Oct 04, 2010

I am a force I tell you!! I know it has been entirely too long since I have been on this site. Family things have kept me away. I have however been losing!! 85 LB Total since April! Woot Woot!

Guess what else?? I got a surgery date!!!!! NOVEMBER 16th!

Im so thankful! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.


Moving right along...

Mar 22, 2010

Well....just got the phone call I have been waiting for!

All my tests and labs came back fine!! This means I can officially begin my medical weight loss program!! I go this Wednesday and meet with my dietitian to discuss my meal plan. They will also provide me knowledge and know how on using Adapix safely and correctly.

I am proud to say I have been dieting myself for about three weeks and have lost close to 20 pounds. Pretty darn pleased with myself! I am feeling good and anticipating the future!  Every day my friends and family amazing me with supporting and motivating words and thoughts that you would not believe. I still  find myself taken aback or even sometimes embarrassed at the way they express their love and feelings. How did I get so blessed? Thank you Lord for your gifts.

So it really begins...I can not wait to start working hard and seeing results!

Perhaps its time I get a Ticker, hmmmm?

All my Love!!


Getting ready to start losing!!

Mar 15, 2010

So alot has happend for me in the past week or so! I FINALLY had my consult! It went really well! Dr. Curry wants me to lose 100 pounds within the required 6month diet in order to ensure a safe surgery and recovery. He has required me to do a metabolic diet using Adapix Therapy. Anyone ever heard of this?? From reading online and talking with my mom I found that it is a form of speed of some sorts. Anyone ever used it or been put on it?

The treatment over all is for 6 months where I will have a nutritionist that I will meet with weekly, a personal trainer who I will see twice weekley. All of this happens in a center within Dr. Curry's building called Journey Lite. Anyone every heard of them?? 

The program is kinda exspensive ($1000.00) ( not covered by ins) but this is my life we are talkin about right?

Please let me know any info or opions u may have!! I so so so so greatly appreciate them!!


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Anticipating my appointment next Wednesday

Mar 03, 2010

I am so happy the day is finally nearing to meet face to face with my surgeon and his team. One week from today to be exact! I will learn my meal plan for the next six months, as I have to complete a six month supervised diet prior to surgery for my insurance. I wish it wasn't so long but I have been successful many times on a diet spirit, I just want this one to be my last. I'm excited to see what they suggest for me, I have always done weight watchers, so the point system is all I know. I lost 120 pounds with it a little over two years ago and have kept the greater part of it off.

Included in this appointment will be my psych evaluation, physical, and a meeting with a nutritionist. Any idea's on what to expect? I wonder how long the approval process will take for me. So many questions....I need a diary. *Note to self* Super excited everyone! I have already began to make better choices in eating for about a month now, I think I can feel a difference in my movement. On three or four occasions different people have told me that I look different and my mom and cousin on separate instances said it seemed as if I was walking better! That's great, right?!! I haven't weighed myself in about 8 months or more, I'm eager to see what it says.

Great things people....GREAT THINGS!


Baby Steps

Feb 11, 2010

I met with Dr. Trace and his staff at the recent information session that was offered. I learned alot. I am still on the fence as to what is best for me and my situation. I know that the lap band is not for me, that is for sure. I am torn between the sleeve vs the whole shabang as i have named it personally. I find my heart telling me the sleeve is whats for me, although I am concerned that insurance may not approve it. I am making this assumption based on hearsay so I cant base my determination on that just yet. 

Another concern with the sleeve is the ability to manipulate it.  Is it wrong that I think like that? I just want to be honest with myself.  With the complete bypass there are consequences to over eating and binge eating. Now saying this does not mean I have any intentions or interest in sabotaging myself. I just want to do this right. This is something I have dreamed of since I was a child. To me,  it is the rest of my life.  I like the thought of being able to do the sleeve and if I still need a little help I can go to DS. 

Lots to think on and as always I appreciate anyone and every ones input! I am feeling great about it though! Just alot to take in. I am closer than I have ever been and loving it! Dr. Curry seems very confident and approachable along with a super friendly staff. 

March 10th is the actual consult and Psych evaluation!!

Anyone with Humana?? Did they approve the sleeve?? How long did certification take??


Hello Hello

Feb 08, 2010

I have been slowly putting things in place for what I have been calling for years "My Weight Loss Journey". There is not a time in my life that I can remember where I have been anything but Super Obese. I can remember this one time in the sixth grade, the nurse called me to her office and I just knew it was because she wanted to weigh me, I know this because I had just broken my very first chair.  I was in tears before I even got to her office and asked me upon entering " Why are you crying?" I say to her " Because your going to weigh me!". My weight that day is still fresh in my mind, 217 pounds. 217 pounds and in the 6th grade.  Why didn't anyone help me?? Why was I made to feel like it was all my fault I was over weight? It could not possibly have been my parents responsibility  or lack there of as to why I was struggling with food.

Over my high school years I tried many times to lose weight. Each time I had small successes and each time I gained the weight back plus some. It wasn't until a few years ago that I really looked myself in the eye and said   


By this time I was 560 pounds and had not left the house other than doctor appointments for 2 years. I had officially became a person that you see on Oprah or Dr. Phil. I joined Weight Watchers in the fall of 2007 and successfully lost 100 pounds and am proud to say I have kept "most" of it off as I currently weight 471 pounds.  That number however, is still too too high for me.

I recently started to actively pursue WLS to finally seal the deal on changing my life. I have made small goals for myself over the course of the last 2 years and it is time for this goal to finally be met.

I can not say enough about the role this web site has played in helping me work out my concerns and give me the motivation to keep on keepin on!

I look forward to posting my progress along the way!

Info-session Wednesday Feb. 10th @ 6:00 pm (step 1)

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Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2010
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