
Apr 05, 2009

I don't update this as often as I should! Now I am on Easter holidays from work, I thought I'd take the time to write some thoughts/feelings down! I am about 8 1/2 months post-op now and have lost 139lbs. My weight loss has been stalling the past few weeks, and I am so glad to see the scale going down again! I was going up and down the odd lb for a few weeks, so seeing that I'm 2 lbs down is good for me!! I am keeping on track with my eating, and have been trying to motivate myself more to exercise. I have been attending a weekly step aerobics class, and have been trying to swim twice a week, walk the dog everyday and get some weights in. I recently bought a bike, so am looking forward to getting out on it especially in the nicer weather!

It is now 15 weeks until my wedding! I would like to get down to 200lbs or below by then. That means I need to lose about 2lbs a week for the next 15 weeks! I'm hoping this isn't setting my sights too high, if I get there great, but I do remember this is not a race, and I am in this for life!! I can't wait to get married now! I am so excited about spending the rest of my life with Steve, and hopefully having a family!

I will try to keep this updated more often!!

