Anticipating my appointment next Wednesday

Mar 03, 2010

I am so happy the day is finally nearing to meet face to face with my surgeon and his team. One week from today to be exact! I will learn my meal plan for the next six months, as I have to complete a six month supervised diet prior to surgery for my insurance. I wish it wasn't so long but I have been successful many times on a diet spirit, I just want this one to be my last. I'm excited to see what they suggest for me, I have always done weight watchers, so the point system is all I know. I lost 120 pounds with it a little over two years ago and have kept the greater part of it off.

Included in this appointment will be my psych evaluation, physical, and a meeting with a nutritionist. Any idea's on what to expect? I wonder how long the approval process will take for me. So many questions....I need a diary. *Note to self* Super excited everyone! I have already began to make better choices in eating for about a month now, I think I can feel a difference in my movement. On three or four occasions different people have told me that I look different and my mom and cousin on separate instances said it seemed as if I was walking better! That's great, right?!! I haven't weighed myself in about 8 months or more, I'm eager to see what it says.

Great things people....GREAT THINGS!


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Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2010
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