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on 6/26/18 7:20 pm
RNY on 08/21/18
Topic: RNY Surgery date closing in

Hi! I am expected to have RNY surgery on 07/12/18. I have gone to almost all of my pre-op appointments. Only have one left right before surgery. I'm 38 and I wonder why I waited so long to do this. I am not that nervous, but totally ready for this!

Any advice that the docs didn't tell you that I might need to know??

on 6/13/18 6:56 am
Topic: RE: Any Aces here in the community??

Cool!! I was beginning to think there wouldn't be any others! Nice to meet you

Congrats on the loss , I understand completely. I do want to "look better", in that I want to like who I see in the mirror, and really I just want to be healthy/to get rid of some of this pain I'm in. But yeah, I totally worry about not knowing how to handle unwanted "allo" attention. I'm kind of glad (in a weird way) that I'm not the only one.

I am a little concerned about your other point as well :( It's not the first surgery I would have had, I have had my appendix and my gallbladder out, but in both other cir****tances I was in severe pain (and on several different pain meds ) and so I couldn't care any less about what was happening around me. With WLS I will have plenty of time to worry and over-analyze what is going to happen ^^;;

I'm glad it's paying off for you though, I'm looking forward to the same (if only I can get through my insurance companies requirements ).

Melody P.
on 6/12/18 5:53 pm - Amarillo, TX
Topic: RE: Any Aces here in the community??

Hi there! I am Ace as well. It also worries me that people might find me attractive in a sexual way. It weighs on my mind a lot actually!

I had VSG on 3-14-18. I've lost nearly 60 pounds since 2-14-18. I find it a lot of people do this to look "better". I won't lie and say that hasn't crossed my mind, i'd like to not be called sasquatch by strangers. It's a double edged sword. I did this for my health and family(mom and nieces and nephew). I'm already off of insulin and will try my hardest to keep it that way.

The hardest part for me with the surgery was people seeing me naked. I have severe anxiety and on top of everything that almost kept me from pursuing surgery. Fear had run my life for far to long and it was the most rewarding gamble that i've ever taken.


on 6/11/18 9:45 am
Topic: Any Aces here in the community??

Just looking to connect with other aces, curious about their experiences and if anything changed for them with surgery/prepping for surgery. And tbqh, I'd love to find someone to "hang" with that could share this bariatric experience with me as well as their asexuality. Though I realize that the odds are kind of against finding both lol

Anyway, I'm asexual panromantic myself and a little worried about receiving too much "attention" in the future, once I'm closer to what society views as "attractive". Anyone have any experiences to share?

for the record, I won't reply to any discourse. Please keep it away, thanks ^^

on 5/5/18 6:41 pm - MIDDLETOWN, NY
Topic: Wanting to connect with my LGBTQIA community....Any Revisioner's Out There?

Second chance at using this amazing tool

May 05, 2018

Hi errbody, wow! It's been over 14 years since I've posted. I think my last entry was 2005 and I was down from 324 to 262 and feeling accomplished, healthy and good. My journey continued and I got down to186 my lowest in 2008. Lots of transitions in my life good and challenging. Mostly good. Had an endoscopy and upper GI, and found out my pouch is stretched out 100% to its original size, and my stoma's but only stretched but nice the shape of a banana.....huh? How's that happen lol? So to make a long entry short, I've been given a second chance to get back on track to health n wholeness.

On May 23, I'm scheduled for Apollo Overstitch revision surgery with Dr Jonathan Arad in Eat Chester N.Y. I was scheduled for the 9th, which I was soo excited about but, because it's a robotic surgery, a rep from the Apollo Endosurgery company has to be present, and he's on vacation that week. I was so down and frustrated, I'd changed my work schedule, made plans to stay at a friend's house that night, although it's a same day surgery, my loving wife's a little squeamish when it comes to those things, and she'd feel better knowing my needs, if any were being met. I'm a woman of faith, so I still give God all glory for this to even be a possibility. I started researching revision surgery in January, when I was at my wits end, depressed, and wondering why am I not as full as quickly, or why can I gulp liquids? Yes, I take responsibility for not always doing the right thing, I've always and still see WLS as a tool, and not a miracle pill or quick fix. When I asked Dr Arad my stretching he said, we didn't know in 2004 what we know today about WLS and Apollo Overstitch is a FULL thickness suture procedure through the entire gastric wall, where others are only partial thickness. My pouch and stoma will be tightened permanently. I know they'll be challenges adjusting to this new tightening, but I'm looking forward to the restriction and really listening to my body again, and renewed energy, weight loss, and feeling better about my self and ask I've accomplished in my now 53 yrs. Promise I'll update on my recovery soon as I'm home. Part of doing it differently this time,I realize it takes a village to stay on track, so talk back at me lol... Michele


on 3/12/18 2:08 pm
Topic: RE: Bariatric Surgery and Being Transgender

Hi Verobell,

I came here with some similar concerns. I know it was nearly a year ago but do you have any feedback. I would love to hear your experience as I am approaching the possible weight loss surgery.


on 12/3/17 10:31 pm
VSG on 01/22/18
Topic: RE: MY GAY FAMILY!!!!! Calling all EX-Chubs and Bears

I am a little late (appears to be about 7 years late) to this conversation... but I've been big my whole life and found myself in a "relationship" with a chaser... He is obviously against me getting the surgery but I feel i'm in a very difficult spot. We've been living together for 8+ years and my health issues are just mounting. I have to lose weight one way or another but I am more stressed at this point about how it will impact my relationship... not only with him but with friends too. I've had some make comments that this is the easy way out, even after explaining to them it's not and that this does require dedication and planning.... sigh, just so stressed and worried right now and my surgery is a little over a month away!

on 8/15/17 4:31 am
VSG on 10/03/16
Topic: RE: Bariatric Surgery and Being Transgender

Hi there

While not transgender myself I do know of someone who had VSG and can only speak to my experience with them. The weight loss came quite quickly but she struggled with including exercise as any strength training seemed to bulk her up quicker than other women who had undergone VSG. So she stuck with cardio (we did les mills attack or zumba - this was approx 5 yrs ago).

Hormones went out of whack too, although I think she was already taking estrogen etc prior to VSG and there was a need for some adjustment over the initial weight loss period. I remember her complaining that although hair on her head was thinning (a common side effect many ppl incl myself experience) other places were more hairy after the Op. I don't think she looked noticeably more masculine if anything the weight loss accentuated her face/cheekbones and collarbone. She is a whizz with make up anyways.

I'm not sure if your plan is to fully transition and what that might mean for your overall look after WLS. I know that they have no regrets and it helped her self confidence immensely. Hope this helps some?

All the best.

on 5/14/17 3:20 pm
Topic: Bariatric Surgery and Being Transgender


So, I am preparing to have surgery with the Bariatric Centre of the Rockies at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. I'm 2/3rds of the way through the mandatory medical weight loss classes and have been to the required patient education seminar. I've talked with my therapist and she is ready and willing to give me my psych clearance (though, we can't do that yet because of insurance requirements).

Being obese has made me very self-conscious and has aggravated my gender dysphoria. I'm hoping that losing weight will help to alleviate this issue. However, I'm worried that with the weight loss, it'll be more difficult to "pass" and that I'll need to prepare to have facial feminization surgery and breast augmentation as I get close to my goal weight.

What do you think? Are there any transgender patients here?

(deactivated member)
on 4/30/17 11:55 am - St. Augustine, FL
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