Under 300!

Jun 17, 2009

Yesterday I weighed in at 298.5!  Yippee!

I have been on a real "clean eating" type of kick for the most part.  I have been limiting my intake of garbage pretty significantly.  The only things I have had not "clean" are frappuccinos.  I know, I know.  Sugar, sugar, sugar with a side of caffeine.  I have a couple a week.  I am working on it.  I am trying to look at the other side of the coin, though, and remember that I am eating really healthy.  Yesterday I had a protein shake, tuna & cheese, Greek yogurt, strawberries, chicken, and asparagus.  Oh, and I had a Kashi cinnamon raisin flax cookie...not the best thing to eat, but I am doing rather well, I think.

The funniest thing is that I physically no longer crave junk from drive-thrus.  I do have a "head" craving for it, though.  I am hoping that goes away with time, as I realize that my body needs wholesome food, not junk.

Tomorrow is Farmers Market day!  Yippee!  I can't believe the difference fresh, local food makes in recipes.  We had asparagus last night and my husband said, "This is the best asparagus ever!"  It really was.  I don't think I have ever had asparagus that fresh...and that was 5 days old!

I am also picking up a batch of raw milk tomorrow -- whole, creamy, raw milk.  I know, I know.  If anyone cares to read this, people will probably say, "Oh, that is so gross!" or "You could get listeria from raw milk!"  Alas, I know the ins and outs of it.  It is from an organic dairy farm in North Branch.  They bring it to Livonia, so I, along with other raw milk enthusiasts, can pick it up there.  Anyway, it's really not that gross (or dangerous).  I'm going to make yogurt from it...which involves heating it! ;)  If my yogurt turns out anything like my friend, who made hers with raw milk, I'm going to be in heaven.  I have made yogurt from pasteurized milk before...it was yummy...just not like hers!

I have to clean up a little bit before my sister-in-law gets here to watch Amelia for a few hours.

Oh, btw, I am wearing a size 22/24 top! :)



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Livonia, MI
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
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