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on 2/10/08 9:26 am - CALGARY, Canada
Topic: RE: Sabatoging myself...
mee too. ive been at 166/167 for atleast 3 or 4 months... and yes yada yada yada people say our bodies have to adjust and all that stuff but im frustrated too... so ive been reading a lot from the people who have started and have done the 5day pouch test.... im on day 1 again... even though im having a rough time with it... its the best day 1 ive had so far... (tried it 3 times and failed miserably eating at the end of the day and then giving up) im going to try it and if i have to keep doing days 1 and 2 for the next 18 days in a row to break all my bad habits then thats what im going to do ... god knows i worked hard to get where i am... but if u think about it we all sabatoged our selves to get to being heavy... so i think its something within us.... but like i said this whole rny bypass thing is an adventure in strength... we were strong enough to get here.... and with the help of god and each other we can do it..... im an RN... i guess its the care giver in me but whatever u need im here for you... and feel free to pm me anytime or i can give u my phone number...just remember u are not alone...
on 2/10/08 8:21 am - salisbury, MA
Topic: RE: Sabatoging myself...
I just wanted to applaud you for your honesty. I have been dealing with the same thing and I have been beating myself up for a while now, and I have been too scared to admit it to anyone. I am almost 7 months out now and have lost 90 lbs but ever since christmas I havent been able to stop eating sweets and grazing all day long. I'm doing the same things that got me this way in the first place. I have a problem and dont know what to do and how to stop.. I'm a little panicked and feel VERY out of control. Thank you for being someone brave enough to tell on yourself.. so that i could too, admit i need help.
on 2/8/08 10:06 pm - Littleton, MA
Topic: RE: Sabatoging myself...
Melinda and Katrina, I am just starting on this journey, but I certainly know a great deal about obsessive compulsive disorders. I am chosing the RNY instead of the lap-band because I know I might some day slip and start drinking frappes and undermine everything that I will be working so hard for. I spent years in therapy working on my "being my own worst enemy" behavior. Do you think you are a bit depressed? Do you think you would benefit a bit from some therapy? You have done amazing things. You are worthy of what you you have done. Do you think you are trying to undermine your success? I used to live one highway exit from an area where there were many fast food restaurants and a great grocery store. I never knew, until I drove past that exit, whether or not I was going to turn off and hit those spots. Someone was in charge, but it wasn't me! There is help available to deal with these head hungers. best regards, Jayne
Jen O.
on 2/7/08 9:22 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Topic: Post-Op and Anorexic or Bulimic?
I'm in treatment, round #2, for bulimia. I am 2-1/2 years RNY post-op. I'd like to make contact with others who have had the surgery and are now diagnosed or struggling with an eating disorder. For my, my compulsive overeating simply took on a new form after surgery. I'm finding that many of us have similar stories and face similar obstacles. Let's share! Email me directly, send a message. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Thanks! Jen
on 2/4/08 11:51 am - Sykesville, MD
Topic: RE: can you relate??
I could just cry reading the postings here. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm 6 years post op and had open RNY. I have been purging my food almost every meal for 5 of the 6 years post op. I am obsessed with regaining weight. I don't know what to do. I haven't seen any doctors or talked with anyone about this at all. I'm afraid of people not being able to understand. I'm not much of a communicator but I would really like to keep in touch with all of you. Its really hard for me to talk about this.
Betsy C.
on 2/4/08 2:57 am - Efland, NC
Topic: RE: Sabatoging myself...
Take a look at the 5 Day Pouch Test: as a way to get back on track and detox the carbs. Lots of people are doing it with great success. Betsy
Betsy C.
on 2/4/08 2:54 am - Efland, NC
Topic: RE: Slave to hunger again (4 yrs post op)
Have you heard of the 5 Day Pouch Test? Go to and read all about it, including the recipes. Many people on the Revision forum have posted of success getting back on track with this way of eating. I haven't tried it because I'm scheduled to have a procedure done through the RESTORe clinical trial the end of the month. But you bet I'll be keeping it handy for later on. Good luck. Betsy
Katrina B.
on 1/30/08 11:24 am - Prestonsburg, KY
Topic: RE: Sabatoging myself...
Hello! I can definitely relate. I try to remind myself I've been given this wonderful "tool" and that I'm not going to be given a second chance with it...It's just hard.. I started having a nibble here and there of a "no-no" food and now I have no problem eating whatever I want. I don't know if I am unconsciously sabotaging myself or have just found myself at a comfortable weight... I guess I've really forgot what it was like to be 300+ lbs. Then I tell myself I'm going to "detox" all the sugar/carbs outta my body on so and so date but I never do it.. But yeah like you I don't really know what to do with it... No flames, please.. lol Katrina
on 1/29/08 11:00 am - Pasadena, MD
StomaphyX on 08/31/09
Topic: Sabatoging myself...
I don't know what's wrong with me. I have lost a total of 130 pounds, but have been stuck for like the last 2 months or maybe even more at 223. I am pretty sure besides it being a horrible plateau, it has been my doing. I hope I don't get flamed but I have been eating terrible, testing out sugar and eating stuff I shouldn't be. The calories pile up everyday before I know it. I can't eat huge meals, but small ones and then I snack all day. Has anybody else had trouble doing this? I don't know why I am ruining this once in a lifetime chance at getting this weight off for good. What is wrong with me? I could just cry, but stuck in these bad habits now. Would love to know if anyone can relate.
on 1/29/08 8:49 am - powder springs, GA
Topic: RE: Hi, I'm a food addict
Hi Everyone, I just found this "food addict site" Wow am I grateful. I had RNY surgery in Nov,06 I have yet to reach my goal. With about 15 more lbs to lose. At this time I am overwhelmed with wanting to My son has been hospitilized for over 8 months. I am definitely a stress eater. I need all the help I can get on this site for this. I am having an obsession of wanting foods that are sweet or crunchy. I am eating popcorn by the bags. I am thinking of food every waking minute. I am eating at all times of night because I am unable to sleep. I have started taking Tylanol PM it helps for a few hours. I never thought anyone went through this terrible thing but me. I must come to terms with this demon. I refuse to be the fat unhealthy person that I was prior. But if I continue with this unhealthy trend I will be there again.
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