Mar 04, 2009

I'm a few day's past 9 months.   I weigh 222-lbs.   I'm still a food addict.  I still battle with the urge overeat, but the good thing is my stomach won't allow me eat what my eyes want.  I have turned into a junkfood eater.  I find that on the weekend I have no discipline with the junk I'm putting into my mouth, (no accountability) LOL!!!  I finally begain exercising on a regular basis since the beginning of the year, and it's makes a big difference with the inches and firming up. 

  I had hanging skin before the sleeve and it's only gotten worse with the weight loss, but alas, I like sleeveless shirts, so I let the batwings fly like a bird in the sky, the rest can be hidden with a good girdle.  Warning,  for those of you who have been overweight for decades like me, be prepared I have skin hanging from everywhere on my body but my calves,  I did not realize you can have loose skin around your knees.  Talking about knees,   I have to use a pillow between them when I go to sleep, I feel my bones.  

My twins have gone MIA, they abandoned me with the weight loss,  I went from a 48DD to a small 44C cup.   I need a breast lift w/my own fat, a brazilian but lift as well as a full body lift.   

At first I was having difficulty dealing w/the fact that I was not losing as fast as a lot of people on the board, until I got it through my thick skull to stop comparing myself with other people.   i conquered my obsession with the scale and only weigh in every blue moon (it was such a liberating feeling to not be a slave to my scale).    We love it when it moves down, and turn on it when it does not move or dare I say go up instead of down. LOL!!!

My biggest hurdle at this point is to stop eating at the first indications of feeling full,  instead of waiting until I feel like I can't stuff another bite into my mouth. I'm learning to either throw the food away as soon as I feel full, because I pick at it for hours until it's gone.   If I blow it today, I don't beat myself up, because tomorrow is another day.  I realize that I've been overeating for years, I should not expect the urge to dissappear because I had surgery.  The surgery is a tool for me to use until I can get my brain to cooperate w/my stomach, in the meantime the sleeve will police my brain and my big eyes until they are all on one accord.

***Warning,  pop corn melts in your mouth, you can actually eat a lot of popcorn,  A whole bag at the movies, if you don't watch it.!!!

See you at 12 months.


About Me
miami, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2006
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True confessions of a food addict!
Three weeks plus Update
My Surgery Experience.
22 days to be sleeved
