Oh well

Nov 15, 2011

I have kind of been MIA the last few weeks on this site.  My doctors appointment went well and he was pleased with my progress.  I feel good and seem to be doing fine....the problem?  I am getting impatient.  I have lost a total of 44 pounds since I started this journey.  But I am so jealous of the weight that some of the others have lost.  I realize logically that there is nothing wrong with what I have done so far but when I see others so much closer to their goal I am pea green with envy.  So silly I know.  I know when you start out at a larger BMI than I you tend to lose weight much faster.  I know I didn't gain this weight overnight and neither will I lose it that way.  But I feel how I feel. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2011
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 13
