April 29, 2002

Apr 28, 2002

April 29th, 2002


Well I'm still waiting, I called my insurance company today, yep on a Sunday, and asked them, exactly what do you want and from whom. I got the answer.  Then he suggested I call them back on Monday.. So I will!  It's been nearly 3 weeks since my PCP said he would write the referral letter. I'm getting antsy, I want the initial consult! I want I want I want! I want to get healthy. I spent most the weekend on pain meds for my back. I really hate when I have these moments of near paralysis. I'm mean and hateful then, my poor sons. They kinda blow me off, and know I'm in pain when I get like this. They should, I've been like this for almost 10 yrs now with my back. I get so depressed when I feel like this. I feel useless to my children, I am withdrawing into my own little world more each day too I have noticed. It's rare I even go out to visit a friend. I'm tired of public ridicule. I'm tired period. I've met a real nice gentleman but I keep putting him off.  If I don't like myself, how can he like me?  After the week of heat too, I have this gosh ugly chafing and rashes going on.  I know he wants to get intimate too. I don't want him seening me like that.  I have never been ashamed of my body, when a man that really likes me is looking, but lately I have been! Please god, help me get through this.

April 18, 2002

Apr 17, 2002

April 18, 2002


Happy Birthday to me... well I am sitting here wishing it was my re-birthday, not a just getting older one.  I met with the Sleep Dr. yesterday, pre-tested, now I'm heading to the Sleep Center, He definitely feels I have Sleep Apnea, that I'm not just an "insomniac"  Well just another comodity to list for insurance. I wish my referral letter would get here already!! Geesh the two Dr's are only a few miles apart!  I'll drive it there if my PCP wants me too! LoL I was soooooooo tempted to go upstairs from the Sleep Dr yesterday, just to visit the surgeons office almost directly overhead 1 floor.  I didn't, I realize they are a busy office, and didn't have time for gawkers, :)  they have sent me "the packet" of what to have when I do get my initial consult...  tap tap tap tap tap (me trying to be patient here).. lol  Oh and I shrunk an inch (puzzled look) since last week, and lost another pound.


I'm feeling very depressed at getting older today, this number seems like such an old one.... lol  43!  EEKKK!!!

April 9, 2002

Apr 08, 2002

April 9, 2002


Well I had a good day at my PCP's office, he has no problem writing the letter of neccessity for me.  He said he would make me look really bad in writing and hope we didn't have to go through an appeal,he like to see me get approved with the first letter!  What a guy! He's all in favor of the surgery. He's been my PCP for 10 yrs now and has seen my weight steady grow. Oh and a big whoop, I lost 1 lb. Everyone get so excited now.. LoL!  I'm not, I'll gain it back at dinner tonight. :) even IF I ONLY HAVE A SALAD! Thats how my system works. 

April 2002

Apr 03, 2002

April 4, 2002
Well what a day it was for me. First I went to the Gastro Dr. I had a Colonoscopy 2.5 weeks ago, and have been awaiting the results of the biospy. NERVOUSLY AWAITING, let me tell you. But since he removed the polyp he found, I feel much better. So I did A LOT of praying. Anyways results: BENIGN!!  :)  I'm so glad I'm ok!  Then I got home and in the mail was my checklist from Dr. Richards' office, Yanno I ripped that one open fast. I called the Phys, on his list and none of them accept my insurance. *sigh* Well I have another option there, I am going to check that out and hopefully go that way. I see my PCP on April 9th, I'm going in fully loaded with info and WILL walk out of his office with a referral.  He did after all, suggest this surgery to me 3 months ago. He is on my side. Want to hear a funny?  I called my caseworker, I'm on Medicaid, I wanted the phone number and address of Medicaid.. She didn't know!!! lmao!

I go to the sleep clinic on April 16th, for whatever they do first.  I'm just trying to get everything moving in the right direction at this point, helping myself to knowledge, inquiring, making appt's.  blah blah blah.. The only thing that Dr. Richards office sent that will be hard for me to fill out is the Past Diet history.  Who keeps track of failures?  All I got is my memory there, and my PCP's records of my weight always climbing. Should I send the insurance company pic's of me from baby fat to 40 fat? I got a whole album of my growing fatness.



About Me
Frogtown, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2002
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