10 "Sit-Ups"!

Mar 29, 2009

Ok, I decided to start trying to do sit-up's. Too many years ago, my cousins and I decided to lose weight. At that time I was about 15 years old and 250 pounds. We started by doing sit-ups. We did 10 a day until we felt we could comfortably do 15 or 20 (if we were feeling brave). Over the course of 2 months I got up to doing 200 sit-ups a day and I was down to 219 pounds! I felt great!

But then it was time to return to my dad's. I stopped doing my sit-up's.

Fast-forward to 33 years old, 5 kids and approx. 318 pounds. I know I need exercise. I also know a sit-up or two is not going to do it. I wasn't even positive if I could manage a single sit-up. But I figured... sit-up's worked for me before, why not try again. Even if it's just one sit-up today... maybe in a week try two.. and keep going.

I'm embarrassed terribly by my weight, and even more embarrassed by what I cannot do thanks to my weight. I don't want people to witness frail attempts of physical feats that I am probably going to fail at. So hubby was asleep, kids at school, baby still asleep, mom is awake but busy... So into the living room I went.

I figured the couch might be heavy enough to hold me. Onto the laminate floor I went, laid down, shoved my feet under the couch, laid down, and stared forward.

No way! No way! There is no way that I can do this. That is all I kept thinking. Then I stopped myself. No! I cannot think this way. If I continue to think this way, then I am never going to meet my goals. I have to at least try. If I fail, no one else will know but me... and then I can try again tomorrow, and the next day and the next until I finally do that first sit-up.

So I did it... I tried... And I made it... but the pain in my butt!! OMG. It was horrible! There was no way that I was going to do another, not with this kind of pain. So I got up, almost walked out of the living room, but then I stopped and stared at the twin sized, Finding Nemo comforter my child left in the living room this morning.

I have more than this in me! I know I do! I grabbed that blanket, folded it twice and laid it down on the floor. I sat on that blanket, stuck my feet BACK under that couch and tried again... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! I did five sit-ups!! It still was a bit painful on my butt and my hips... But I DID it!! Then I thought... Can I do five more? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!! Yes!!! I did it! A total of 10 sit-up's.

By this point I was beginning to breath a bit heavy, so I while I think I could have pushed myself to do five more, I didn't want to over do it. Also, with every sit-up... it felt like my hip or pelvic was "popping". It wasn't painful... just odd feeling.

I feel very proud of myself... There, in the depths of the shadows lurking in my mind... I feel ashamed also. Ashamed that I could not handle more than 10 sit-ups. Remember... once upon a time I was doing 200 sit-ups like it was nothing.

But... I kicked those thoughts back to the shadows... I'm not 15 any more... and I'm 100 pounds more than I was back then... and I've had 5 kids!!! Time to give myself a break!


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