
Jun 28, 2012

It’s amazing how a few months could go by and so much can change in your life. My Boyfriend and I have started trying for kids. It’s funny about three months ago I didn’t think I would have kids for a while, or if would even have kids. Strange thing is I woke up one day and realized how much I love my boyfriend and realized he is the one I want to share the rest of my life with.  So saying that. We have decided its time.

I’ve meet with my PCP and she’s taken my blood work which came out good, and she put me on prenatal pills. I had a conversation with her regarding the weight gain that could come from pregnancy as I am terrified about not losing the weight.

She has informed me that the first trimester (1-11 weeks) I shouldn’t put any weight on and it is even possible to lose weight. The second trimester I should put on about 11 lbs and the last trimester I believe she said it could be 11 lbs.

I really do have this fear that I’m never going to lose the weight after pregnancy. Also another concern why I’m afraid that I wouldn’t lose the weight is because I’m now able to eat a lot more then I’ve even been able to.  I can now see why people are not considered to be a success until 5 years out. Because it gets harder and harder to keep the weight off. You become normal again and if you’re not careful you could relapse and put the weight right back on. The other day I had a whole 6” sub, with the bread and I was still hungry. I was supersized because two years ago I could have made it through a ¼ of a 6” sub

I am still maintaining 160-167lbs. Some months are low 160 and some months are at 167, no more then 167 since that’s my safe #. I have made a plan to try and get down to the 150 or 40s, so that way when I do get prego I stress out about my weight. I have about two months to do this.


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Jan 09, 2009
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