I'm back....again

Jan 04, 2012

Well I'm back again in efforts to lose this last 25lbs THIS YEAR.  I really want a BR (breast reduction) and lift.  i really don't feel I 'deserve' it til I lose that much more.  As I said in my last post.  The first 60lbs were so easy and its been a struggle since.  I cannot continue to do what I do and expect to lose.  I have to cut out the sweets and the high calorie lattes/mocha's in the a.m.  (it was getting so bad it was 2 x a day).  I'm in denial.  I'm afraid maybe cutting out those things still won't do it and then was my surgery a 'waste'.  What am I afraid of? Or is that the only thing 'that gives me a daily 'boost' of something I really want and to take that a way...there goes that little bit of joy?   
Then, there's the jealousy factor.  Acoworker has gone from like 250lbs to a size 8 what seems to me just months frmo the sleeve.  Its the same cost and no maintance w/ the fills and what not.  Had it been around then, it may of been the way I went too.  


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Aug 13, 2007
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