Weigh-in Week 12

Jan 09, 2015

Weight: 277.8 lbs

Only 2.8 lbs from my next goal weight of 275 lbs!

I'm proud of myself.  I have been eating high protein low carb meals and snacks every 3 hours all week!  My "red headed cousin" (as I heard someone refer to their menstrual period) came for a visit this week.  I thought for sure this would hinder my weight loss.  I hate exercising when my cousin is in town so no exercise this week. 

I have nothing else to share now.  Praying I reach goal by next week!

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Weight Loss Week 11

Jan 02, 2015

First of all, Happy New Year!

My weight is now 281.2!  I dropped weight very quickly (at least for me) while on vacation.  I said I was going to take a vacation from. The scale but I went on vacation to Florida and stayed at my parents' house and what should greet me in the bathroom but a scale (2 scales actually, but one of them was old as dirt and there was no way I would trust its weight).  Anyways, I hopped on the scale the first night I got there. I was 291 according to that scale.  I checked every day before taking a shower and noticed my weight was rapidly decreasing!  I double checked my weight on the scale in the grocery store, it was pretty spot-on.  By Christmas (which was less than one full week after my last recorded weigh-in)  I was about 282!  During this time I noticed I was eating more carbs (Christmas treats).  I noticed later that sugar does not at all agree with me.  Let's just say even real sugar has a laxative effect.

Also, I went clothes shopping after Christmas and discovered I can now comfortably wear a 22!  I haven been able to get into a 22 in years.  I bought sooo many clothes.  I know people say shop the thrift shops but I do not have the patience Togo from thrift shop to thrift pick thru clothes.  I bargain shop and resolve that I will keep my clothes until they look super baggy on me or are almost falling off.  Right now I have 26s that still stay on me, so I'm keeping them.

Anyways, I am off of vacation and am back on my high protein low carb diet. I can eat more now and I can drink more.  My husband has gotten me a fitbit, workout clothes, a balance ball, resistance bands, and a personal trainer! Talk about support!  I have no excuses not to exercise. I am going to try to cook more of my food and continue to eat on schedule.  I'm not measuring my protein, but I am more conscious of it.   My mom gave me some of her protein powder to mix into my food.  Here's to a more tightly managed weight-loss journey in 2015!  As long as I do what I'm supposed to do, the weight will come off.

If anybody has any tried and true  bariatric friendly recipes or recipe resources, please share.  I get bored with eating the same food every week.


Weigh in week 9

Dec 19, 2014

290.2 lbs.  Only 0.3 lbs from the 280's!  I have been struggling with those automatic negative thoughts again.  I keep wondering what's wrong with my body that it will not let this weight to as fast as others' bodies do.  I just can't figure it out.  I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but some people lose more in the first 3 weeks than I have lost in these 9 weeks. I do t get it.  I guess I should just stop trying to figure it out and concentrate on working my tool to the best of my ability. All I can do is follow the rules and work out.  I hear eating more helps...if only I could get the food down.  I KNOW this is probably where I'm screwing up the most.  It's hard to force feed when I already feel full.   Anyways the day before yesterday my negative thoughts were making me so anxious about my weight I just had to break my rule and step on the scale.  I was 291.4 then, so I was surprised I had lost even more between Wednesday and today. Next week I go on Christmas vacation so no weighing until January 2nd.  I need this vacation away from my scale, it might help me regain the sanity I lost after having WLS!   Merry Christmas everybody!


Proud of Myself Today

Dec 15, 2014

I have been dealing with some very painful gas every day almost since I've been on solid food. Yesterday was THE WORST ! Gas was hurting so bad I couldn't eat until maybe 1 pm and it just conjured up more gas!  So it finally dawned on me that maybe it's my gas issues that is screwing with my appetite and making it hard for me to eat on schedule. Last night I finally took one of the prescribed pills to handle my reflux issues.  This morning I woke up gas free.  I could eat on schedule all day with no pain. And I've been on schedule all day and even made it to the gym to do water aerobics! Today was a good day! If you're dealing with gas get so etching for it, it might make your journey a little bit easier.  Now maybe I can follow the doctor's advice and eat more to lose more...we'll how this works out!


Early weigh-in

Dec 11, 2014

Did my weigh-in yesterday because I had a doctor's appointment and I wanted to know how accurate his scale was compared to mine.  Pretty doggone accurate, I must say.  I weighed in at 293.2 lbs on my scale yesterday. Same fat percentage.   I'm pleased considering the scale didn't move last week.  I wish I could say I rid something different this week, but I didn't.  My attempts to get to the gym were sabotaged by my family's needs, I haven't been eating much, I need to do better.  The doc says I need to treat protein like its medicine:  just get it in, as much as I can, every 3-4 hrs whether I'm hungry or not, kinda like I would do if I was prescribed a pill.  Ok new mindset, must do.  I would love to get at least 3 more lbs off before Christmas.  I'm going on vacation after next Friday and I'm not going to weigh again until New Year's.  Hopefully by then I will be in the 280s.

i,ve been having some acid reflux at night for the past few weeks.  HORRIBLE feeling to wake up nauseaus with your throat burning!  It's very common with the sleeve configuration.  Doc gave me some Meds to handle that.  That's it for now.  Good day!



Dec 05, 2014

Weigh-In week 8:

Nothing to tell, no weight loss, no loss of fat percentages, same as last week.


Despite the stall, I am calm!  I haven't freaked about this at all.  I worked out and did weight training 2 days this weeks.  I've been sticking to my eating plan.  Still not so good at getting my fluid in but I'm working on it.  Still not so good at getting my protein in (its physically impossible for me to get my protein in without shakes, and since the liquid diet I despise shakes!), but I focus on it.  I'm doing the right things.  Maybe I need to do them better.  Maybe I need to work out an extra day.  I'm not sure, but I think weighing is a good way to gauge what I could be doing better. Its like a wake up call for self-evaluation.  At least that's how I see it.  My little "female friend" came for a visit this week.  That also could be affecting my stall for the week, not sure.  But this in and of itself is a victory!  I have PCOS and my "female friend" never comes on its own...not even since surgery until this week.  I think my hormones are stabilizing.  That's good!  My blood sugar is still coming down, but it is not yet normal.  I am confident it will continue to normalize as I lose the weight.  My outlook is still positive through it all.  

My resolve for this week is to work out at least 3 times this week.  Tomorrow I am doing a water aerobics class, then I will get in at least 2 days of cardio and weight training (I do 30 mins of each).  I am going to be more carb conscious.  I don't do a lot of carbs but I am going to be stricter about what I am eating.  I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and hopefully by then the scale will move once again, but if not, I will continue to work my eating and exercise until results finally come into fruition....on the scale.

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Whod've Thunk It?

Nov 28, 2014

Quick Update:

Week of Thanksgiving.  I'm thinking for sure, this will be a no loss week.  I was considering skipping this week's weigh-in and just checking the scale next week, but I said noooo, I am going to face the scale and the numbers are what they are.  So I step on the scale this morning, and....I'm down almost 3 lbs this week!  This is huge because I haven't lost more than 2 lbs in a week in WEEKS (probably not since week 2).  Here it is week 7.  I now weigh 295.8.  This is GREAT!!  I didn't struggle much with Thanksgiving. I'm not big on holiday dinners.  I had a very small piece of ham (probably like 1/8th of a piece), half a tablespoon of collard greens (which I normally hate, but these were pretty good) and half a tablespoon of macaroni and cheese and I. Was. STUFFED.  I couldn't eat another bite, and I had eaten at 4.  I thought I would sneak in a sliver of sweet potato pie, but I couldn't get that in without feeling sick.  My tool really helping me restrict my intake.  I love it!!  AND to top it all off, my obsession over the scale has tapered off quite a bit.  I feel like I've gotten my sanity back!  AND my blood sugar is getting better and better by the week.  Things are looking up!  And I for once, I feel like I'm really going to do it this time.  I'm really going to lose this weight and get my health back!! It really does get better.


Weight Loss Goal #1--reached!

Nov 21, 2014

I am very pleased to say I have finally reached my first goal:  getting under 300lbs.  I haven't been under 300 lbs in about 3 years.   My official weight for week 6 is 299.2 lbs, 60% body fat.  I will start working on the body fat this week.  I am very eager to start doing weights.  I am clear to lift as of today, I just hope busting my incision open 2 weeks ago won't be a setback.  I read that building muscle helps the fat burn more...we shall see.

i saw my psych for the first time since surgery.  I told her about all the issues I've been venting about since surgery.  She says I have a lot of negative thoughts occupying my mind. She calls them ANTs:  Automatic Negative Thoughts.   Apparently those of you who have told me I beat myself up were right.  I thought I was just being real about my feelings..but that's the problem, the negativity has become my perceived reality.  So the way to handle this us not to ignore these thoughts, I can't....I just need to learn patience and not give up on myself but instead have a plan on how I'm going to overcome my perceived obstacles and follow it.  I have to very regimented and controlled when it comes to food, eating, drinking, and exercise. I need to set myself up for success instead of failure and I need to continuously remind myself that other people's success looks different than mine.  We all have different bodies, different things affecting our metabolism, different health issues we're up against, etc.    I will make it to a healthy weight, even if it takes 2 years instead of 1, and I will learn a lot about myself in the process.  I signed up for a post op bariatric surgery coping seminar that my psych will be doing in January.  I think that will help me a lot.  On my way out of the doctor's office I was talking with her receptionist who couldn't have been larger than a size 3.. She kept telling me about how much better losing weight will make me feel and how I will gave lots of energy and how I should take it slow..and while she was doing all this talking I was thinking to myself "what the heck do YOU know about being fat?".., turns out she'd had the RNY last year...and I could not ever imagine her overweight....I was completely shocked.  Isn't it amazing how some people lose so much weight you don't even believe they were ever fat?   I want that to be me someday!


Slowly But Surely

Nov 14, 2014

Weigh-in week 5:

300.8 lbs, 60% Body Fat

so I didn't hit my goal this week and I only lost 1.2 lbs, but I'm losing! Only 0.9 lbs to first goal! I need to learn to be at peace with the slow weight loss for now.  It is somewhat out of my control.  I am going to continue working the plan and getting my activity and vitamins in.  It takes as long as it takes.  My appetite has returned this week.  I feel the physical hunger and I can get a lot more food down...but about 30 minutes after I stop eating I feel stuffed almost to the point of feeling sick, yet before this feeling comes, there is a gnawing hunger at the pit of my stomach that only seems more stimulated by food. ...food doesn't seem to get rid of it right away.  I read somewhere that this feeling could be due to the bubbling up of acid at the bottom of my stomach.  I'm going to try to take a tums or something to see if that helps. Mi do not want to over eat, even if it is just protein.  Still learning here.  I think I may start tracking my food this week to kind of get a benchmark of the amount of protein and calories I'm consuming.  Next Friday I go see my psych, I can't wait.  This whole journey so far has been an emotional roller coaster for me.  I knew early on I needed to continue seeing the psych.   A comment was posted earlier this week that I beat myself up... I don't think I do.  I love me..but the frustration is real.  You roll into surgery with a set of expectations about how everything will be post op and when everything doesn't happen as expected for you (but you are constantly reminded that it is happening for others). There is a level of disappointment and envy that occurs, at least for me.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing people succeed, I just want that for myself too.  I have to realize that my success might not look like someone else's.   Anyways, until next time, God bless!

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Nov 10, 2014

In my quest to get these 3 lbs off, I did something kind of stupid on Saturday.  I lifted weights in the gym (just a little leg workout).  This seems benign and it normally would be, but I am not clear to lift weights until week 6... I was only 4 weeks out.  So I looked down at my shirt sometime later and it was soaked. I thought it was sweat or water. It turns out my incision had opened and was oozing profusely.  I'm talking soaking thru bandages and clothes every few hrs.  It's still oozing a lot.  It's not infected though, I checked with the nurse.  I was told to keep it clean and bandaged. I think there was a pocket of fluid underneath the surface of my incision.  I had similar issues when I had my c section.   Now I'm stuck just doing cardio till this stupid incision heals.  I need to lift weights and do water aerobics soon, now I might have to wait longer for this stupid incision to heal!


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Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
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