Hello Hello

Feb 08, 2010

I have been slowly putting things in place for what I have been calling for years "My Weight Loss Journey". There is not a time in my life that I can remember where I have been anything but Super Obese. I can remember this one time in the sixth grade, the nurse called me to her office and I just knew it was because she wanted to weigh me, I know this because I had just broken my very first chair.  I was in tears before I even got to her office and asked me upon entering " Why are you crying?" I say to her " Because your going to weigh me!". My weight that day is still fresh in my mind, 217 pounds. 217 pounds and in the 6th grade.  Why didn't anyone help me?? Why was I made to feel like it was all my fault I was over weight? It could not possibly have been my parents responsibility  or lack there of as to why I was struggling with food.

Over my high school years I tried many times to lose weight. Each time I had small successes and each time I gained the weight back plus some. It wasn't until a few years ago that I really looked myself in the eye and said   


By this time I was 560 pounds and had not left the house other than doctor appointments for 2 years. I had officially became a person that you see on Oprah or Dr. Phil. I joined Weight Watchers in the fall of 2007 and successfully lost 100 pounds and am proud to say I have kept "most" of it off as I currently weight 471 pounds.  That number however, is still too too high for me.

I recently started to actively pursue WLS to finally seal the deal on changing my life. I have made small goals for myself over the course of the last 2 years and it is time for this goal to finally be met.

I can not say enough about the role this web site has played in helping me work out my concerns and give me the motivation to keep on keepin on!

I look forward to posting my progress along the way!

Info-session Wednesday Feb. 10th @ 6:00 pm (step 1)

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About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2010
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