Surgery tomorrow....need advice!!

on 5/16/11 3:33 am
So I am scheduled for my sleeve tomorrow!  Am very excited, but also a little nervous.  The main thing that I am nervous about is conquering the "head" hunger I have fought my whole life.  I have been told that I won't feel physical hunger anymore, but how hard has it been for everyone to deal with what I call "head" hunger, you know just wanting to eat because you're bored, or upset, or happy, or sad, or celebrating, or whatever....Thanks for any advice!


hw:335, presw318, sw304, cw230          

Sandy S.
on 5/16/11 3:40 am
I need that advise too.  I worry most about head hunger.  28 days more to go and counting.. .  Good luck -I'll keep good thoughts for you tomorrow.
"Step by step the longest march can be won,"  Sweet Honey and the Rock- Peace, San  HW 463 Surgery: 6/13/11; SW 413      
on 5/16/11 3:42 am
I'm three and a half months out and so far I haven't experienced head hunger. I keep really busy with cooking, exercise and a reality show I'm working on. I have been really getting into cooking new things that are high protein low carb, so I really don't feel deprived of anything at all! The first couple weeks you definitely won't have problems with head hunger as you'll be doing everything you can just to get in all your liquids and protein! If you start having problems come back to the board and ask for help. There are lots of folks here who are happy to give suggestions and advice. Good luck tomorrow!!


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

Dawnie 88
on 5/16/11 3:46 am
just so you won't be shocked right after may still feel hungry for a few weeks or so.  I know that I was hungry until I was about 6 wks postop when i was able to start eating dense protein.  I didn't have a hard time for the first 8 mths or so postop.  I honestly didn't feel hungry, had to remember to eat because i knew i needed to get in protein..and food just didn't taste good anymore.  After I lost a bunch of weight, got further out and started feeling comfortable in my skin, that's when the 'head hunger' hits (at least for me). Food tastes more normal to me now, and sometimes I just want to eat something, even if I'm not hungry..and have already eaten my meal.  So it is hard, you have to have little talks with yourself about why you really want to eat something...etc.. Nothing easy about the journey..much of it is a mental/emotional journey. A journey well worth taking though

Good Luck tomorrow


on 5/16/11 3:47 am - LA
Head hunger is very difficult but is a demon that you must battle.  I try not to have any foods in the house that I am not suppose to have but this is very hard with my husband able to have whatever he likes.  When I find the urge to eat, I try to find something else to do in the house like take a nice hot bath, go for a walk, clean house, read a book, etc.  I found that for the first two weeks after surgery, when I was on the liquid and puree phase is when it was the worse. When I moved to mushies, it seemed to die down a little because I could have more creative things to eat besides shakes and soups.  Now, at 2 1/2 monts out, I really don't have any cravings, even for sweets.  My advice would be when head hunger strikes, divert yourself to something else like I mentioned before and eventually it will get better day by day.  My house has never been cleaner, lol! Good luck on your surgery!
If you fear nothing, then you love nothing. If you love nothing, what joy can there be in life?
                       VSG-3/3/2011 HW-308 SW-298 CW-152 GW-160
                                                156LBS. LOST

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/11 3:49 am
Oddly, a lot of the head hunger cravings went away for me after surgery. I'm way less distracted by food thoughts.. and if I do get the odd craving, it's not as bad as it was before and I can distract or wait it out.. it's not all-consuming. I do hope this sticks around for a while.. I do get hungry a bit now that I'm a month out- not everyday, but there have been days where my stomach reminded me that it'd been too long since it was fed. Again, not bad- just noticeable.

Food just isn't the big deal it used to be right now.. I do enjoy it- and thankfully my tastes have not changed and I tolerate everything I've tried (so far) - but it just isn't the center of my life anymore. We don't keep nibbles in the house either- no chips, candy etc.. so, that is a help- if it's not in sight, no temptation. My anxieties have also calmed down a bit as well, and I'm happier. 

Happy surgery to you, and fast healing!
on 5/16/11 3:55 am - Danforth, ME
I haven't had surgery yet but I'm working on "mindful" eating.  As part of the work I'm reading a book "How to comfort yourself without food".  Got it at  Not perfect by any means, had a bad spell yesterday and succumbed to the urge but back on wagon today.  Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!  Distract that head to think of other things besides food.
HW - 351 SW 0 342  SurgW - 298!  1st. Seminar July 2010 Surgery  August 1, 2011  
on 5/16/11 4:02 am
I am 2mths out and right after surgery I did not have to deal with head hunger or physical hunger.

It was really weird not wanting food at all. I made myself watch the food channel just to see what would happen. I enjoyed all the different stuff that the people were cooking but still had no desire to eat.

Now I am good. I do get head hunger but mostly when bored or stresed. I just take a walk or try to wait it out. If I can't I make sure to have cheese sticks available  or some kind of protein.

Good luck and you will be head hunger so don't let it take up to much of your mind. Focus on getting well after the surgery.


on 5/16/11 4:16 am - Canada
Head hunger is a battle for me. When it happens I sit down and think it out. I t is not easy all. But the good thing is, you CAN fight it because you see the positive changes in yourself so much faster. You do not have to wait and wait to see them. I have to be conscientious of it each time it happens and work through it. I am just a month out and now that my diet is expanding I have to work a bit harder but it is getting easier to overcome. This is because I am not as down on myself as I was a month ago. I see the positive changes and in the scheme of things that bit of food does not control me anymore.

Hope this helps a bit, good luck and congrats!
First 30 days 31lbs
on 5/16/11 4:16 am - Southern, CA
VSG on 01/31/11 with
First off congrats on your up and coming sleeve

Now to say that I am not one who lost their physical hunger. If I am over due for a meal, my stomach will growl and I will feel the need to eat...which I believe is hunger isn't it? I also deal with head hunger a couple days out of the week. When I'm more tired or its cold outside makes me want higher carb/calorie treats and its just something I have to deal with. It's the same as dieting when you have the sleeve you still have to use will power and discipline to not eat the bad stuff. Some days are glorious sleeve days where physical and head hunger just aren't an issue and seriously before surgery I never got those days, ever, so to have them be a part of my life now is a blessing. You have to take the good with the bad I guess and know that this sleeve wont do it all for will give you those glorious days and it will stop you from over indulging in volume but you still have to work at it yourself too. Hey nothing in life worth while is ever easy right ?

Best wishes to you for a smooth surgery and recovery, see you back here soon!
*Hugs* Missy

January Sleevers:

    Consult Weight 254             SW 212          CW 154           GW 120 
Ask Not What Your Sleeve Can Do For You But What You Can Do For Your Sleeve!