Feeling Good!

Apr 12, 2012

The rush I get when I step on the scale for my weekly weigh-in and see that I've lost another 2 pounds is a feeling that I find hard to describe. Sure, 2 pounds doesn't sound like much, but it's been pretty steady these past few months. Sure I have weeks where I don't lose a single pound and I have weeks where I lose 1-4 pounds, but every pound counts. I can remember back before I had the WLS and losing a pound or two meant nothing to me. I was still humongous and one pound was not putting a dent in my huge number. Now when I see 2 pounds I jump up and down and scream for my daughters to come in and give me a huge hug and when they ask what for, I just say that I'm happy that I can run and play with them today! 

Speaking of my daughters, my oldest is almost 4 and she is aware that I have lost weight. Recently she told me, "Mommy you don't look fat today, you look skinny!" As much as it was nice to hear those words, I don't want to hear them from my child. We made a rule right then and there that 'FAT' is an UGLY word. We will NOT be using the word fat for any reason any more. I don't want my daughter to think that fat is an appropriate way to describe anyone's personal appearace. Not mine, not anyone elses and CERTAINLY never her own.

It kills me a little to think that she has heard me talk about my own weight so much that she even knows to tell me that I don't look fat, I look skinny. I am making a concious choice now to teach my girls that it is NOT about the number (although I do get excited to step on the scale, I will do that in private always!) you weigh, it's about how healthy you make your body. After sounding like the worst mom of the year for having a daughter who says the word fat, I can brag that she is excited to do her 'workouts' with Mommy and Daddy in our garage! She loves to walk in our neighborhood and ride her bike, and I hope I can continue to enforce the fact that keeping fit and exercising is just a necessary part of life.  

Now, back to my two pounds! I have now lost 74 pounds and I weigh 184 pounds! I haven't weighed this since I got married over five years ago! The weight has definitely slowed down, but I am almost 7 months post op and I did expect that. I am trying to up my activity level, currently I walk 1-4 miles per week and I play an hour of racquetball. It's not much, and I know I could do better, but it's more than I did in the past. I know that these 2 pound weigh losses a week will soon dwindle, but I am bound and determined to lose at least 100 pounds by my one year surgery anniverysary date. I know I can do it!

Thanks for reading the ramblings of a bored housewife/mommy! :) Until next time....



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