Wow Again I've almost missed it! 5 years postop.

Feb 07, 2014

Wow last time I was on here I had mentioned that I was pregnant. It's amazing because now my son will be 11 months in 1 week. Good news after reading my last post I was extreamly worried that I was not going to be able to lost the weight I gain through out the pregnacy. By the time I had my son I gained 24lbs. I weighed 192lbs when I gave birth (my son was 6lbs 12oz). Today I'm 171. I am so happy to say that I have 3 more baby pounds to lose. Ya ya ya, it's been hard to lose the weight but I've just really had to work on it. It's taken me about 12 weeks of really trying to lose the weight, so almost 5 years out I still have this great tool. 

In two days I will be 5 years postop and I'm so happy to call myself a success. My losest weight was 158 lbs but I wasn't happy at that weight. I like being between 160 and 170 (no higher then 170). I've managed in 5 years and one pregnacy to maintain my weight. I am truly happy that I made the decision 5 years ago to have wls. It gave me the kick I needed to lose the weight and now it's up to me to keep it up. 

Now that I am 5 years out I can tell you that it is so easy to put the weight back on. The only reason I'm close to my safe range is because of weight watchers. I'm am constantly watching myself and I can never just lead a normal life where food is an effortless decision. I ALWAYS need to think about what I am eating since I can very easily put the weight on. The good thing is now when I go up in my weight I have a safe number and when I get close I get right back to basics. Protein and veggies no carbs or sugars. It's easy to lose 5 or 10lbs as before wls I had to lose over 100lbs. WLS got me to where I wanted to be and I had to change my lifestyle to keep me there. 

Wow I can not believe how much we can change in 5 years! When I started this process I hated who I was because of my weight, but now I'm no longer that person. I am full of confidence and I wouldn't change anything in my life. 

Oh one last note before I go. I have now started a saving account so when I'm done having children I plan on having plastic surgery to remove the extra skin I have on my stomach and arms. It's not to bad but it would be amazing to just be flat one day. Also to my goal is to lose another 10lbs. The reason why, even though I've lost the baby weight my clothing doesn't fit right my son stretched my hips. I used to be a size 10 but even though I'm back to 170 I'm into a size 12 which I don't like. 

My son and I chilling at home

This was me in September ready to have dinner with my husban for our Anniversary.  

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I am Pregnant!

Sep 05, 2012

  Well great News I AM PREGNANT. It was planned but it wasn’t planned to happen right away. We planned on starting to really try in August but to our surprise I got pregnant right as soon as I was off birth control for about a month. I am currently 11 weeks and 3 days along.

It’s been difficult so far due to the morning sickness (starts in the afternoon and ends when I head to bed) and weakness. Due to WLS I have an issue with keeping my B12, Iron, and Vitamin D up, so my doctor has put me on prescriptions to hopefully help keep the levels up.  Besides that everything has been going well. When I got pregnant I weight 168lbs and I currently still weight the same weight, which is nice as my doctor said I should be putting weight on until the second trimester

I am kind of worried about the weight gain as it took so much to get me to where I am. I just pray that after I have the baby I’ll be able to lose the weight that I put on and that I’ll be back down to the low 60ies.


Jun 28, 2012

It’s amazing how a few months could go by and so much can change in your life. My Boyfriend and I have started trying for kids. It’s funny about three months ago I didn’t think I would have kids for a while, or if would even have kids. Strange thing is I woke up one day and realized how much I love my boyfriend and realized he is the one I want to share the rest of my life with.  So saying that. We have decided its time.

I’ve meet with my PCP and she’s taken my blood work which came out good, and she put me on prenatal pills. I had a conversation with her regarding the weight gain that could come from pregnancy as I am terrified about not losing the weight.

She has informed me that the first trimester (1-11 weeks) I shouldn’t put any weight on and it is even possible to lose weight. The second trimester I should put on about 11 lbs and the last trimester I believe she said it could be 11 lbs.

I really do have this fear that I’m never going to lose the weight after pregnancy. Also another concern why I’m afraid that I wouldn’t lose the weight is because I’m now able to eat a lot more then I’ve even been able to.  I can now see why people are not considered to be a success until 5 years out. Because it gets harder and harder to keep the weight off. You become normal again and if you’re not careful you could relapse and put the weight right back on. The other day I had a whole 6” sub, with the bread and I was still hungry. I was supersized because two years ago I could have made it through a ¼ of a 6” sub

I am still maintaining 160-167lbs. Some months are low 160 and some months are at 167, no more then 167 since that’s my safe #. I have made a plan to try and get down to the 150 or 40s, so that way when I do get prego I stress out about my weight. I have about two months to do this.

Plastic Surgery ??

Mar 13, 2012

It’s been 3 years since I’ve had WLS and it has had it up and downs but I do not regret having surgery. It was the right thing for me and it’s a great tool to have. Due to having WLS I have had a few side effects, but nothing major compared to some of the horror stores you hear.

Today I had a doctor’s appointment with my PCP to complete a physical. She had taken my weight and we got on the topic of WLS. She was impressed that I have kept the weigh off and she had asked me how I was doing. I told her everything was fine. I would like to get blood work done as I haven’t been keeping up with vitamins (I know I should) and then she asked if she could see how my skin look. When I took off my shirt she said that she was impressed and happy about how it looked, but I told her I wasn’t. I mentioned that I would be interested in having a bob lift now and maybe a tummy tuck after having kids. So she’s said she’s going to give me a referral to a see a surgeon in Oakville.

I’m happy about the weight loss and I wasn’t overly concerned with my skin until recently. I had mentioned to my boyfriend that I wanted to lose more weight and really wanted to push to get down to the 40ies. He was shocked and asked why. I told him I felt fat and I didn’t feel good about myself. He said that I’m skinny and that if I didn’t have the lose skin on my stomach I would be flat, he also mentioned if I lost more weight I wouldn’t look as good. He has asked me why I didn’t just get the skin removed and stay the same weight.

I knew that someday I would consider having a tummy tuck, but I figured after I had kids. But why should I wait? I don’t even know if I’m ever going to have kids or when. So why not start with a bob job and see how I feel after? I have worked so hard to be healthy, why should I wait to feel great about who I am? I’m young now and I should enjoy the skin I’m in.

3 Years Today and 160.0 lbs

Feb 08, 2012

OMG I ALMOST MISSED IT!!! TODAY IS 3 YEARS AND I ALMOST MISSED IT!!! I am so happy that I was able to notice that today has been the 3 year mark!

I have not been on here for a long time and so much has happened in a year. I am divorced and dating again which was a huge change! The last year has had a lot of ups and down but I have never felt so happy emotionally and physically.

I am currently 25 years, turning 26 in a month and I feel sorry to have to say bye to 25.  I have loved everything that has happened over the last year and could not have expected a better outcome. Going into 2011 I was determined to work on myself and make myself happy instead of everyone else and it was the best thing I ever could have done.

 For the first two years after WLS there was a lot of focus around my weight loss but once you’ve maintained the weight and the focus was off of you being fat you were still left with all your problems. Over the last year I was able to make the changes in my life to finally truly be happy both mentally and physically!

WLS was probably (no doubt in my mind) the best thing that I could have ever done for myself and I do not regret it at all. Due to WLS I was able to change my live around 360 degrees. I have maintained the same weight for two years (160lbs to 165lbs) but I have had to join Weight Watcher to receive the ongoing support to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Over the year I have gone up, but once I get close to my safe number I get back into the program and make sure to take those 5 extra pounds off.  I have learnt that there is no way to be perfect but I have learnt that it is so much easier to lose 5 pounds then to let myself get to 20 or 30 lbs.

It’s just so amazing how much WLS has turned my life around. I went out to a restaurant the other day with my mother and my boyfriend and she was just shocked about how I asked so many questions to the waitresses. I wouldn’t eat anything fired, no salt, no carbs, no butter, how much fat is in the food, ect. My mother has told me that I could be a nutritionist for how much I have learnt about food and she is just shocked by how much I have changed.

It truly is amazing for how much we change and it just becomes part of your lifestyle. For whoever is reading this and they are just starting the process, my piece of advice is never give up because it does get better!

Two Years, One Week and Six Days!

Feb 21, 2011

Wow, it’s been a while since I have been on here. Well it has been two years, one week and 6 days since I’ve had wls and I love every moment. As time goes on life just become normal. You start to forget about how big you were and the scars and cuts slowly heal. It’s amazing I have maintained my weight for a year but I continue to play with the last 10 pounds. My eating habits are what I would call normal, I eat bad some days but I pick myself up other days. When I get to high in my weight I watch it for a few months to bring it back down. Sometimes I just get sick of fast food and just need a good proper meal. Its amazing just how much I learnt about food.  

It’s strange you start to forget how you would always walking into a room and wondering if you’re the biggest girl around. You start to forget having to go into the plus size store but get a reminder as you walk by and you have a moment where you think to yourself “I used to shop there” as you continue walking by. The fat you has become something of the past and it’s amazing how easy it is to forget how hard it was to do the simplest of tasks. 

  I love the person I am today and my self-confidence is amazing. I no longer look in the mirror and wish I was this different person or wonder what happened to me. I like what I see except for the extra skin but it’s something that I can live with since I can cover it up with clothing. I am healthy, I love to do things and I find myself constantly trying to find things to keep me active.  

My life physically is an improvement.  My life emotionally is a disaster which I’m still trying to work out. Don’t NOT kid yourself that you will continue to be the same person because no matter what, we are going to change some for the better and I’m sure some for the worst. I’ve lost who I was and I’m starting to rebuild who I am. This is life changing surgery which will continue every day to change my life. My advice for today’s post is to make sure your relationship is strong!  

I’m sure that wls is a large contributing factor as to why I’ve change so much and my husband doesn’t know who he married anymore. I have looked back in the decisions up to my marriage and wish I hadn’t of settled. My husband is a great guy but as time (and it hasn’t been long) goes on I realize that he is not the guy for me. Also I want to explore the world and see what’s out there since I never did it before. My husband is great to me and I really hope that I’m not throwing a great guy away I just feel like I need the chance to explore.


Aug 04, 2010

Well again it been awhile since I had anything to say. It’s kind of strange that as time goes on, wls becomes lesser and lesser a major aspect of your life. I am grateful for everything but now that I have been holding 163-165 lbs (not moving down past 160lbs) for the last 5 months I don’t focus on wls as much. I still weigh myself daily just to make sure my weight is in check. It’s just as easy as before to put the weight on! So daily weighing is my way of making sure I stay on track. If I get near 169lbs it back to the basics of no carbs and all protein for a few days until I’m back to the 163ish area. I rather have to lose 3 lbs then me having to fight to get 15 lbs or more off.
So for you newbies it’s important to realize this is a life style change. Some days I feel discourage that I can’t eat a bag of chips, now I realize that a handful can be good enough. I’m not depriving myself, but I’m not losing control over how much I eat compared to a few years ago. I’m not always perfect with this however I defiantly have better days to outweigh the bad day.

One main reason why I wanted to post something today was because I had an amazing feeling yesterday and I really don’t want to forget it. After work I ran into someone that I used to go to high school with. His name was Jordan and he was someone that used to give me a hard time. I have not seen him for about 6 years so mind you he never did see me at my heaviest. I gained about 40lbs between high school and the day I had wls. So he had seen me last at around 210lbs.

The way that I ran into him was at the Beer Store (by the way that where he works). We started talking and he asked me how I have been doing. I told him I’ve been doing great, I got married about a month ago, I have a great job (in construction management), and oh ya I look amazing which I didn’t have to tell him because I could tell by the expression on his face when he realized who I was. When I left the Beer Store I felt AMAZING!!! I knew that I had done something with my life and there he was stuck working at the beer store, oh and he didn’t look as good as he did in High School. I just felt like the shoe was on the other foot now, no longer am I the ugly teenage girl who he used to pick on. The guy that used to through food at me, and torment me in school no, I am successful and yes I look amazing and where did he end up? NO WHERE! God that felt great and I never want to forget how I felt yesterday.


Just and Update

Jun 09, 2010

I always want to start my logs the same way…It’s been a while since I’ve been on. I have been doing great and keeping really busy. This is the FIRST year that I can enjoy the heat (I wish it was even hotter). My whole live I had dreaded the heat since I was always sweating but now I am cold even in 26 °C. I love the fact that I can wear short shorts and they are not riding up between my legs. It’s amazing on all the things that have changed.

I am still just over 160’s. I haven’t been able to stay in the 150’s but some days I’m happy about that and some days I wish I was lighter. My eating habits are bad and then good. I’m still trying to learn how to eat “right”. What I mean about eating “right” is that I have days where I eat every bad thing I can think of like pizza, chips, ice cream. Then I have days where I won’t even eat 500 calories, so I’m working on finding the proper balance. The only good thing is I eat badly and my weight has been constant for 4 months now. 

 On a new topic. I have been having a really hard time dealing with the idea of having a baby. I will be getting married in 9 days and everyone has been pushing the idea of kids. Before I lost the weight I had always planed on having kids right after marriage and my husband knows that. Now that I’m smaller I really just want to give it some time. I don’t think I could mentally handle getting big again. I’m in the 160 and people normally put on 20 + lbs I couldn’t imagine ending up back in the 180 or 190 even. I wonder how other people deal with this?

Back to the basics!!!!!! Stop it now when I can!!!

Mar 16, 2010

Well it’s been a while since I’ve said anything well there isn’t much except that I have got way off track. The lowest I got was about a month ago 158, I was so happy but then for some reason I started eating really bad. I got this idea in my head that I can eat what I want (including bread). So as of today I am 164 LBS and hoping to get back on track. I plan on getting back to the basics and I’ve also noticed that I am eating way more! So my plan of attack is to weigh my food, stick to protein and just start eating better and start tracking. I have become a tracking expert over the last year, so I am also going to get my butt back into gear.

I’m not to sure if there are successful people that lose weight without tracking but that is something that I really need to do. I always think I do good throw out the day but after adding up the calories (points b/c I follow the weight watchers program) I realizes that I over ate. So back to tracking for me! I also heard that people say your appetite comes back with a vengeance but in my opinion I believe it’s my own fault because I added carbs back to my diet.  I never found that I wanted to vegge untill I started eating bad carbs, so I’m cutting it back out. Bye to bread, rice, pasta or did I sat bye bread? lol

I’ve noticed what is causing me to go back up and I am going to get back on track! I’m a little disappointed that I started eating bad again and put on weight the only thing that I’m proud of myself for is the fact that I’m not going to give up and I’m going to get back on track!!!!

Really, Why stop now?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a new thing that I would really like to get off of my chest. People are starting to tell me that I look skinny and that I need to stop losing weight!! “You look good, but if you lose more your going to start to look sick”, “We’re really happy that you are losing, but you should slow down”This weekend I weighed in at 163 lbs. My friends that is not skinny! Really its not! I might look better then I did before but I am still conceded overweight.. still. I have an IBM of 27.5 (I think) and for me to have a normal IBM It says that I need to be in the 140’s. Ok for some of you out there, yes you might think 160 is skinny but once you are at 160 believe me, you really don’t feel skinny. Yes I am way more healthier then I was at 260 and I’ll be even healthier at 140lbs.  I’m not ready to stop and if I can still work on losing I am going to and no one is going to tell me other wise or discourage me from reaching my ultimate goal. For the first time in my life I believe I can finally reach my weight goal. Look I’ve lost 97 lbs so far, how hard can 23 more lbs be? I finally understand that I’m always going to work at this. This is no easy fix, it helps but you have to keep working at it. It is never going to be easy; everyday you learn that this is a lifestyle change.

140 is not an unrealistic or unhealthy weight and if I can reach my goal I am going to try as hard as I can. I’m not going to give up and if it takes me another year to reach it a least someday I will.

Here are some reasons as to why I have decided to have 140 as my goal weight. 
  1. I plan on having kids. So in most cases you’ll put on about 20 pounds or more. If I put on 20 lbs I’ll end up in the 160’s, so if I don’t lose the weight I’ll still be happy about my weight. If I stop losing now and get prego I’ll have a really hard time going back up to the 180’s.
  2. As I mention in one of my other post, I joined weight watchers. For me to be a life time member I need to have a weight of 140-145 and then hold it for 6 months, no gaining or losing with in 5 pounds.  This way I wouldn’t have to pay for my meetings any more. I love WW and this is a great support program. If just cost a lot to keep going to the meetings.
  3. I really, really want to have a normal BMI. I do not want to be over weight. I’ve been overweight/ obese for my whole life and if I can change that I really want to.
  4. For WLS they say that most patients will lose 62% of there excess weight. Well I want to be 100% and I want to hold it off for 5 years! This one might be a hard one since I still want to have a family, but this is still a “dream” goal.

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Jan 09, 2009
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