Lots Happening

Jun 14, 2014

So I went to Albany Med on Friday morning (6/13/14) and met with the NUT, Dr. Kilbey. She was very nice and really went over my history well. I didn't feel like she gave me a lot of direction but perhaps that was because I had gone from 291 to 278.5. I scheduled a follow up with the PA for July 8th.  

Then I had my appointment at Ellis Medicine. I met with Dr Ingram (the surgeon) who was very nice. I had questions about the drain tube which she answered (the theory behind the tube is that if there were a leak MAYBE you would see it in the ude. She explained that its not all that effective for VSG patients since our leaks typically don't present until about 2 weeks out whereas RNY patients present immediately with any leaks) .  Then I asked about the actual leak test. She again explain that while the upper GI is pretty effective on RNY patients it is less so with VSG patients.  We went over the symptoms of a leak (pain in the left shoulder, fever, nausea etc). And she really explained the procedure. I think she was a bit surprised at how well versed I was in what to expect lol.  She explained that she uses a 36c bougie which, considering the size range is 32c-40f, is a nice medium size IMO.  My weigh in was 279. I explained that I had already lost and I showed her the paperwork so she compromised and asked me to lose 10 more lbs. 

It was an absolute flurry of activity after that. Sheduling nutrition classes, ultra sound, xray, bolldwork, support group meetings etc. I have tentative surgery date of 7/14/14! I am actually in hopes that I can move it to July 21st since it works better with my employer's schedule, but either way..... I AM ON MY WAY!!!!!!  I got up this morning and I am at 277lbs (wearing the same clothes I wore to the appt for weigh in).  I KNOW I am not supposed to weigh every day, but this is crunch time and I can't afford to make any mistakes. My body reacts strongly to different things at different times.

Wish me luck in getting this 10lbs off (I would prefer a nice safe 12 or 13lbs but 10 will work) !!!!!


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May 28, 2014
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