
Dec 08, 2009

OK, so....we go in to the dr. for his 2 week check up after the surgery today.  He weighs in and finds out that he has lost 22lbs in the last 14 days.  A lot of it was probably water and such from the previous surgery, but still. ...  He honestly looks like he is starving to death.  The doctor took one look at him and said she was going to admit him.  So, here we are again.  He's getting a "J-TUBE"....apparently the "G-TUBE" didn't do any good, as well as a PICC line again (remember the 1st one got infected).  They had him drink some dye (which he puked 3 times and finally got the 4th try) and took some X-Rays of his abdomen.  This was the first time they have done that, so lets hope they can get it figured out this time.  let's also hope that our insurance pays on the doctor bills because when they printed out his orders for admission to the hospital, on the bottom of the form it said that our balance was $23,000.00!  YIKES.  His cheeks are sunken in, the Dr. said she could see his shoulder bones through his's a sad thing to see happening.  For someone to go from being sooo strong and happy to being sooo miserable and weak.  He can't even hold his own 8 month old baby for longer than 3 minutes.  His bones are weak and he's starting to hunch over when he walks.....He has no muscle and complains of chronic tailbone pain.  He's begining to lose faith.  I think we all are.



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