Vitamins Day 15 Monday 05SEP16 Week two complete!!

Sep 05, 2016

I have been keeping up with my daily vitamins and medications consistently for the last two weeks. I'm very happy with this accomplisment. I will be returning to work tomorrow and will be working at remembering to maintain my daily vitamin and water intake. I have a stackable pill container that I will keep my vitamins in. I will keep it on my desk as a visual reminder to take my vitamins. I have lost 23.6 pounds since my surgery date on 08AUG16. My surgeon is expecting a 10% weight loss by my next appointment on 23SEP16. That's 10 pounds left to loose and should put me at 216 pounds. I really want to reach this goal. I have noticed that I have better sucess when I am working towards attainable goals.       

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Vitamins Day 7 Sunday 28AUG16 Week one complete!!

Aug 28, 2016

I made it an entire week!!!

I took my morning medications and Vitamins at 0900

Afternoon iron was taken at 1400

Evening Medications and vitamins were taken at 2100.

Now I just need to continue to take my Vitamins daily.

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Vitamins Day 6 Saturday 27AUG16

Aug 27, 2016

Today was an average Saturday. I got up and headed straingt to the kitchen to get my morning coffee. I added my Genepro to it and settled into my recliner for a relaxing day. 

It was 1000 before I remembered that I need to take my Vitamins. So I took my mornning medications and Vitamins at 1015. 

I decided to go to the local Natural Food Store to pick up a few items. I finally was able to get my hands on some Bluebonnet Calcium Magnesium Citrate & D3 Liquid. I didn't retun home until 1500. I remembered to take my afternoon iron as soon as I entered the house.

Since I didn't remember early this morning to take my Vitamins I decided to go ahead and take my evening Medications and Vitamins when I thouht about them at 1930.

I'm just glad I got them all in today. Along with some Bluebonnet Calcium Magnesium & D3 Liquid!!  

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Vitamins Day 5 Friday 26AUG16

Aug 26, 2016

I woke up early this morning and took my morning medications and Vitamins at 0430. I did take a nap and awoke at 0700.

I took my afternoon Iron at 1330.

I took my evening medications and vitamins at 2040.

Weekends will be the challenege. I always have difficulty with taking my medications and Vitamins on the weekends and when I'm on Vacation because it is out of my "normal daily routine"

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Vitamins Day 4 Thursday 25AUG16

Aug 25, 2016

Today was a busy day. 

I took my morning medications and vitamins at 0830.

I was getting my car serviced this morning and only had access to bottled water. Of course they had coffee and Danish but I chose to stick with my water. I was there until noon and drank three 16.9 oz bottles. 

I had some errands to run and didn't make it back home until 1400. I was hungry and decided to drink a strawberries and Cream Premier Protein shake. I knew that Its not a good idea to take iron and calcium together so I decided to wait and take my afternoon iron. 

Took iron at 1700.

Took my evening medications and vitamins at 2100.


Vitamins Day 3

Aug 24, 2016

Took my morning medications and vitamins at 0830

Took afternoon iron at 1400

Took evening medications and vitamins at 2200



Vitamins Day 2 Tuesday 23AUG16

Aug 23, 2016

I had a good day. I woke up today an took my morning medications and Vitamins at 0800.

I had my afternoon Iron at 1300.

My evening medications and vitamins were taken at 2100.


100# gone forever

Apr 08, 2012

It's so surreal. I can't believe that 100 pounds are gone forever. I never really thought that I would ever get here. Now that I'm here I'm anxious about the rest coming off. It has not been an easy road. I have made some good choices and some bad ones. The difference now is through behavior modification  I have learned how correct the bad choices and not continue the old cycle of reinforcing them. At the beginning of my journey and for most of my life I was a mindless eater. I ate gargantuan amounts of food for any and all reasons. I now take the time and consciously think about what is going into my body. Protein first!!! Water second!!! Exercise third!!! I take one day at a time. I get overly anxious when I look at the big picture. It's tooooo big for me. Living for today and making choices for today with mini goals works for me. If I was given the choice to do it again I would do it in a heartbeat.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 30, 2011
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