Did it work???

Sep 22, 2009

Well, Rex went in on the 14th to get his stomach ballooned for the 5th time since surgery!  He told the doctor to stretch it as much as she possibly could.....since he needs to gain about 30 pounds.  She got it stretched to a whopping 15mm!  And, let me just tell you that he feels better now than he has in the last 6 months.  He still isn't at 100 percent and doesn't think that he will ever be to that point, but it's a start!  Now, we need to get the ulcer under control.  He has been taking his medication and vitamins every day and has only puked a couple times since the ballooning!  That sounds like a lot, but keep in mind that he was puking several times a day.  We are still praying that he will get closer to 100% and will find a job closer to home so he can start going to church on Wednesdays and attending the church functions throughout the week.  Right now he leaves out on Monday mornings and gets home on Saturday afternoons.  He always does better eating and drinking when he is at home.  He can monitor it a little better.  Thanks for the prayers everyone!


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