May 10, 2012

Made it to 188 today!!!! See ya 190's, ya SOB's, they lasted what seemed forever!! I'm so frigging excited! I just told my hubby that when i lose 100pounds I should be allowed to go on a mini holiday.....all I'm asking is to fly to Newfoundland to whale watch for a few days like 3 nights 4 days kinda thing...not to much I'm askin! I am so close to hitting 100pounds lost I'm ecstatic about it! I'm 188 today and my highest recorded weight was 268 so only 20 more to go!! I still cant really see a difference but my body can feel a huge change, like it wants me to walk more places and do more fun things my brain is coming up with all these fun exciting new things to try and I can't wait!.  

Before and After 6 month video

May 08, 2012


Facebook group

May 07, 2012

1 comment

Month to month weight tracker

Apr 28, 2012

Before(pre op)->268lbs
October 17th(2 days before surgery & after 3 weeks of Optifas
October 21st(1 day post op)->236.8lbs
November 21st(1 month post op)->225lbs
December 21st(2 months post op)->218lbs
January 21st(3 months post op)->211lbs
February 21st(4 months post op)->198lbs!!
March 21st)5 months post op)->195lbs
April 21st(6 months post op)->190lbs
May 21st(7 months post op) ->185lbs

Total from day after surgery to 7 months post op=59lbs
Total from highest weight of 268lbs=83lbs


New Robot shirt....LOVE IT!!

Just something so I remember

Apr 26, 2012

I was walking through the living room tonight just after my hubby got home from work. He was laying down on the couch and I was picking up toys on the floor, all of a sudden he says "Hey babe" and I say "what" and he says......wait for it......."your looking really good"!!!!! It was so nice to hear I didnt know what to say. It was a sweet moment I want to remember.  

6 months already!

Apr 21, 2012

Wow so my 6 month post op passed a couple days ago and I LOVE everything that's happened to me so far! Nothing to complain about! I just found a pre op list of goals I wanted to achieve post op....ill share

#1- To be under 200lbs- DONE
#2-To be a normal BMI
#3-To get into a single digit pant size
#4-To shop in the normal women's department- DONE
#5-To buy anything I like and be able to wear it- DONE
#6-To get rid of my sleep apnea
#7-No more leg pain
#8-Less back pain
#9-To go swimming/skiing/play on a team sport
#10-Have my kids be able to hug me all the way around
#11-To be comfortable in a social setting
#12-To fit into any chair/booth/ movie or airplane seat- DONE
#13-To not be embarrassed when I see someone I haven't seen in a long time
#14-Make new friends
#15-Go on class trips with my kids
#16-Have sex with my hubby and feel good about it
#17-Feel sexy
#18-Keep my kids active so they don't end up overweight
#19-To cross my legs comfortably- DONE
#20- To weigh less then my husband

So a few done but lots to go. Today I hit 190 so I'm preying I see 180's SOON!! I could probably knock a few more off the list but Id like to do them better then I am so I'm not checking them off yet. I'm super happy about the surgery, wouldn't trade it for almost anything in the world, best decision of my life for me and only me. I never do anything for myself and the more comfortable I am getting in my own skin the more I find I like doing things just for me, I'm also finding my hubby likes me doing things for me as well so I'm happy. My son told someone who hadn't seen me in a long time that "oh you may not have recognized her cause shes much smaller now" I went to my room and cried after he told me that, he came in and asked if I was OK and if he had said something wrong.....sweetest boy on the planter I tell ya! I had to explain to him how much it meant to me that he would say that and that Iv waited so long to hear him be so proud of me. I could cry now thinking about it :)
 To all my friends pre op, you wont regret a moment ;)

46 Pounds to go until my 145# goal!!


No movement yet

Apr 18, 2012

Still stuck at 192 :( I know I'm still stuck due to the fact that I haven't been working out at all my knee is giving me a ton of trouble! hurts so badly all the time! Not sure whats going on with it but I need to get to my doc and see what I can do to fix it. I have been doing some researching on how to run, I think id really like running. I mean Iv never done it before but it looks like something Id love to do. I'll update soon


Apr 06, 2012

I have finally surpassed me weight of 197! Its been about a 4-6 weeks stall just as I get under 200 it stops and is sooooooo irritating!!! BUT today I got on there and low and behold I am at my lowest weight so far 193!! I'm increasing my water again and making sure to take my pills every single day! Its crazy how I didn't even realize I stopped drinking water. I really wasn't drinking nearly enough. Milk on the other hand is killing me! It hates me and I just want to love it Lol I just had a bowl of cereal cause its my favorite, and now I'm feeling "weird". Milk has always been my favorite drink and I hate that I cant drink it anymore...but just one more thing I need to concur. I'm going Tuesday I guess with the holiday to get my 6 month lab work done, and I hope its much better then my last one. That's it for now I hope my weigh doesn't pop back up id really love to lose about 10 pounds before May 10th, when one of my oldest and dearest friends comes home from Newfoundland. I'd feel better if when I see him I can think to myself "eat your heart out" lol 

5 months 3 days

Mar 22, 2012

 Well I'm almost at 6 months! I cant believe its been so long already, doesn't feel as long I guess as pre surgery would have. I am actually enjoying myself and my life. I stood outside yesterday and just stopped to stare at my own shadow (we've never got along) and I like it lol I even took a picture of it. I am 194 today and I'm so so happy I'm past 199, as excited as I was to get there I was so scared I was going to start going up again. I tell ya after 15 years of the numbers always going up its hard to adjust to the fact that they are in fact going down...its a mental blockage I need to get over. I was looking at my BMI scale and I only need 4 more points till I'm in the "overweight" category!! That will be such a great day!. It means ill have to be 175lbs, which I know I once was but skimmed over it on my way up to 270. I'm getting so many compliments now that sometimes its actually hard to accept, I just keep thinking "what did they all think before??" Worries me a little bit and I don't want to sound ungrateful because I really really am but its embarrassing and a little intimidating. It almost feels like pressure sometimes and I'm no good under pressure. I also was at Old Navy on Monday and bought SHORTS, YES I SAID SHORTS! I couldn't even believe it myself, I hate my legs and so when I went to the change rooms i took a size 2x, 1x, XL, and large of all the same pair of shorts. I knew the X's were going to be too big and i was right but what I didn't expect was to walk out with a pair of XL shorts, from the normal section of the store! I also got a pair of Capri's size 18.....and they are a little big but the 16's are just to tight right now....I knew as soon as I left I should have got the 16's because I'm working out everyday and I know 16's are my next size as most of my pants are 18s and don't have to be undone to pull them up. Anyhow I love everything right now, I'm in Onederland and ecstatic about it all!

Health Tracker Update

Mar 08, 2012


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2010
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100lbs 10 months post op\"

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