I'm on full liquid diet and almost ready to proceed to pureed..

Aug 19, 2009

Hi Losers....
This is an example of my menu from yesterday.  Does it look okay to you?
Tu-8/18/09 Meal Qty Calories Carbs Fat Protein   H2O Oz Other Liq Physical Activity
6:45am Decaf Coffee 4 oz 0 0 0 0     4  
8:30am Non Fat Greek Yorurt 5.3 oz 130 18 0 13   12    
  Low Fat Cottage Cheese 4 oz 80 4 1.5 14       30 minute walk
11:30am Vanilla Protein Shake 1 Packet 200 10 6 26        
  1% Milk 8 oz 102 13 2 8   12 8  
3:00pm Egg Drop Soup 8 oz 94 4.2 5.8 5.9   12    
6:30pm Non Fat Greek Yorurt (Fig) 5.3 oz 160 28 0 11   24   45 minute Walk
  Low Fat Cottage Cheese 4 oz 80 4 1.5 14        
10:30pm Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt 6 oz 80 16 0 5        
      846 81.2 16.8 91.9   60 12 75 minutes


My sleeve is 14 days old today.....and

Aug 17, 2009

I'm 6 pounds lighter.....
1 comment

Thanks to all my OH Sisters!!

Aug 12, 2009

Dear Ladies,
You are all an inspiration to me and I am forever grateful for the time you took to respond.  I am feeling much better today.  I am starting on full liquids...just had some blended low sodium cream of potato soup...kinda yummy...simple pleasures :)
Sorry for the late response....Marty and I got back from Kaiser West LA this afternoon.  I had my post op appt with Dr. Kim who removed the staples. He was afraid to ask about my acid reflux. (We had a long discussion about this at my consult when he tried to talk me out of the sleeve because I had been taking medication for this prior to surgery.  I told him I need to give it 24 hrs to think about changing to gastric bypass because all my research had been on the sleeve.  Well, I emailed him the next day and told him I wanted to stick with the sleeve and I'm glad I did.)  All is great with the sleeve.  I also saw the internist, Linda who was great!  She reduced my BP med again!!...reduced my cholesterol med by half and hopes to drop them in 6 weeks.  Now, I have to remember this is why I made this decision!  I kinda had a mini meltdown in her office cuz I only lost 2 lbs......she reassured me that this is not abnormal.  By the time I saw Dr. Kim I dropped another pound...so I'm officially calling it 3 lbs post op.  I hope all my sisters are thriving.....Love ya, Vicky

My surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Kim 



Aug 11, 2009

I didn't sleep well last night.  I went to bed thinking..."what have I done?"  It took hours to get to sleep.  I had this feeling for a couple of days and hadn't shared this with anyone, not OH and not even my best friend, Marty. I was hoping it woud just go away. I've been getting my liquids/protein/vits in pretty good, sleeping well, taking walks, naps, off the pain meds.  I thought, why am I feeling this?   The negative thoughts just come into my head,  what happens when....or what happens if.....what if I need an MRI...? yikes I've got titanium staples now.....crazy thoughts!! The reality of what I have done is hitting me.  OMG....this is a permanent change and this is what I will need to do for the rest of my life.  I'm on my 7th day post discharge clear liquid diet.  I'm tired of the sweetness of isopure....cant' think of another sip.  I thought...well...maybe I'll have one of my protein drinks from Kaiser, so I asked Autumn to go and get me some soymilk....she balked...so I asked Marty and he balked because he got upset that Autumn wouldn't go for me, but in restropect, I could have gone to the store myself.  Marty was upset about going and I became upset.....just started sobbing....what is wrong with me?....my emotions are way over the top.  Food was such a comfort and now it's gone!  Marty returned with the soy milk and I made a protein drink.  I cried with each sip of drink....holding in my feelings....Marty asked "honey...what's wrong?".....I cried and sipped....and tried to make the excuse that I was just tired, but in reality I felt so alone in this journey.  I know I can't do this alone.  I shared with him.  He was, and has been so supportive.  He said.....there's no going back....too late and remined me why I made this decision.  I want a better quality of life...  I want to be free to live...This is a life changing experience and ready or not.....here I come......I must share my thoughts with someone or I will go crazy in this journey.  My daughter Autumn just came in while I was writing this and asked what's wrong....you look so sad....I shared with her what's going on with me and she shared positive things back....I must share.....I know I'm not alone....in this.......my whole family is with me in this journey....it affects them too!  Can you share your experience with me?

1 week post op....wow!

Aug 10, 2009

Good Morning,
Wow, a week ago today I was on my way to the hospital to have surgery.  I feel good today.  I'm learning so much each day about how important it is to get my protein (isopure) and sip, sip, sip liquids and shower, move my body and rest.  I go for labs today and will have follow up on Wednesday.  I decided to stay, 7 days "post discharge" on a clear diet and that hasn't been too bad....most of the time :) I learned not to trust farts :)...what the hell?  I feel good emotionally.  I'm not sure how much I've lost so far...want to see on Wednesday.  I'll post some pics after my post op appt with Dr.Kim.  My love, Marty is taking very good care of me and I know I can be demanding.  My daughter, Autumn does her best.  I'm on OH daily.  Just having some peppermint herbal tea and enjoying the beautiful morning. Have a great day! 
Love, Vicky


Walking with Bubba.....I'm alive......

Aug 08, 2009

Just took Bubba for a walk down to the corner.  He was in heaven and so was I!  The day started out kind of rough.  I had a little diarrhea, but didn't realize it.  I had a small poop of gas and thought that was it until.......great!  I took a shower, shaved my legs and washed my hair.  My liquid vitamins came so I took a capful of my multi and cal/mag....my tummy never did set well with vitamins.  Took them slowly......the instructions suggest to take with food....humm...interestering since I'm staying on clear liquids though next Wednesday.  I see my doc to get staples removed on the 12th too.  Life is good!  Sitting here with Bubba and Marty.....no TV, no music.....just the quiet of the day....and just got flowers delivered from Jana, my co-worker and her husband, Frank.  Shirley is smiliing down on me....Life is beautiful.  Shirley is my Mom who passed away in 1994. I believe this surgery could have saved her life.  She was my best friend and I miss her so much....especially now....  Vicky    
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I'm hungry.....

Aug 07, 2009

having my chicken bouillon and sf jello.......it tastes good and is satisfying....I can't believe how many food commercials there are.....

Each day is BETTER than the day BEFORE!!

Aug 07, 2009

Slept better than ever last night!  Vicky
1 comment

New pics from the hospital....

Aug 06, 2009


4 days post VSG

Aug 06, 2009

Took my pain meds and took a shower today.  It felt good.  I'm doing pretty well with my liquid diet.  I still need to get more protein in.  The pain is still there and I have trouble finding a comfortable position when sleeping.  I did a little walking today.  My fiance seems sad to me.  I asked him if he is sad and he said yes.  He is such a great support and is very tired taking care of my every need.  I know what he is going through is normal.....and suggested he get on this site to share what he is going through.  Love you guys!  Vicky 
