It's Time

Dec 19, 2009

Hi OH family.  It's time now.  I've spent the last 3 months depressed long enough and now it's time to get it all together.  I must say that this journey is nowhere near as easy as I thought it would be.  I knew it would be hard but I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with the bad days.  I've struggled through my success and I've struggled with making good decisions and staying consistent.  I still make bad choices sometimes and establishing a routine I have still not yet done BUT I'M TRYING and I have now come to realize that I have to keep Trying and I will.  Thanks OH Family for being there.  You guys are really the only people that understand.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS 

Time Away

Sep 07, 2009

U guys know how much I love all of the support on OH, but for some reason I'm just having such a bad time lately.  I just feel crazy, so out of whack!!!!  I feel so bad sometimes...I've lost 40 pounds, which is great, but then I look at some of my OH friends and they have lost twice as much as I have in the same amount of time or less.....I think that it's starting to discourage me a lot more than help me.  AND I TRY, I REALLY REALLY TRY.....I DO EXERCISE ALMOST DAILY.  It's so damn for now, I'll be checking out of OH and I'll be back when I feel ready.  Thanks for the support.

Month 4, Living and Learning

Sep 01, 2009

Well, it was month 4 as of Sat. Aug 29th and this is such a process.  I am still learning how to live with this band.  I must admit, at this point I am working for the band but I'll be happy when the band starts working for me.  I've had 3 fills thus far and I have 5 ccs in my Realize Band.  It's been pretty rough the past few weeks.  I've been more hungry that usual and I find myself slipping back into old habits....I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either.  I was working out everyday but I cut back to every other day, I feel a little bit guilty about it, but I think I was on the verge of getting totally exhausted, and what I don't want is a burn out.

I don't want to give up and I don't want to fall back into my old self.  This is harder than I thought but I'm ready for it, and I enjoy seeing myself transform.  It is truly a transformation, a difficult one, but a well deserving one.  I like who I am becoming, and I am proud of myself.

3rd Fill Month Four

Aug 17, 2009

Wow...I've lost 8 pounds since my last visit at the doc, so I really felt good today.  I'll be 4 months post op on the 29th and I've lost a total of 42 pounds so far.  I'm happy and very pleased with myself.  I've gotten into a routine and I exercise every morning, except for Sundays.  I watch what I eat, but I still eat and I still eat what I like, every once in a while I treat myself to something yummy.  So far so good.  I'm just going to keep making my mini-goals and keep working toward my ultimate goal.  i now have 5ccs in my lovely band, maybe I'll get to this "sweet spot" soon.

Thanks for all of the support everyone.

2nd Fill and 3 Months

Jul 20, 2009

I had my 2nd fill today and I'm almost 3 months out (in a couple of days).  I'm down 34.9 pounds so far from my start weight.  The doctor's are pleased with my weight loss...I am too, but I know that I can do better.  I got 1cc added in my band so now I have a total of 4ccs.  I spoke with the Nutritionist today b/c I know that I haven't been eating the best...and apparently I've been eating way to much.  Only 1 cup of food...damn that sucks, but I gotta do what I gotta do ya know.  I really would like to bump up my weight loss, I know that I can do so much better.  Almost 35 pounds in 3 months is okay, but I know that I should be able to do more in the next three months.  Wish me luck
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I Think I Can....Choo Choo

Jul 11, 2009

Okay, so' you all can just call me the Little Engine that Could....Yes I'm a bit dissapointed that I haven't lost anything in a few weeks now...the same 285 that I've beenf for like 3 weeks...but I'm going to keep chuggin' along.  I've had a crazy and hectic past few weeks....a drive to VA Beach which is 13 hours away, by myself one weekend, houseguest for 2 weeks including me sleeping on a futon in the basement, Father's Day, 2 birthday parties (1 for the hubby and 1 for my 2 year old), the fourth of July cookout...WHEW, I've been tired as Hell.  And to top it off, Now I'M SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I think that things are winding down and life can go back to normal on Monday. 

Any help from you guys would be great.  I'm down 30 pounds so far, but I really want to REV it up.  I'm going on a girlfriend trip to NY in Sept. and I'd love to be at least 20 more pounds down.  I started this journey at 315 (the day of surgery) and I am glad that I am out of the 300s....I know I've done good, but I've got so far to go. 

On the bright side I do get my 2nd fill on the 20th of this month and I CAN'T WAIT....I am certaintly hungry again
I guess all I can do it take it one day at a time and really focus on the grand prizel...I want to be healthy on the inside and outside and I want to feel healthy.  I want to know what it feels like to not worry or think about my weight/size anymore.  So I don't know what magic number that will be on the scale, but I'll know how good it feels once I get there.

1st Fill

Jun 16, 2009

Okie I got my first fill yesterday.  I was nervous for nothing b/c it was a piece of cake.  I weighed in yesterday morning at 289.  That's a total of 26.8 pounds since surgery....I'm sure things will pick up now.  I got 3ccs put in my lovely band.  I have to think of a name for her.  Here on out I think I'll Blog every month to chart my progress.

5 weeks out

Jun 03, 2009

5 weeks out and another pound down.  Slowly, but surely....293 today.  Can't wait to get out of the 290s.


May 30, 2009

I messed up today.  Bad habits die hard I guess.  I didn't measure anything nor did I watch what I ate.  No breakfast....lunch a cup of noodles.  A sugar free popcicle as a snack.  Later at the mall I ate some of my husband's orange chicken, sipped on some lemonade, then had a 250 calorie smoothie and if that wasn't enough when I got home I had a grilled chicken and cheese flatbread wrap with some bake beans....I feel like such a cow today.  And to top it off, I don't think that I've really drank anything other than a few sips of lemonade and the smoothie at the Mall. It was awful today.  Oh yeah, and I do feel like I'm going to pop too.  I'm so disappointed in myself.  Where was my freakin' head today?

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May 27, 2009

Well, I cheated and weighed myself on Sat. and was 292....YEAH Great right...well not exactly.  I weighed myself today on my weigh in day and back to 294.  So I didn't lose anything.  Bummer :(  From here on out I'll blog on the 29th of every monthy.

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About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 67

Latest Blog 19
