Wow, it's been a while and SO much has happened!

Mar 05, 2012

First of all I'd like to say that it has been a whirlwind these past five months. I have lost 64 pounds since the morning of my surgery and I went from a size 22-24 jeans down to a size 14 in American Eagle jeans! They are a little baggy even! I can pull them off without unbuttoning them! WOW! It's a CRAZY thing to be able to shop for jeans in a normal store instead of a store that has a plus size section! I have a pair of size 12's that I can even squeeze in and button, but I'm not ready to wear them just yet because of a major muffin top situation!

Some weeks are better than others in terms of getting all my protein in and remembering to take my vitamins like I'm supposed to, but I try not to beat myself up about it and take it one day at a time! I'm getting better at not drinking while I eat, that was hard for me at first, but now it feels normal to sit down at dinner without anything to drink. Sometimes I find it hard to get all my water/tea in, but that's another thing I just try and take day by day. 

I walk a mile once a week and I play racquetball for an hour once a week also. These are actually classes I'm taking since I transferred to my new college, University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I figured I'd go ahead and get my fitness courses out of the way since it would be a good way to get some exercise that I really can't flake out on during the week. I try and stay more active, going out and doing things with my girls, but some weeks are better than others. 

It's a strange feeling when I think about the 64 pounds I've lost. My girls weight combined is only 60 pounds and it's crazy to think that I was essentially carrying them around 24/7. It makes me a little sad sometimes when I think about the unnecessary strain I was putting on my body, but I try to think about how I've done something about it now and I tell myself to never let it get that bad again. I do NOT want to keep my size 24 jeans in my closet forever because I may need to wear them again. 

Anyway, I'm only 5 months out so I still have some major weight to (hopefully) lose and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. I can already tell such a difference in my endurance and stamina while playing with my kids and my husband can tell big differences even when he's just putting his arms around me. That's a fantastic feeling! 

Oh well, I've typed enough for today, but hopefully I can continue to update this blog more often. Until next time...



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Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2011
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