August 26,2014 update

Aug 26, 2014

Hi Everyone...

Big Don here! It has been a real struggle to get to my goal weight of 180 and I ain't there yet. Its only because of OH emails do I remember to write something down. I am currently at 205. I am now with a new medical group and my primary care doctor is very concerned for my weight problem as I am still considered obese, even though I have lost over 130 lbs! I no longer feel I am a tunk of lard, but yes, I am still over weight and have a host of medical problems still. I will start weight management classes next month with my medical group. I figured what the heck, I just might learn something that can help me shed some pounds. I still drink protein drinks as I cannot eat protein rich meats. I don't do pasta, rice, etc. I stopped drinking all diet sodas and diet products as they cause your body to crave more food...causing you to gain more weight. In this past year I was up to 235! Don't be deceived about diet sodas. I do not drink any alcohol products and drink flat sodas about 1 or 2 a week max! One thing I don't have problems with is sugar! It is a bummer. I can eat candy bars, small Ice cream bars, flat sodas, etc. and no bad side effects except gaining pounds. I still have trouble with my late night eating as I do not sleep well probably due to my medications. And just recently I am having some trouble with heartburn. I haven't figured it out if it is food or drug related. Well that is a quick update. I might remember to write again sooner than 1 year. My doctor wants me to be at 130 to 170??? I will be happy to get to my original goal of 180. My fat is around my stomach area. I have skinny legs and normal shoulders and arms. It makes it difficult to buy clothes that fit correctly. I suppose if I won the lottery, I would have plastic surgery to remove the sagging areas. But that hasn't happened yet and don't expect it to happen anytime soon. Goodbye you all for now! And best wishes for continued weight loss! Reaching for the -200 mark!

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2013 Update

Aug 25, 2013

 August 25, 2013....6 years post op! Although I have not achieved my  goal of 180, I am so glad I had the surgery and would recommend it to anyone struggling with losing  weight and keeping it off. I am currently at 215 and go up and down 5 lbs.  I do not and cannot eat pork or  chicken! Both give me dumping. Oh yea, no pasta or rice. I can eat very little ground beef, ( about a quarter cup!). No other beef, potatoes. I do not eat out much at all, which is a bummer as my wife loves to eat out. So I usually have a small cup of soup and watch her enjoy her monster burger with fries. ( she is of average weight!) oh, and the only fast food I eat is one taco and beans. i can eat most types of beans, but no more than a half of cup at a time. Yes portion sizes have not changed much. I do not drink any alcohol and only 1/2 can of super flat diet soda once in a while! ( try chuggin' ' a fresh opened can of like coke or soda and I have a major explosion. My little stomach cannot take the pressure! I do not eat much fruit because of sugar spikes in my diabetes. I try and eat some vegetables, but am not fond of them. So what do I do for protein? I still have the wonderful protein shakes and eat plain yogurt nonfat, no sugar or sweeteners. And I eat sugar free Popsicles. Oh and after 4 pm....I can eat CANDY ! Bad news! But once my blood sugar drops down I can eat candy. Weird huh? That is my problem with not being able to lose weight! And SF candy.....well I get major gas! So that is the latest. I will try and post more often, but don't count on it more than once a year! I often wonder about my fellow post ops??? And I have seen ads on TV for Dr. quilici, so know he is still around. Best of luck to all who take on this wonderful adventure!


August 30, 2010

Aug 30, 2010

Still cruisin' at 7000 feet - and 225 lbs. .........wish i could have a upgrade.........guess I just have to upgrade my mind!, But still hopin' to get to 180 someday.............maybe when I stop eating! OH, YEA!  3 YEARS SINCE MY CHANGE!
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April 13, 2010

Apr 13, 2010

... I started looking for anyone out there, especially friends that have kept up there posts on OH.......guess everyone has lost so much weight, they're full of energy  and not sittin' around with time on their hands to post on OH. If you see this, give me the heads up on whats happening with you! still at about like a 4 year old.......have trouble getting my protein in, but beans are ok.
My trouble foods: SUGAR, SUGAR, sweat, doesn't bother me at all, BUMMER! Oh, yea, my wife says I live on sugar free popsicles.....which is true! Continue to have problems with back, feet, asthma, etc. so can't exercise the way I would like to!


March 11, 2010

Mar 11, 2010

Hey, thought I'd say something...........
just started getting the OH questions in my email, so reminded me to come on here and update. I will try a new photo. You know its been 2 years, 6 months.........WOW!  People are still complimenting me and although I have had a very hard time getting below 220, I am very happy I choose to have weight loss surgery. I carried 2 1/2 sacks of 50 lb bags of sand around before. I don't want to go back to that ever again!
Yes, we made it through over 7 feet of snow this year in southern california! Me, Im to old for the white stuff, you know shoveling and all, especially after 45 + years. Guess I'll endure more, as I choose to live here!


... hey time flys.... 8 22 09 almost 2 years ???

Aug 22, 2009

sorry for forgetting about all of you......changes in my busy to do much of anything.......
still at 220...........not able to walk or exercise, except my brain........back problems, wrist problems, foot in walking cast........hummmm............take me out to the north 40!

***** snowin' again * * * * * 2 5 09

Feb 05, 2009

...yep! its snowin' again..........come up to Big Bear, enjoy the snow      Board at Bear Mountain............our locals appreciate your  $$$$ more later.................Same old stuff................
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November 19, 2008

Nov 19, 2008

well.........sorry to say.........I am up on my weight. Didn't get to my goal at my October doctors visit. In fact, my doc was very disappointed in me. And I was disappointed in me too. But, I have been wheelchair bound for 3 and 1/2 months now, and expect to be in the chair another two months. I had major foot surgery. I am just starting to walk with crutches and allowing to balance on my foot which is in a temporary velcro + cast! I really have to watch what I eat, as I get NO exercise at all, well, except with my arms pushing the chair around..
oh, I'm at 205 at this date. I hope to get out of the chair by the first of the year and then get back on track with some serious walking or bicycling. Of course it will depend on how much snow we will have by then, too. See " I have all kinds of excuses!" (but no reasons!)

Lets all Keep Smilin' and know "we ain't never goin' back to the way we were!"

Until next time..............

AUGUST 24, 2008 THE BIG 1 - O

Aug 25, 2008

Yep,  this is 0ne year!
not at goal quite yet, but gettin' there.....................
now at 192...........hope to be at 180 by October doc visit..........we will see................

Thanks for all your support...................

No Change lately.........July 26, 2008

Jul 26, 2008, I haven't forgotten you. Its just there hasn't been any change in a long while. Oh, yea, I've heard it many times, ya got to exercise, you know walk a mile! Well, I would if I could. Right now I can't even walk on a treadmill.
So now August 13, I will go under the knife again, to repair my damaged left foot and then a long recovery of 8 to 12 weeks...and that means off my feet.......guess I will be doing alot of computer type stuff, etc.
So that is all for now..........probably be back on around end of August and let you know how is all goin'.
But I am so happy about having the GBP surgery, it has helped so much, reduction in meds, air pressure in CPAP, etc.  If you are up there in weight and have all the pain of medical problems, Please consider the surgery. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR  LIFE...............FOREVER!

bye for  now..........

About Me
Big Bear Lake, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 31
November 19, 2008
AUGUST 24, 2008 THE BIG 1 - O
No Change lately.........July 26, 2008
