(X Post) Extreme Weight Loss - Last Night on ABC

Chris Waffle
on 5/29/13 2:31 am - Cypress, CA

Did anyone catch this last night? Apparently this show was on last year but I had never heard of it. Anyway, I caught it last night (being home sick with a cold) and I found the show interesting but ultimately I did not care for it. The episode had twins that were trying to lose weight together and it showed them over the course of a year losing through diet and exercise.  I was wondering what others thought.  Here are some of my observations:

1.  The twins seemed to have some emotional/psychological issues that were barely touched upon.  The young man tried to kill himself at some point in the past but therapy for his issues was never brought up.  I really feel like long-term success for weight loss should really have a therapy/support component (it's just as much what's eating you as what you are eating) and there was nothing about that in this show.  I have no doubt he will gain the weight back.  

2.  At about six months in, the guy goes in to see about plastic surgery for his loose skin.  Okay, this is the part of the show I thought was good:  Talking about the need for plastics after "extreme weight loss".  However, they gave him the surgery before he was even at his goal weight.  I didn't think that was very responsible and I worry for his outcome.

At the end of the show, the guy was still 260 and didn't seem to be at a healthy BMI yet.  The young women did better and was going to get surgery afterwards.  I don't know...overall it seemed a little irresponsible and glossed over a lot of important aspects.  But hey, that's just my two cents!


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(deactivated member)
on 5/29/13 2:53 am, edited 5/29/13 2:53 am

I saw the last hour maybe.

My opinion, it's a reality journey made for TV. You can't cram a year's journey into a two hour TV show. I'm sure there was a mountain of info we were never told as viewers.

The problem is that maintenance just doesn't make good TV. That's where the real work starts, if you ask me. Maintaining has been much more of a learning experience for me than losing was.

Statistically, the twins have about a 4-10% chance of maintaining their loss. Not the best odds. I wish them well.

Incidentally, the guy that Chris Powell helped lose several hundred pounds and made very well known has gained most, if not all, of his weight back.


Chris Waffle
on 5/29/13 3:04 am - Cypress, CA

Wow, I didn't know that but I believe it. And I completely agree with you about maintaining. But I don't see why these kinds of shows could put in a little bit about what it takes for long-term success...except maybe it draws attention to how little success there is in these kinds of scenarios.

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Ms Shell
on 5/29/13 9:18 am - Hawthorne, CA

I watched it last year and watched it last night.  It in no way touches on the TRUE mental and physical struggles and can't in a 2 hour show.

90% of all who lose weight gain it back so yeah I'm sure he will to.

Ms Shell

Keith L.
on 5/29/13 10:52 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I really liked the show last season, it was called "Extreme Makeover, Weight Loss Edition". I approve of the name change. I wasn't a fan of last night's episode. I am a huge fan of Chris Powell. He has really helped a lot of people. The story that really got him started gained all his weight back too. But that is not Chris' Fault, he helped the guy lose like 300-400lbs. He has a good heart. The show pushes the surgery, I agree he should have waited. There was something weird between those two for sure. My wife is a twin and even she thought it was freaking weird.

But all of last season was better than last nights show. Last season if you didn't make a goal you didn't get the reward or the surgery. Chris is a good guy, watch his YouTube videos, he's got it right.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


lena F.
on 5/29/13 1:10 pm
VSG on 01/07/13

I wasn't really into it. It was my first time watching and my initial thought was "these two are weird for bro and sis..."

I also don't like all the slow-motion dramatic scenes. It makes me feel like their struggle is being exploited. I'm a "matter of fact" person and can do without all the dramatics.

I think what annoyed me greatly was this emphasis on the plastics and treating it as a "reward". The reward should be a healthier life. He wasn't even at goal and could possibly even have more loose skin *if* he ever does make it to goal.


The sister, on the other hand, seemed motivated enough for herself and him... but they both seemed unhappy to me in the end. Looks like a lot of un-addressed emotional baggage and it makes me sad that it wasnt the focal point of the show.

I don't think the brother has it in him to keep the weight off. He has more than just his weight to work on.


Chris Waffle
on 5/29/13 1:58 pm - Cypress, CA

Ha ha ha, I thought they were weird too!

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HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

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