To tell or not to tell?

on 10/28/11 2:46 pm - CA
I have co-workers like shellnsons. I'm not telling anyone I work with and have told only a handful of friends and of course my husband and son.
As for the liquid diet I'm on it right now, my surgery is Nov 8th. I take my powder and shaker to the lunch room in my lunch bag and mix it with the water I have in the fridge. I bring it back to my desk in the bag and pour it in my cup. No one in my department has noticed. Although, this morning while I was mixing my breakfast  someone from another department made a comment about me losing a lot of weight. I said a little (I really haven't lost much but things seem to be moving around). She asked about the drink so I told her it was a diet supervised by my doctor. Not a lie just not the whole truth.  

HW 297 ConcW 277 SW 254 CW 168.8 GW 155                  

on 10/28/11 2:40 pm
I never considered telling people at work. That is just not their business. It wasn't shame or anything. I just keep my worklife separate from my personal life.  I would prefer to not know their medical business also.

For me, liquid diet didn't require a blender or blender bottle. I used Unjury protein powder and mixed it with crystal light and stirred it into water. I also drank Special K protein drinks which are pre-made.

Do what you are comfortable with. You know the people in your office. The decision and consequences are all yours.
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 10/28/11 2:59 pm - CA
VSG on 09/06/11 with
on 10/29/11 12:04 pm - Phoenixville, PA
I work in health care too and they are very judgmental here as well. I have only told my two bosses (yes two) and one direct report that I am even taking time off. I did tell the person that I need to cover for me a version of the story. I am not going to even tell anyone else. At least that is my plan - we will see.
on 10/28/11 3:12 pm - CA
I work in health and human services. Around 10 ladies I work with have had RNY and only 1 has had the sleeve and that is how I got interested in it. When I told her I was interested she startred telling people who were asking her about her sleeve she would also tell them that I was going to do it. At first I was annoyed because I am very very private person. Most people at work who have asked about it have been very supportive. I have told My family and 1 very close friend but I dont think I need to make a facebook post about it. I haven't had it yet but I have lost 50 lbs on my own before and no one really questioned it.
on 10/28/11 3:18 pm - CA
VSG on 09/06/11 with
on 10/28/11 3:44 pm - CA
I am in the fresno area.. Yep.
on 10/28/11 11:47 pm - ME
I work at a human services agency as well.  There are 3 folks who have had RNY and 1 who had the band.  I didn't tell everyone at first, but did tell my supervisor and spoke with 2 of the women who had RNY - they, like me work in the office, the other 2 who had WLS, in the field.  Over time, I was up front about the upcoming event and for the most part, people were very supportive.  The only person who was negative was so because one of the RNY's had had lots of problems, and she was fearful for  her friend and didn't want me to have similar problems.  I am glad to say, however, that they finally figured out the issues for the person and she is doing well.  For me, it made life easier to be upfront about the surgery, but that is only me - everyone is different.  I did have a bad experience while on the liquid diet.  I was doing an intake at someone's home, and had never met the people before.  I had a spontaneous case of the trots while sitting at the kitchen table.  Talk about a humiliating experience!  The good news was that, when I apologized to the women and explained that I was on a pre-surgery diet that obviously wasn't agreeing with me, she knew what was up and said she'd had RNY 3 months earlier.  I guess if this experience had to happen, it happened with the right person!  I did call the NUT and we tweaked my diet - I was in whey protein overload and my system couldn't handle it.

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 10/28/11 3:54 pm, edited 10/28/11 3:55 pm
No. My health is my business. We sign HIPPA docs from Dr's. Why would you discuss your health with people you work with. I work in corporate america, it's a job, what I do after work, on my own time, on my breaks/lunches is my personal time and business. I dont particpate in social things at work Pot lucks, birthday/baby showers, etc. I will be going back to work next week if I feel strong enough and I'm going to go on like I've always have. Do my job, go home. I made protein shakes at home brought them in a shaker. I started drinking them months before my surgery. My co-workers dont know if I'm married, what kind of car I drive or if I have children My desk is clear of photos. This too shall remain my business. If anyone comments on my weight loss and I'm sure they will. I will do what I always do when people ask things/comment on issues that are non of their business. give them that blank stare look. Gossip will go on no matter what u say or do. Let them talk, who cares, small minds talk about others. It's not lying, it's your choice to tell. I chose to keep work at work and home at home. They are co-workers, not friends and not family. I personally don't care to hear any personal or professional issues about any of them. .
on 10/28/11 9:04 pm
I have had an unbelievable number of people question me about my surgery.  I keep my position that it is private and personal.  Shuts them up for a while but I feel like a few think I will tell just them.  I am not planning on doing that.  I do not want to be judged and be part of their gossip circles.  There are little cliques (that I am not a part of nor want to be) that seem to need to know everyone's else's business.

I have told them that I am off a couple of weeks and my management needs to be aware so that my workload can be spread around.  That is it.

I know my food choices will be noticed.  I can hear "is that all you eating".  I'll probably say, jep, the turkey dinner is in the oven at home so I am saving room.  Again, none of their business.  Or I might ask if they would like to share it with me  - that should run them off.
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