Home Sweet Home....

Aug 05, 2009

Hi Sleevers.....Well I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and we got home around 8:30pm.  I hurt and am real tired and am taking the pain meds around the clock.  I am doing pretty good on my isopure and water today.  Sorry I didn't write sooner....just so tired....going to go lay down again....love ya !  I;ll try and write more tomorrow....

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to Kaiser I go.....

Aug 02, 2009

Hi Sleevers,
I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I will be thinking of you.  I woke up kinda nervous this morning.  I jumped on OH and feel a bit calmer now.  I will hold all of you in my thoughts today.  I'm going to take a nice hot shower and dress comfortably for our 2 hour trip into LA.  Signing off for now....Love, Vicky 


Less than 12 hours......

Aug 02, 2009

I am amazingly calm......It has helped reading all the comments on OH today.  I am grateful to everyone who commented and who has gone before me and will go after me.  I know I am not alone.  I'm tired and will soon be going to bed.  I just went skinny (skinny, how funny) dipping in my pool.  There is a full moon tonight and it was so relaxing.  I am amazingly calm...Good night and God bless you all.  Love, Vicky


Getting closer.....and I'm feeling good (pic from 2004)

Aug 02, 2009

Daphney and me...

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Less than 24 hours.....

Aug 02, 2009

It's less than 24 hours until my VSG........kinda scared.......very excited.......a new me is in process!
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