Another hard, HARD lesson learned!

Jul 05, 2009

I had my first DS experience today. And I have decided that if I have any say in it it will certainly be my last. I need to open up my blog so more people can see it because, boy, am I here to tell you if you have RNY surgery and don't follow the plan and subesequently experience DS...let's just say that the pain I experienced today was VERY close to the pain of childbirth. In fact, it is literally the same as giving childbirth except by the GRACE OF GOD it doesn't last as long!!!

I have pushed the boundaries a little since my surgery and had begun to feel as if I wasn't going to be cursed with DS. Seeing as how it was the 4th of July weekend, we went to the lake to visit the in-laws. These are wonderful people who have been blessed with natural thinness all their lives. They also are carb addicts and going to their house has always been a dieting nightmare. However well I've been doing, when I go there, I fall completely off the wagon.

I have resigned myself to the fact that I cannot eat many meats. So when they offered me the hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage I politely declined. They had some macaroni salad and fruit that I could eat. Nevertheless, my mother-in-law made cupcakes with me in mind, thinking that they would be "easy to digest" because they were soft.

I knew better...KNEW better, I really did. But I had one anyway since I have never experienced DS and if I bad could it be, anyway? Well, the cupcake went down really well. And about 5 minutes later I began to feel sweaty...perspiration was collecting on my brow and I knew it wasn't the heat. I began to feel uneasy. I went out of the heat and laid on the couch hoping it would pass quickly. Everyone decided they were going to visit Aunt Mary and I politely declined. A few minutes later I was so glad to be there alone because I would have been so ashamed for everyone to see me in the condition I was in. For over an hour, I could not get comfortable no matter what position I was in. I wretched and gagged and nothing came up. I tried to have a bowel movement with the hopes it would help, but I couldn't go. I was so hot and sweaty I stripped off my clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I laid on the floor, sat in a ball, stood over the sink, sat on the toilet. I could do NOTHING to make the pain go away.

Everyone came back from Aunt Mary's and decided to go on a boat ride. I again declined. I just wanted to be alone until this was over.

Once the pain calmed a bit, I went to lie down on a bed. I had to take a towel with me though because I was sweating perfusely. Finally after about two hours of intense pain, I was lying on my stomach, on top of a towel, and fell asleep. I woke a while later, shivering, with goosebumps all over. The pain was still there but I could move about again. I went downstairs and put on a sweatshirt but no matter what I did I couldn't get warm. I sat alone outside and warmed up, sipped on some ice water and eventually the pain passed.

I can tell you that this is something that I will make ever effort to not go through again. The only thing I was thankful about when it was all over was that it wasn't "severe", and that it didn't happen when I was at work or something. I was glad that I was amongst loved ones and didn't have to go anywhere right away. I was happy that I could have full use of the bathroom and bed.

Today I learned perhaps the most painful lesson of my life. I hope that people will learn from my experience. I have heard of this happening before to others but never imagined how painful it really was.


About Me
Berkshire, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 29, 2008
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