BACK ON TRACK FINALLY !!!!! 119lbs to my goal weight!!!

Aug 24, 2011

Back on track finally, lost 3lbs in one day just from doing what I have to do.   I now realized, and I've always known this, artificial sweetners are wicked!!!!    I love Crystal Light, but I had to put it away, because it was causing me to crave things I have no business craving.

I only allow myself 1 Crystal Light a day, and only 2 packs of Splenda a day.  BEfore I was putting Splenda in anything and everything and I was drinking 6-8 Crystal Lights a day.

I'm actually just drinking water for now, but will drink one Crystal Light if I desire.  Funny thing is after just drinking plain water w/lemon for one day, I didn't have any cravings for junk ie chips, icecream, cake.   I also haven't craved diet soda which is also a good thing too.   I was really over doing it with the diet soda.  One day I actually didn't drink any water just diet soda.    It goes to show you the food addiction never goes away, and this is a constant battle.  The WLS just helps, but you still have to work at this.   And I'm actually willing and ready to work at this, and win this battle.

I wasn't really gaining weight when I was eating the junk, but I was not losing either.  Although I'm very proud of myself for the weight loss, I still have 119lbs to get to my goal weight of 190bs.   I cannot rest..

I'm also thinking about trying to lose 25lbs a month I can do it if I stick to my eating plan of low carbs, low sugar and low fat.  I really want to get to goal.  My fear is if I don't lose the 25lbs in that month, will that good ole depression set in and I start eating bad again.

119lbs to GOAL, I love my tool, because it lets me know in order for it to work I need to work it..  I also need to be serious and realize I didn't come this far to go back.  

This battle has always been won by fat for over 20 years, and now I'm winning, and will continue to fight until I reach goal.

Exercising has not been good, I purchased the Thin and 30 DVD set and only worked out twice.   So I need to start working out as well.   However I'm almost at my goal for this month.  My goal was to lose 18lbs, and I'm down 14lbs so far.  For 2 straight weeks I was actually eating crap, so I would have went past my goal if I followed through and ate the right foods.

I need to reprogram myself, my mind and realize this is lifetime.   Not until I get to goal, but I need to eat like this for the rest of my life.

