January 12, 2010 - the best day EVER!!!

Jan 13, 2010

Where to start???  Ok, on Monday Jan. 4th, I emailed the guy from the DOI asking about the results of my IMR.  He said that the decision was going to be delayed due to the holidays.  Bummer, yet I can understand, so I will deal.  I contacted him again on the 11th, just to touch bases with him.  He replied that he called the IMR organization and that I needed to contact him on Thursday, that he would have my decision by then.  OMG, that is awesome...and scary...and awesome...you get the idea.  Yesterday [the 12th], when I got home from work, I hopped on my computer to check my email.  There is an email from him saying "Congratulations!  The IMR organization overturned your insurance company's decision to deny coverage for your requested medical procedure..."   I screamed, ran out into the kitchen, and grabbed Ian...jumped up and down while hugging him, screaming, "I'm getting my surgery, I'm getting my surgery!!!"  I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a complete nutjob, but oh well, he's stuck with me.

This is the absolute best feeling in the world, to know that I fought for something I really wanted, did not give up, pursued it, and WON!  I am so freakin' excited...I would say "you've got no idea," but if you're on OH and reading this, I'm pretty sure you've got an idea!  LOL

I honestly just can't believe it.  Someone said to me last night, "Doesn't it feel surreal?" and that is *exactly* what it feels like.  This has been such a long, drawn out process that it doesn't feel like it could possibly start moving forward again.  You ever have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you don't truly want to acknowledge because you're afraid that if you do, it will ruin everything?  I had that nagging feeling about not winning against the insurance company.  I still continued to move forward outwardly with getting a DS - learning as much as I could about pre-and post-op life, the labs, the vits, etc etc; but deep down, I was terrified that it would be all for naught...that the insurance company would win and I would either have to get another procedure or no procedure at all.  I didn't want to acknowledge that feeling because if I did, I would've been devestated and I wasn't sure I could handle that.  I was talking to one of my friends one day, and I made some comment and I said "if I have surgery" and she's like, "Uh-uh, girl...you mean *WHEN* you have sugery."  I almost hugged her right then and there because it is people like that that I have had in my life that have gotten me through this BS waiting period.

Sooooo, now I am just waiting to get the official decision letter from the DOI, then I have to fax it to my surgeon's office, then we can schedule my date.  I am soooo excited and soooo freaking out, all at the same time.  I am hoping for an end of February date.  That will give me time to get everything ready, hopefully!  And then it is on to an all new me!!

ETA:  I totally forgot before I hit the post button that I wanted to vent about my family, LOL.  After I got the news yesterday, I of course immediately text my closest friends and my sister, and then I call my mom.  My friends reactions:  OMG, we're sooooo happy for you!!!  My sister's reaction:  Oh.  When are you doing it?  My mom's reaction:  Well, you know this isn't going to be a magic fix.  You're going to have to actually work at it, too.

REALLY?!?!?!?  I am so thankful that I have awesome friends.  Why my mom and sister have to be douchebags, I will never understand. 


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Surgery Date
Jun 19, 2009
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