Scared to death

Oct 22, 2012

 I have just completed my six month weigh in requirements, am close to being approved for weight loss surgery and I am scared to death. I lurk on the boards, reading about what everyone is going through, looking for that magic key that made them successful, but I haven't found it. I am terrified that I am about to put myself and my family through some rough times just to FAIL. I am worried that I will not be able to make the necessary changes in regards to food, I mean - I haven't been able to do it before, so why do I believe that this will be any different? Seriously?  I am a researcher at heart, and have know more about weight loss surgery, the risks and the benefits than anyone I know. I have read about the "success" principles about weight loss surgery and what it takes to be successful. It's all theoretical you know. what happens when I am actually THERE and realize...oh man, I can't do this? what then? Do I really want to put myself through all that knowing ahead of time that I might not be able to do this?

I am seriously considering backing out because maybe I am not ready. My question is, will I ever be ready? Will I ever conquer this fear? what am I afraid of? I can't even articulate that, and it bothers the hell out of me. What do I DO?!!!! Anyone feel this way?

