
Oct 04, 2009

Well it appears that it's been 3 months since my last post! How easily time slips away from us! Since my journey began I have lost 48.5 pounds. I'm pleased with the success thus far but admit that there is still something missing....I have not found the motivation to exercise routinely.

At my last visit with Dr. Mecenas we discussed this. He said that I could break up the exercise into 10 minute intervals to help make it easier. I guess I was sort of doing that all along. I have added significantly more activity to my lifestyle over all, but still feel that I should be out hiking, bike riding or at least walking on the treadmill or lifting weights at home. I suppose you could say that I work in a total of 30 minutes or so on most days of "exercise"... but I don't feel that it's enough. I'm sure that my weight loss would be more successful if I added more activity but I haven't gotten there yet. I will not bore any reader with excuses as to why. I don't really know why....just haven't found the motivation.

What I HAVE found, however is that my life is becoming easier because of the weight loss. Of course, since I had gastric bypass surgery I no longer have to take medicine for GERD. I also have not needed to use my asthma medicine in MONTHS. I can easily climb the stairs and hills on the Cornell campus. I can even do it in a rush without gasping for breath.

I'm down to a size 14, which I haven't worn since before my first child was born. People make comments daily about how good I look....before the weight loss I knew that I would get that kind of attention if I lost a significant amount and I have to admit I was a little scared about it....but I have found that it NEVER gets old!!

My breasts have shrunk, which believe it or not is a good thing...I'm wearing a smaller bra and my shoulder pain is gone! I guess all that extra weight in my breasts was causing that pain. For that matter, I have no more lower back pain....which I assume was associated with the belly fat.

For the first time in ages, I can actually fit a regular-sized bath towel around myself and not have body parts sticking out! Ahhhh...it's the little things in life....

For a while after the surgery I had pains in my abdomen. The scars were tender. The belly was tender. I had some difficulty swallowing and eating meat. All these "problems" seem to have solved themselves and I feel completely back to normal. Nevertheless, I have learned the hard way to read labels for sugar content and to chew, chew, chew.

The lingering problem now is that my hair is falling out. It did not start until a couple of months after the surgery but consistently for the past 3 months I get at least two good handfuls of hair ever morning after my shower. And I find hair all over my house. For the first time yesterday, my husband asked me when it was going to stop. I asked him where he found it (because I painstakingly try to keep it cleaned up) and he said it wasn't that....it was that my hair is visibly thinner. I'm a little worried about this but it is my understanding that it is a temporary side effect of the surgery.

So anyway, that's the latest with me. I'm glad to have had the surgery and would recommend it for others in my same situation.

Now, I have a question to anyone who really knows how to work the Health Tracker...somehow, when I last updated the Health Tracker and logged back in, it recorded my weight at 1 lb. I've corrected it but I don't know if there's any way to go back and take that recording out. The graph has a HUGE dip down all the way to the bottom then it comew WAY back up. I would like it to be accurate. Any suggestions?

Well, that's it for now. It is always nice to hear how things are going for everyone else.
Please keep me up to date.

God Bless,


Another hard, HARD lesson learned!

Jul 05, 2009

I had my first DS experience today. And I have decided that if I have any say in it it will certainly be my last. I need to open up my blog so more people can see it because, boy, am I here to tell you if you have RNY surgery and don't follow the plan and subesequently experience DS...let's just say that the pain I experienced today was VERY close to the pain of childbirth. In fact, it is literally the same as giving childbirth except by the GRACE OF GOD it doesn't last as long!!!

I have pushed the boundaries a little since my surgery and had begun to feel as if I wasn't going to be cursed with DS. Seeing as how it was the 4th of July weekend, we went to the lake to visit the in-laws. These are wonderful people who have been blessed with natural thinness all their lives. They also are carb addicts and going to their house has always been a dieting nightmare. However well I've been doing, when I go there, I fall completely off the wagon.

I have resigned myself to the fact that I cannot eat many meats. So when they offered me the hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage I politely declined. They had some macaroni salad and fruit that I could eat. Nevertheless, my mother-in-law made cupcakes with me in mind, thinking that they would be "easy to digest" because they were soft.

I knew better...KNEW better, I really did. But I had one anyway since I have never experienced DS and if I did...how bad could it be, anyway? Well, the cupcake went down really well. And about 5 minutes later I began to feel sweaty...perspiration was collecting on my brow and I knew it wasn't the heat. I began to feel uneasy. I went out of the heat and laid on the couch hoping it would pass quickly. Everyone decided they were going to visit Aunt Mary and I politely declined. A few minutes later I was so glad to be there alone because I would have been so ashamed for everyone to see me in the condition I was in. For over an hour, I could not get comfortable no matter what position I was in. I wretched and gagged and nothing came up. I tried to have a bowel movement with the hopes it would help, but I couldn't go. I was so hot and sweaty I stripped off my clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I laid on the floor, sat in a ball, stood over the sink, sat on the toilet. I could do NOTHING to make the pain go away.

Everyone came back from Aunt Mary's and decided to go on a boat ride. I again declined. I just wanted to be alone until this was over.

Once the pain calmed a bit, I went to lie down on a bed. I had to take a towel with me though because I was sweating perfusely. Finally after about two hours of intense pain, I was lying on my stomach, on top of a towel, and fell asleep. I woke a while later, shivering, with goosebumps all over. The pain was still there but I could move about again. I went downstairs and put on a sweatshirt but no matter what I did I couldn't get warm. I sat alone outside and warmed up, sipped on some ice water and eventually the pain passed.

I can tell you that this is something that I will make ever effort to not go through again. The only thing I was thankful about when it was all over was that it wasn't "severe", and that it didn't happen when I was at work or something. I was glad that I was amongst loved ones and didn't have to go anywhere right away. I was happy that I could have full use of the bathroom and bed.

Today I learned perhaps the most painful lesson of my life. I hope that people will learn from my experience. I have heard of this happening before to others but never imagined how painful it really was.


Learning my limitations.

Jun 21, 2009

It's been almost two weeks since my last update. I hit a little plateau for a while, but as of Friday I seemed to have broken it and was on my way down again.

I'm trying to keep track of what I'm eating but I'm not documenting it in my food log like I should. I just cannot seem to remember to do it. I go back to the nutritionist next week and I'm afraid she's going to ask me to see the log. It's all but empty. I understand the science behind keeping the log, but I just can't remember to do it between working, taking care of kids and the husband and everything it all entails.

Anyway, I'm eating well. No garbage at all. I am following the rules, just not writing it all down.

I'm finding it extremely difficult to get in enough fluids. Sometimes it hurts to swallow. I get a bubble or something in the middle of my chest and it turns me off to drinking.

Similarly, I'm finding out what I can and can't eat. I have had three episodes now where I felt food get stuck even though I'm chewing the crap out of it. 

On the positive side, it's very easy to know when I'm full and to not over eat.

Somehow, I need to find the energy and motivation to exercise more. I've always been fairly active and right before surgery I was becoming more active. I took a break right after surgery and over the past few weeks I have started getting more exercise. Still, it's not one of those things where I've begun walking for 20 minutes a day and now I'm up to an hour. Not one of those stories at all. I'm up to about 30 minutes 3 days a week. And I'm finding it difficult to get out of bed for the morning workout any more than that. I had been walking on lunch breaks but that hasn't happened in a while. Maybe it's all this rain....


Checking in...

Jun 08, 2009

Hi, all. Well, I'm happy to say that the rollercoaster ride I was on finally has stopped. I'm getting a feel for what I can and can't do. The pain is all but gone. I see Dr. Mecenas on Friday so I will talk to him about what's normal as far as that goes. I still don't have much abdominal strength so getting up from a lying position is still a little tough and sometimes downright painful if I'm not careful.

Today is my first day back to work. Although I really liked being off from work, I have to admit that getting back in the routine is good for me and my family, of course! I have been doing a little bit on the treadmill. I'm taking it easy because in the past when I've tried to get those extra steps in, or burn calories faster by going faster, I have caused the bursitis to act up in my foot and in the end all that does is slow me down.

So this morning, I got on the treadmill at 5:30 and walked about 2/3 of a mile. Then I stretched and lifted some weights on the weight machine. At lunchtime, I walked for about 20 minutes and now here I am on the remainder of my lunch break updating you on my progress!

I weighed myself on the scale at work ( work at a medical center), which is always different from Dr. M's but it's the one I use consistently so I'm using it to gauge my weight loss. Before starting the pre-op diet I weighed 232 on that scale. Today, I weighed 206. That's a weight loss of 26 pounds in just 5 weeks! I'm very pleased with this. That is 1/4 of the total amount of weight I need to lose!

I love not being hungry. Absolutely LOVE it! I'm getting used to avoiding sugar and keeping the fat intake very low. There is no indulging. Last night, I prepared one of my favorites...tortellini with spaghetti sauce. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat much, but was just so happy to be able to eat something I loved. I ate 4 tortellini and was full and satisfied. Then, later in the evening, I had 2 Schwan's sugar free popsicles which are SO good and 15 calories apiece. It was like heaven. Earlier in the day, all I had was a small slice of raisin toast. That's all I had to eat all day long and I was fully satisfied!!!

Today, so far, I've had 1/3 C hummus with about 8 or 10 pretzels. I had to throw some of it away. Again, very exciting!

Yesterday, I got together with some old friends from high school. They are very much into taking care of their bodys. They introduced me to essential oils. I ordered a starter kit and I'm thinking of becoming a distributor. (They live over an hour away so it wouldn't impinge on their business) If anyone's interested please let me know. I learned a lot yesterday and would love to share it with others!

Bye for now!


Jun 02, 2009

I just realized it's been two and a half weeks since I posted an update. This is mainly because the days are like a roller coaster. One day up, one day down. The down days, I don't blog because I don't want to dwell on the negative and the good days...I'm just looking for a few good days in a row.

I don't know if what I'm experiencing is normal and I haven't been able to go to group in weeks because of everyone else's schedule(in my household). I keep saying I'm going to get a sitter so I can go, but I keep putting it off.

Next week, I return to work. I'm not looking forward to it at all. Not only am I enjoying the peace and quiet at home, I am also worried about how things are going to go at work. I cannot wear normal pants now because my abdomen is still painful if something touches it. So I can only wear stretchy pants and I only have a few pair. Besides that, sitting for long periods of time is painful as well.

I can't lift anything more than a couple of pounds. I can't laugh, sneeze or cough without feeling excruciating pain. Sneezing especially. I mean, we are talking pain like child birth when I sneeze!

My diet started progressing to mushy stuff. Then I started having abdominal pain so I scaled back on that. I'm not sure if it's the diet, constipation or what that is causing this intermittent problem.

I have had diarrhea intermittent with constipation. Of course, the constipation I relieve with MOM, then have diarrhea for about 24 hours afterward. But sometimes there seems to be no explanation for the diarrhea. It's not severe or anything, so maybe it's normal???

Anyway, I'm still getting tired out fairly easily. That part is getting better. But still I need a nap about every other day.

I'm getting out and walking and gardening (some-it hurts to bend over) and doing all of my housework.

I guess I'm so used to bouncing back that the recovery period from surgery has taken me by surprise.


Home Again...

May 14, 2009

I came home from the hospital today. I guess everything went well. I'm a little sore, which is to be expected. Mostly I'm just glad to be home. Still doing clear liquids for the rest of today then on to full liquids tomorrow.

The hospital stay was pretty good. The nurses were very attentive. Still, I'm very happy to be home again!


Tomorrow's the Big Day!

May 11, 2009

I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I have so much going on in my mind right now. I took today off from work because I knew there would be no way I could concentrate if I was at work. 

I did my post-surgery grocery shopping and as I was checking out I realized that my shopping cart looked like that of an 80 year old woman. I've got the nonfat powdered milk, the V-8 six pack, the creamed soups and the nonfat yogurt. The only thing missing was tuna fish and grapefruit. I've been around a lot of senior citizens in my line of work and trust me, this is what their shopping basket looks like when they're done. It made me laugh a little to myself.

I got my real estate license back...I had started in real estate back in 2003 but took a break after Amy was born and let my license expire. I had worked for an international company that I found a little too "stuffy" for my comfort. My father-in-law now has his own office and I'm going to be working with him. I'm very excited about all of this, and it's all happening at the same time the surgery is so I have so many feelings inside...all good, though.

I wanted to go to group tonight but I am afraid I still have too much packing to do. My kids are going to stay with my Mom for a couple of days after I get out of the hospital so my hubby can take care of me, so I have to pack for them as well as myself.

Anyway, my best to everyone....


Pre-op H&P

May 04, 2009

I had my history and physical appointment yesterday and pre-op testing. This was the first time I ever met Chris and I REALLY liked him. I am so happy with the team of people who are working with me!

The most memorable part of the experience, which was mostly ordinary, is that while being run through the mill...the interview, the lab work, the chest x-ray...I met two people who work at the hospital and had bariatric surgery in the past. I had the opportunity to talk somewhat at length with one, a woman, and she was very open with me. She has lost 160 lb. Her surgery was 6 years ago.

And since we discovered her ex-husband and my husband work together, we felt comfortable with each other and she told me about the joys of underwear shopping after surgery...which, believe it or not, is something I have been sort of looking forward to. It would be really great to get out of granny panties!!!

She also talked a little about her divorce (not too much) and hinted that jealousy was a factor while she was losing weight. My husband has been a little jealous in the past. I think that his past use of alcohol was the main fuel for his thinking that way. But just in case my weight loss would be a trigger for those feelings to resurface for him, I talked to him a little about it...just to reassure him that I'm not going anywhere.

I weighed myself yesterday morning and according to that scale I'm down 7.5lb since last Monday. Dr. Mecenas scale is a little different, but I think the weight loss is about the same on his scale.

I got my out-of-work note and I will be done with work after this week! I have the weekend and Monday to prepare mentally for surgery. I thought it would be difficult for me to be at work on Monday and only have clear liquids all day long.

The protein drinks are really getting old, but I'm still sticking to the diet. I'm still finding it helpful to keep my head buried in a book when I feel tempted.

One week to go!!!!


The real pre-op liquid diet

May 02, 2009

Today I begin day 6 of the pre-op liquid diet, which I am following faithfully. I don't know at this point how much weight I have lost because I haven't been near a scale since Thursday. At that point it was 5 pounds. I don't feel like I have lost any more, but I guess I will see on Monday.

It's actually not as difficult as I expected it to be. I see lots of temptation all around me, but I have manage to avoid indulging. I have been using the Viactive calcium chews at the end of the day as a sort of "treat". I felt a little guilty yesterday when we went to visit the in-laws and picked up a couple of pizzas and a salad on the way....the salad had Italian dressing instead of the lemon juice and fat-free raspberry dressing I have been using. I thought that was probably more fat than I should have but the only alternative I had was what was in my mother-in-law's refrigerator, which wasn't any better.

I ordered 4 books to read for support. Right now, I am reading, "It Ain't Over 'Til the Thin Lady Sings" by Michelle Ritchie. I'm finding very helpful and it gives lots of practical advice and ideas from someone who has been through exactly what we're all going through...AND she is an addictions counselor!

I'm still waiting for one of the books to arrive, "The Taming of the Chew". That was the one I was most looking forward to getting based on the reviews so hopefully that will be here in a day or two. I will give reviews of all the books as I read them.

I decided to buy the books because I have to be successful at this. I cannot go through surgery to lose weight only to gain it back again as I have in all of the previous weight loss attempts. I am so afraid of failure.

While reading the current book, I'm wrapping my mind around the idea that what's really going on in my life is a food addiction. As I go along with the liquid diet, I'm developing a better awareness of physical versus mental/emotional hunger. I'm finding I have more time and energy to do work around the house. I divert my attention from food and into activities, and reading is one of the diversions I use.

Those who are reading this probably are unaware of the fact that my husband is a recovering alcoholic. We've been together for going on 15 years so I have gone through the good, the bad and the ugly with him...and his addiction. I am amazed at how similar our coping skills are! No wonder we work so well together! Anyway, now that he is finally in recovery and has been for over a year, I no longer need to use food to cope with so many of the roller coaster emotions I had for so many years. I began considering surgery when he was about hitting bottom. I'm so glad I decided to wait until now. We've dealt with so much baggage over the past year and a half that now I'm finally in a place where I can deal with MY problems.

I haven't been able to make it to group for a few weeks because Jeff, my husband, has started a trap-shooting league. I encouraged him to go ahead with this although the days and times conflicted with group because I wanted to support him as much as I could in his recovery and finding sober activities that he enjoys.

I miss group and will do my best to get there a few times after surgery, which is May 12th, as possible. Unfortunately, I'm afraid there will be a timing conflict for the next few months so I won't be able to attend regularly again until the fall. I'm going to look for other groups that meet at times that don't conflict with his plans in the meantime...any suggestions????


Surgery Date

Apr 26, 2009

Dr. Mecenas' office called me Friday morning to tell me they have insurance approval and my surgery date is May 12th!! It has taken me a couple of days to post this announcement because I guess I had to let it settle in. It's really going to happen. I am very excited but have so many things going through my head that I can't really leap for joy as I thought I would.

I have had so many headaches lately and knowing that I will no longer be able to take NSAIDs for pain seriously has me worried. 

The garden will need to go in next weekend or the following weekend so that I don't miss out on it because of the surgery.

I have to think about how things are going to work with the kids, the husband, daycare, meals, etc., because I am going to be incapacitated for a while.

I also have to start the liquid diet this coming Tuesday. I'm afraid I won't have the will power to stick with it, but I know I have to. I think it will be very difficult and I have to admit I'm more than a little worried about it....

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About Me
Berkshire, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 29, 2008
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