Getting to my goal weight in 1 year

Jul 23, 2011

I started this journey at 446lbs, and have lost 119lbs.  I started slowing down with weight loss, and noticed I was eating ltos of carbs and not much protein.  I also picked up a bad habit of eating a lot of sugar free chocolate candy which has calories, so letting that word sugar free trick me this time, but I've decided to go cold turkey on the diet soda and sugar free candy.

I orded the new fitness system called Thin in 30 by "The Firm" and that's being delivered this week.   I just need to dig up some work out clothes, sock and sneaks and get started.   My start date is Monday 8/1, not because it's a Monday, but I wanted to start in August,  and the 1st day of August happens to be a Monday.   I will weigh myself on Monday 8/1 and divide my remaining lbs to lose by 8 months.   Currently I have 133lbs to lose, divide by 8, that comes out to 17 lbs per month to get to my goal weight.

Of course that will change, because if I don't reach 17  lbs, then the remaining months will have to be adjusted.  If I lose more than 17 lbs I would also have to adjust.  I'm looking for this to be fun and challenging.  I'm a huge procrastinator, so I'm really looking to do this and make it work.

I also want to get my CDL license eventually, and I need to lose weight to pass the physical, so I really need to get this thing moving.

I won't post my food journal as I keep a busy life style with two jobs etc.  I have a notebook that I will be recording my food in and keeping track.   I will weight myself the 1st of every month and weigh myself at the end of every month to determine if I met my monthly goal.  

I've made an agreement with my son not to weigh myself more than once a twice a month, which is the beginnig and end.  Any who read this, please keep me in your prayers, as this journey will be challenging, but I have faith in myself and GOD that I can accomplish this task.

If I reach my goal weight before the year is out, that would be nice, but I'm giving myself a year as it makes more sense.   12lbs a month comes out to 3lbs a week, so I'm up for the challenge.

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