17 Days in the hospital

Jan 04, 2010

So, Rex finally got out of the hospital after a 17 day long stay.  They did surgery (after day 5 of being in there) and found that his feeding tube was eroding the tissue in his "old" stomach and that was causing the bleeding.  So, they took the feeding tube out and fixed the problem....or so we thought.  2 days later he was still having bloody stools and they ended up giving him 7 bags of blood since his hemoglobin dropped back down to 5.  Then after 13 days in the hospital with no relief of pain, they finally called in a GI specialist.  The GI specialist went down his throat with a scope and found a lot of dead tissue and a bleeding ulcer.  According to his normal doctor it is VERY unusual for someone to be bleeding in 2 totally different places inside their body at the same time.  He was bleeding in his old stomach and new pouch both.  So, for now the bleeding has stopped.  He is going back to work tomorrow....because we can't afford for him to be off anymore.  Hopefully this surgery did the trick.  He looks better because he gained 15 pounds in the hospital.  We'll see. :)

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