Omg omg omg!

Jan 19, 2015

I did it! I have been dreaming and thinking about it for at least a month! I have been getting information and working myself up to it! My friend that goes to the gym with me peer pressured me because I told her I really wanted to and I did! I jogged for five, yes FIVE whole minutes!!! And it felt amazing! I just needed to share and say thanks to all who have been such wonderful supports and so encouraging!

1 comment


Jan 18, 2015

It's crazy that 8 months has gone by and I have met my doctors goal! I have been fluctuating ounces the last couple days but at 150. Since I started working out regularly the weight loss has been an up and down zig zag within the same 1-2 lbs so it's like lose weight build muscle lose weight build muscle. Lol I have noticed recently I will wake up at night from sleeping with my mouth open but breathing through my nose. Not sure what that's about but it's annoying. Anyways I am trying to figure out what maintenance will look like because I don't really want to lose a lot more. I am happy where I'm at and don't want to look sickly. I posted a collage of face pics in my album. It's really interesting how everything has changed! 


So its been a month....

Dec 17, 2014

I am still slowly shrinking but feeling pretty good!  Only have 10 lbs left to doctor's goal.  Have been trying out new recipes and stuff.  I was so worried about the holidays but it really wasn't bad at all!  Just much smaller! lol  I am down to a medium and about a 8/9/10 in pants I think.  I was talking with my husband last night and realized that I still struggle with my head catching up to my body and being confident and comfortable with myself.  I have loose skin on my arms and legs and its hard because I have always been self conscious but it should improve with time.  I just need to be me.  I catch myself taking a second look when I see myself in the mirror.  It is surreal sometimes.  I love being able to run around (yes I said RUN) with my kids, have my husband pick me up, and go shopping for clothes!  :)  I am still following my plan as I am supposed to.  I need to get back into the gym and do more strength training, but at least I am walking.  Exercise has never been my strong suit.  Anyhoo....just checking in and getting ready for Christmas!!!


6 months

Nov 17, 2014

I went to my 6 month appt today! First of all, I can't even believe it's already been 6 months! Second, it was great to hear how well I am doing and how great I look. That made my day :) all my labs are good except my good cholesterol was a bit low and that is something I have struggled with even before so maybe with time... She wants to have me try to start weaning off the Prevacid and cardizem to see if my spasms have improved or gone away so I will start by not taking Prevacid and see what happens. I never thought I would be this close to goal at only 6 months out, especially, after being set back physically with the gall bladder surgery. I am determined to keep on keeping on and get to where I need to be. She said the pain on my right side doesn't feel like a hernia and could just be scar tissue. She also said my extra skin should improve over time. My skin has lost a lot of volume very quickly and hasn't had time to catch up. So I am currently in a six junior 11/misses 9'or 31" pant compared to a plus size 22/24 and I am in a comfortable large (could try med) compared to a 2x/3x top. I have gained some of my height back. I went from 5'8" to 5'8 3/4" now! I would not say my feel have shrunk but my shoes feel a little bigger or maybe just more comfortably fitting now. Anyways....been a long day of mostly driving....going to bed now.  Don't go back until May unless something happens. 



Sep 28, 2014

So walking on my breaks at work since I'm back full time now. I had to buy more shirts because nothing fits me anymore and I grabbed 3 sizes and started with the large trying them on and guess fit!!! I also chopped my hair off since it was thinning and falling out pretty bad and it looks great! I love it and everyone else has complimented me on it. I have never had short hair like this before! 


4 months...

Sep 17, 2014

Feeling much better after gallbladder surgery but still healing and don't have a whole lot of energy yet. Just realized I have lost 90 lbs since the beginning of the year and 68 since surgery!!! I am finally under 200 and my BMI is no linger obese!!! Woop woop! Plugging away every day. It will be nice to be healed again and exercise. 



Sep 05, 2014

Omg!! Went for my post op after gallbladder surgery a week ago and figured I probably didn't lose anything since I am feeling so swollen still and no BM yet but I was wrong! The scale said 197!!!!! I haven't been in the size I am or in the hundreds in over 6-7 years! It is such a wonderful feeling after being afraid of not breaking that number for so long! Whoop woop! Still can't go back to work yet though. Have to go back to follow up again next week. Blood pressure was super low and not felling well enough yet. It is easier than the bypass surgery but she did say it was harder having the gallbladder after since I just had surgery 3 1/2 months ago. Just working on healing....


Gallbladder Surgery

Aug 29, 2014

We'll it is outta there! He had to place another stitch somewhere else for something but not sure what since I heard it through hubby. Got home last night and it was pretty rough. Been up and down all night (as you can tell) but overall pain is improving but still need meds of course. I didn't really eat anything yesterday but was able to drink broth last night. Hoping I can eat today! I NEED my protein lol I will keep everyone posted as the days go by. 



Update:  went to the ER Monday due to still being super nauseous and not hardly able to eat anything. They gave me IV and said I was a little dehydrated and different nausea meds to help me where I can keep stuff down. Have my follow up Friday. Hopefully things improve by then. They were thinking maybe I just had a linger reaction to anesthesia or something. Liver function came back a bit high so they suggested we re-check that. 


3 months

Aug 19, 2014

So I am about 3 months out and still having this soreness/pain in my stomach an it shouldn't be happening according to the dr.  They ran a CT scan and that came back fine so this morning I had to do the HIDA scan to check gallbladder.  They ran out of the injectable hormone that causes the gall bladder to empty so I had to drink Ensure that has 10g fat and 20g sugar.  :(  Must I tell you that dumping is the most miserable feeling I have felt in a very long time.  I felt like I was dying!  I can not imagine any person wanting to ever feel that way!!!  I will find out a little later how that comes back and what the plan is.  Still having the esophageal spasms but still on the med cocktail that seems to be working.  Tried to get off the Prevacid but that was a no go as it made the spasms come back and the side effects of the higher dose of the Cardizem were all bad so back to what we started with.  Whatever works I suppose!

updated- my gallbladder isn't functioning right so it's being evicted on the 29th. Back to surgery I go :( bit at least they know what's wrong now. 


11 weeks...

Jul 30, 2014

Went to the dr yesterday for my almost 3 month check in. I am doing and feeling great! Blood pressure is wonderful and gonna have labs drawn within the next week or so. Posted an updated pic too! I feel like I am finally close to normal with eating and drinking stuff. My spasms are still happening so in still on the diltiazem but she had me stop the Prevacid today and so far so good. Started taking biotin too. Hope it helps. The nurse said the hair loss and nail brittleness comes from protein deficiency so hopefully it is going to improve since I have been meeting and sometimes exceeding my protein goals. Overall good visit. Don't go back for a few more months. 


About Me
La Grande, OR
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2014
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