My baby girl is four today!

May 11, 2009

I cannot believe it - she is growing too old LOL!!  Pretty soon kindergarten will be upon us...

solid food

May 11, 2009

I was given the go ahead to start solids at the end of last week.  It is a little early for some, but they felt I was ready.  Woo Hoo is all I have to say! 

I have had steak, tilapia, shrimp, lunch meat, cooked veggies, a bite or two of rice and not one issue.  Nothing has gotten stuck - I chew really well.  I even have had pita bread toasted, once with Peanut butter on it and again with chicken salad... 1/2 of the small pita (split int two) toasted is what I ate with the pb.  I made the other half into a chicken salad sandwich and only ate 1/2 of that.

The only thing is I eat fast - I mean 10 minutes or less and I am done.  I cannot help it.  I am really trying to work on slowing down but I find it difficult.  pre op I was the slowest eater ever.  Of course I went back for thirds and fourths so that might of had something to do with it!


3 weeks out

May 06, 2009

I am down 21.2 lbs as of today... 18% of excess weight so far!

down 6.5 inches in my waist, 4 in my hips, 6 in my thighs!!

My clothes size has not really changed... maybe my tops but not my pants - i guess they were quite snug for a while!!!

2 weeks out today!

Apr 30, 2009

I think I am doing pretty well.  I have lost 17 lbs so far.  While that is not as much as other people, I think it is good for me!  Nothing new going on... trying to progress in my diet!!  My surgeon did not give me a goal weight or a magic number I should reach so I chose 115 lbs.  That would give me a bmi of 22.5 -right in the middle of healthy!  So far I have lost 15% of my excess weight!! No too bad!

I feel hungry... foods do not smell different or anything, so I guess I did not get lucky like some!!  Oh well. 

My doc says I should be eating regular by the time I see him on May 29th.  This is very exciting news!!  I am going to go to the transition class May 6th. 

3 days out and feeling good -almost

Apr 19, 2009

I think for just having surgery I am doing pretty well.  I finally farted a good ol fart yesterday and that was GLORIOUS!!

The pain is OK - as long as I am taking my Lortab (vicoden and tylenol) I am a happy camper.  My dad and step mom took the kids yesterday - when I came home from the hospital, so I was able to have a really peaceful first day and night home!  They are not bringing them back until 6:30 ish tonight.  I am so lucky I have my family willing and ready to help me out!

A good friend of mine is going to spend tuesday with me - just to help me with the kids.  I cannot emphasize how lucky I am!!

Burping and farting are currently my favorite pastimes!! Good thing the farts are unscented... I am sure that will not last though!

I have already lost a few lbs - I know I am just out from surgery but it is still very nice to see the numbers shrink every day!  it is a lot harder to get water in than I originally thought - I will just keep on sipping though.  Every drop counts.  I started taking my vitamins too.  Just the multi - twice a day.  I figure I will take baby steps with them so I do not feel sick to my stomach from them.

I am going to keep all my new WLS recipes in a Word document and post them.  I am a decent cook and want to try to use my skills towards a healthy lifestyle. I cannot live off of pre-prepared foods all the time.  That is just not me!  I like a home cooked meal!
1 comment

Ham and Black Bean Soup - Liquefied purees and beyond

Apr 19, 2009

Ham and Black Bean Soup - Liquefied purees and beyond


2 Slices leftover ham

1 can Black beans (undrained)

1 can low sodium low fat beef broth

1 container Gerber Step 2 Green Peas

1 packet Goya Sazon with Coriander and Annatto

Garlic powder about 2 tsp

Cumin about 1 tsp


Add all ingredients to small saucepan, add garlic and cumin to taste.  Bring to a boil.

For anyone on the liquefied puree stage, blend until thin and strain.  Puree stage -just puree!  (I saved the pieces left in the strainer and froze them with some additional pureed soup for when I am out of the liquefied stage-waste not want not!)

This is also a great way to sneak peas into kids and finicky adults!


2 days...

Apr 13, 2009

So tomorrow I start the liquids.  I am so lucky I only have to do it for one day - as opposed to weeks for some.  I will be making Jello tonight! At least I will feel like I am eating - and I LOVE Jello!  I have to go buy a bottle of Mag Citrate -ohh joy LOL!

I am not nervous or anxious yet.  I think I will be eventually but I am focused on the prize at the end of the road right now!

My in-laws are taking my kids tomorrow night so we do not have to run them there Thursday morning.  My husband will be out of work Thursday-Monday.  I come home on Saturday and my Dad and Step mom are taking the kids overnight Saturday so I can have my first night home fully rested.  Mark return to work Tuesday and my friend Marcy is going to come by to help me out with my kids -feeding them and such.  My SIL has a few days off and she will be coming by on those days.

I am so lucky to have such great support! 


10 days and counting!

Apr 06, 2009

So today, I officially have 10 days til surgery!! I am so excited - I do not feel scared or nervous - I think that will come in the hospital. I am glad - I do not want to feel scared for long!! I am so anxious though! 

Ugh - my mom.  Lets just say, for lack of anything better, is cruel sometimes.  I was shopping with her to buy my SIL a b-day present.  I get down a nightgown in a size Large and said " oh this is really nice" and a sales lady was near by and she politely asked if it was for me, I laughed and said no, my mother said "she wishes!" WTF??  The lady looked at my mom and said, "oh, is this your daughter?" I replied quickly "of course it is, only a mother would say something like that"  My mom cringed and apologized but really, the damage was done.  When I was telling my brother (we share cruel mom stories) she was like "I was just mad that the sales lady asked if it were for her, she was being mean and I was sticking up for Johanna"  I was like "she was being polite- but if she were being rude, that is how you chose to defend me? By belittling me?"

A few hours later my mom is like "I remember when you were younger and you would see someone who was big and ask "how could someone get that big?" and here you are, now"  I looked at her and said " are you trying to make me feel bad about myself, if so you are doing a great fucking job"  She says "oh, no I was just saying"   Why would you bother ???  Then she tries to be nice and says "well pretty soon things will be different." 

Um, no mom nice try I already feel like shit, thanks.  Not to mention, I had lost a lot of weight years ago and at my smallest was a 6/8.  That is when she loved me the most.  Sad, that I know she is like that and I remember how great it felt to have my mom proud of me for once in my life.  Nevermind I graduated college and have a decent full time job, own my own home and gave birth to two beautiful kids.  Nope, she was nicest to me and utterly proud of me when I was skinny (not to mention shallow and petty and vain - I was all of those things during that brief moment of my life)  That was the only time in my life where she made me feel I was worth something.

Thank god I no longer feel the need to be validated by her. 


Dun Dun Dun Duuun!

Mar 16, 2009

Ok so today I get to my appopintment at 10:40.  I go up to the desk, give the receptionist my name and tell her I am here for my 11:15 appointment.  What?? She tells me I was supposed to be in at 10:15!  My eyes strat to well.  I am thinking to myself "oh my god now I will have to wait another month just to be seen"  She tells me to have a seat and see if the surgeon can see me.  10 minutes later they call my name and all is good!!  It definitely was a scary moment.  I have been pre-approved, but that was in december and approval is only good for 2 months, so I think they have to resend the paper work to the insurnace company.  I am not worried because the plan and requirements have not changed so I know it will be no problem.

My surgery is scheduled for April 16th! A month away!

I was given 3 prescriptions for after the surgery.  Prilosec, to reduce acid, Actigal, for my gall bladder, and Lovanex, a blood thinner, (a daily shot)  I probably spelled those wrong, but I am too lazy to check the correct spellings!

2 weeks before surgery I have to go to a nutrition class.  That day is my final weigh-in.  The day before surgery is clear liquids only and a mag citrate bowel prep.  I will find out what time I have to be in the hospital the day before as well.

I am so excited!!!

Now I wait two weeks...

Jan 26, 2009

I just had the Gallbladder Ultrasound today - it was supposed to be tomorrow but I goofed up and thought it was today - they slid me in anyways so I lucked out!  Now I just have the Pulmonary function and ABG test and the final bloodwork to do On February 11 before I can make the appointment with Dr. Roye...  I hate to wait though!

About Me
Formerly known as jdcRI, RI
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2008
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