is in the past, this is something I would do all over again...and would suggest to others that are totally struggling with their weight.


Sad times...yet glorious celebration

Dec 16, 2009

My father in law passed away on Friday and we are now in AZ with mom and the rest of the family.  My hubby is one of six and all six kids were able to attend.  The girls spent last night making a collage of pictures for the memorial today.  It was so cute and was so him!  We will be flying back tomorrow morning...I heard into the freezing cold!  It's been 40 in the morning here and afternoon temps between 60-65.  Gonna miss the family and the weather!  :o)

As far as things go with me...eating and drinking have been a struggle this week!  I have food at three different houses...and it was just simple food...cottage cheese, tuna (ham or chicken) salad.  It's the easiest to keep track of!  Most days I have been between three and four hours between....not the two the nutritionist wanted.  And drinking I have been drinking about 40 ounces a day....not even close!  Geez...the vitamins have been okay...but not getting them all EVERY day...but closer!
1 comment

Three goals from my nutritionist....

Dec 09, 2009

1.  Get in ALL my vitamins.
2.  Get in ALL my water.
3.  Get up to 1000 calories min a day.

Ugh!  LMBO



Oct 03, 2009

God's grace is sufficient for me!  Thank you Jesus! 

I find myself on the last leg of this two week liquid diet and surgery day closing in.  I also find that food doesn't distract me from the end goal.  Last night I sat at the table with my hubby and his dear aunt and uncle.  They had fixed a delicious smelling soup yet I was content with my broth as they downed soup and bread.  You know what?  My stomach was happy.  :)

I watch the commericals on tv and no longer have a deep craving for pizza, etc. as it crosses the screen.  Oh, don't get me wrong...cravings are still there...what I wouldn't do for a bowl of chili and crackers, but I am resigned to finishing strong in this long-time quest that is about to become reality.

I find myself having to remind me to drink...yet that is coming easier.  I also find that I am not hungry.  I know that I need to get in my three shakes a day.  This morning it was after 10 before I took in the first one.  That's not good.  I need to get the first in earlier...yesterday it was almost 10:30!  I need to make sure that I have some liquid with me all the time...water is the best. 

Am I excited? Yes!  Am I anxious? ABSOLUTELY!  However, praying to God that if this is a cup He doesn't want me to bear He will take it away.  If it is what He wants me to do to make me who He wants me to be and to do His work then so be it.  I know His hand in the situation and my life is in His control. 

1 comment

Ohhhhh...what a day & night!

Oct 01, 2009

Yesterday was SO busy I felt as though I didn't have time to breathe!  I came into work after a very restless night.  C-Pap seemed like it wanted to leak all night!

Left at noon and went to pay for truck insurance to find out it had been cancelled!  Ugh!  Then the cheapest she could find (after almost an hour) was $1600 for 6 months because we had been uninsured!  Double ugh! 

Went to meet with the nutiritionist and she wasn't as upset as I thought she would be by the lack of calories because I dod get in the daily fluids and protein.  Drove right from there to pick up my hubby at work and then had to go to the store before going home.

Got home, had the last of my soup (no more now) and a 1/2 c. skim milk.  Then I packed and headed out the door for my 2nd sleep study.  Brother what a night!  Bed was too hard, room was too hot.  Couldn't sleep, just tossed and turned most of the night. 

Now here I am at work, tired and wanting a nap! 
1 comment

Better days ahead....

Sep 28, 2009

After an emotional weekend and a "feel sorry for myself" day yesterday I am prayerfully looking into the near future. I know that handing it over to God I can and will make it through on His strength and mercy. Today is a new day...I will forge ahead and let God handle it!

Yesterday I did get in four shakes...not the recommended six. I ate hot cereal for supper and ohhh the feeling of satisfiaction. And, like after surgery I drank nothing before and waited a 1/2 hour after. I took in lots of fluids last night which seems to help. That's my problem at work...the drinks sit here but I tend NOT to drink them! I get going on something and before I know it times up!

Go tomorrow to meet with the nutritionist, who is not going to be happy with calorie intake this week. Then I go tomorrow night for my C-Pap sleep study. I just can't believe how busy something like this makes you! Holy cow...there is so much I need to get done but in the wake of the surgery all is going to the wayside.


Sep 25, 2009

Sleep study done, C-Pap fitted.  Hmmmm...interesting conversation with pulmonary doc this morning.  He said that my weight may be related to the apnea and not the other way around!  Said I have a small airway.  Also said my hubby is NOT a reliable bed partner as to whether I snore or not!  LMBO

Day three of liquid diet and seem to be settling into the groove.  Still didn't get in the required six drinks!  Need to work on that today!  Not enough calories either.  How can you get 1200 calories when you can't eat!?!?!  I got about 860 on Wednesday and 920 yesterday.  Today so far working on 383 as of now with another drink in about an hour (110 calories).  Any suggestions?????

Feeling tired today - probably because I don't sleep well if not in my own bed.  Hopefully tonight will be a good one since I am going to an all day seminar tomorrow!  Want to stay awake for that...special speaker the church district is bringing in for all area churches.


Wow - things are moving

Sep 20, 2009

I got my PCP release for surgery pending results from the tests at Borgess on Monday. 

I got my upper GI and blood work done Friday.  Met with the RN for clearance.  Then met with Dr. V.  Went through the stuff with his nurses, got my Levonox for after the surgery and got before pics taken. 

Start my liquid diet this coming Wednesday - practically bought out our WalM**t with SlimFast and EAS since I need a MIN of 42 drinks for the first week!  I bought the Impact Recovery Drink for the 2nd week and will need to have a few more of the other.  The first week I get 6 SlimFast/EAS a day plus one more supplement.  The 2nd week I get 2 Impact and one supplement.  Dr. V said need to lose as much as possible before the surgery to shrink the liver.    I personally think it sounds like water logging to me!  hehe

This week I meet with the sleep doctor on Thursday to decide whether I need a sleep apnea test or not.  I personally don't think I need it when I can fall asleep in one spot and wake up five or six hours later in the same spot but we shall see! 

Still need to finish up on the will and getting it signed and notarized.  Want to make sure I have all bases covered. 

I am excited about the surgery but anxious at the same time.  I know this was a God thing as I was already to send in my money for a women's retreat for October 9-10 when the phone call came from Dr. V's office.   I know that God has a plan for my life and whatever it is it will be for His glory and honor. 


About Me
Glendale, AZ
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2005
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 22
